










Even though the global life system is approaching the end of the world with nukes, wars, climate change, mass extinction of species, etc., a majority of people have no will to notice and tackle such crises, focused as they are on taking care of their daily matters. It is because all prioritize self-centeredness, self-preservation, and self-interest due to their karma (action, habit, heredity) preoccupied with the self, now, and profit.

However, if the world ends, everything including the self, now, and money are lost. Everyone must make it the most crucial thing to tackle  and solve the this urgent and important problem of avoiding the destruction of the world. To shift ego view, ego interest, small view, and small action to public view, public interest, great view, and great action, we must stop our delusion, desire, and divisiveness (the triple poisons) which prevent us from doing so and shift to wisdom, hope, and peace.

The Buddha was awakened to the fact that all living beings are karma heirs, karma owners, karma machines, and karma refuged, and he achieved the stopping of his karma by sitting in Zazen. That is nirvana (no-wind, of karma), and witnessing it is to awaken from karma or the triple poisons and to recognize no self, no attachment, no enemy, just as if one had awakened from a nightmare to recognize it as only a dream). There all phenomena being related relative in Interdependent Co-origination become clear.


Nirvana/awakening is attainable by anyone by stilling karma. Still sitting is the most direct way to still the triple karma of body, mouth, and mind, which also stills the past karma of heredity: body/mind. Its continuous practice expands and deepens equanimity, peace, wisdom, and prognosis (prajňā, hannya). That makes the living and life of the awakened ones and its ripple effects increase awakened ones and their world.

Note: Please read the Paradigm Shift, which explaines how to solve the global problematique:





*Note: The Doomsday Clock was advanced 30 seconds last year due to Trump’s becoming president,and due to his actions it was again advanced 30 seconds to only 2 minutes making the Clock shortest to the end of the world since its set up in 1947.



2. 仏教とは何か?


仏教とは仏(仏陀:ブッダ:覚者:目覚めた者:Buddha)の教えであり、仏となる教えです。仏教の原語はBauddha-dharma (仏法)です。DharmaはNorm (のり:法・則<Darma)、form (かたち:形・像<harma) です。「仏」は「諸法(一切現象)の法(法則)」といわれる縁起(因生の略)の法則に目覚めた者です。誰でも仏道(仏の真理・実践)によって仏(覚者)になり得るのです(真理の理解は知的に可能ですが、それを確証・確信するには感情的・意思的・無意識的・身心的な実践:静座・坐禅などが必要です)。


生存の生起(古くは集とされ集起ジュキすなわち因縁が集まって起きること)と消滅(古くは滅と表記)とその方法(古くは道と表記して道を歩くように実践する意味で、八つあり八聖道と呼ばれ四諦八聖道と纏めて仏教の基本を表すものとされました)を表わしたのが四聖諦 (聖なる真実:Ariya Saccāni, ariya=holy:全体健全, 真実:satya<sat:実在)です。苦の生起(因)は貪欲とされますが、その縁(それを成り立たせている条件:この場合はその根源)は我が実在とする無智(a-mijjā/a-vidyā: a-videre: no witness/wisdom:無我の未経験)と(自他)差別(憎悪)です(合わせて三毒)。これは無始(何十億年以来の)宿業による自己意識・自己保存欲・差別意識です。





2. What is Buddhism?


Buddhism is the teaching of the Buddha and of becoming Buddha. The original word for Buddhism is Baudha-dharma. Dharma means Norm (from Dharma) and form (from dharma). Buddha (Awakened One) is one awakened to the Law of Interdependent Co-origination, called the Dharma of all dharmas. Anyone can be awakened by the Awakened Way, an awakened one’s truth and practice (intellectual knowledge and emotional/volitional/physical cultivation/practice necessary to cope with kamra and to attain nirvana, no-wind of karma).

The simplest form of the Law of Interdependent Co-origination that “all phenomena are interdependently co-originated on (direct) cause and (indirect) conditions” is “when this is, that is,” the causal relation. The most famous is the Twelvefold Interdependent Co-origination.  Called “the wheel of becoming/living,” it is a clarification of the causality of life and suffering. It is considered to be the content of all seven past Buddhas, the core of their awakening. It is the core of the Awakened “Dharma” for learning awakening.

Suffering for life, its origination, its cessation, and the path of cessation are called the Four Holy Truths (Ariya Saccāni, ariya=holy: wholly wholesome, sat-ya: reality <sat: the real). The origination (cause) of suffering is identified with desire (taṅhā: lit. thirst) with the condition of nescience (a-vijjā/a-vidyā: a-videre: no witness/wisdom of no independent eternal “self” substance), and with divisiveness (between self and other, hatred). These are the Triple Poisons and they are beginningless (unrecognizable beginning: billions of years karma storage) self-consciousness, self-preservation instinct, and discrimination.

The Triple Poisons and selfish karma create problems and destroy community. Seeing directly (witnessing) the rise and fall of (mental and physical) states and foreseeing the end of the world. The Buddha dedicated his whole life to preventing this destruction for the sake of awakening, liberation, equality, and peace in the related, relative selfless interdependently originated world. It was, in fact, the meaning of the Brahma’s beseeching of him to go out into the world. The Buddha, who attained nirvana (no wind, of karma) and awakening there through zazen, sitting meditation, shared the universal truth that stilling bodily, verbal, and mental karmas by zazen can still the karma that has been stored throughout billions of years evolution.


Note: Actually only the core portion of this origination of consciousness/perception is called Interdependent Co-origination (paṭicca-samuppāda/praṭīttya-samuppāda) and other portions (origination of suffering and that of becoming) are called (causal) relations. This wheel is the expansion of that given by Nagasena to Milinda in the Milinda’s Question (Milinda-paňha).






1)  無明(無知)ー過去世

2)  行 (宿業)ー過去世ー因

3)  識 (意識)ー現在世ー果

4)  名色(心身)ー現在世

5)  六入(六官)ー現在世

6)  触 (接触)ー現在世

7)  受 (感受)ー現在世

8)  渇愛(欲望)ー現在世

9)  取 (執着)ー現在世

10) 有 (存在)―現在世ー因

11) 生 (誕生)―未来世ー果

12) 老死(老死)―未来世





図の中央の行為は行(saṅkhāra/samskāは注釈で新旧三業とある通り過去・現在の身口意の三業)で十支縁起の動力因として加えられたものです。つまり生存・生成を動かす根本的な力として何故生存・生活・一生があるかを業によって回る輪(輪廻)として表したものです。したがって業が上部の六感覚器官(眼耳鼻舌身意)と六感覚対象(色声香味触覚法)との接触によって同時に六意識(眼識・声識・香識・味識・触識・意識)の発生から感情の発生を、中央部は欲望による行為から苦の発生(三道と呼ばれる三道程)と下部の無知(涅槃・無我の体験が無く本能的に身体に執着-原語upādāna:appropriateは燃料の意味で、火が燃料を取り込むと火になり燃えるように、身体という燃料を取り込み自分の-所有物propertyとして「自己」同一化すること)による生成(生活・人生・一生)の発生を生み出しているのです。無知は欲望と共に「二根源」と言われるが十支縁起に行と共に後に加えられた通り輪全体を動かす更に深い根源である。)生成 (bhava: becoming:なる)は常に「成り、変転する」こと:自分になり、自分のものになり、空腹になり、怒り、生れ、老い、死に、対象物については対象物・世界になり、古くなり、無くなる。



註: 実際には意識・知覚の発生(識縁起)のみが縁起 (paṭicca-samuppāda/praṭīttya-samuppāda) と呼ばれ他の部分(苦の発生と生成のそれ)は単に(因果)関係とよばれています。この生成(輪廻)の輪は「ミリンダ王の問い」(Milinda-paňha).でナーガセーナがミリンダ王に示した図を拡大したものです。



3. What is life?

“The Life Wheel” (Becoming Wheel: Cycle of Becoming: Bhava-cakka/cakra) represents human life states by the Twelvefold Interdependent Co-origination (origination on causes and conditions with the twelve limbs. One commonly see the linear-limbed version that was recited in the oral tradition, the only possible way to express it ancient times, with the misinterpretation by Hindu converts to Buddhism forgetting the original significance, even today:


1)  avijja/avidya (nescience) – past life – cause

2)  sankhara (actions) – past life – cause

3)  vinnana/vijnana – present life – result of the past life

4)  namarupa (name-form: mind/body) present life

5)  salayatana (six bases: six organs) – present life

6)  phassa/sparsa (contact) – present life

7)  vedana (feeling) – present life

8)  tanha/trsna (thirst) – preseent life

9)  upadana (attachment) – present life

10) bhava (being) – present life – cause (for the future life)

11) jati (birth) – future life – result of the present life

12) jaramarana (aging/death) – future life


This is the doctrine of “Three Generation Double Causality” with the past life of 1-2, present life 3-10, and future life 11-12 displaying cause-effect of the past life to present life, and present life to future life spanning three generations. An embryo-genetic interpretation of the life wheel is progression of a fetus in its mother’s womb, and the life and lingering attachment after birth.


However, by expansive and detailed research of the Three Baskets of the scriptures of early Buddhism (Buddha’s sermons: Scripture Basket, morality codes: Morality Basket, and theories: Exegeses Basket) it is found that there was the Tenfold Interdependent Co-origination before the Twelvefold I. C. (the tenfold one was attributed to the Past Seven Buddhas up to the Buddha Gotama, and argued that it does not go further beyond limb 3). Further, the simultaneous Interdependent Co-origination of consciousness by sense organs and sense objects coming together in contact (paṭicca-samuppāda, in Sanskrit, pratītya-sam-utpāda) became the nomenclature of the Tenfold and Twelvefold I.C. (another linear cause-effect relation was called nidāna, so this name of the core portion became the name of the whole series). The causal relation after limbs 8 (thirst to suffering) and 9 (appropriation to becoming: living through birth, aging, and death) is also often found in the scriptures independently.


From the above this shows the total view of life (for providing learning and teaching) on the core of the Buddha’s awakening to the origination of consciousness (Conscience I. C.), added with the extended and organized relations of thirst-suffering and appropriation-becoming (Thirst I. C.), further added with the origination of karma-life due to the no witness of nirvana (Nescience I. C.). This compound and structural relationship can be illustrated as below:




Karma (sakhāra /saskāra, always defined by commentaries as the new and old karmas of the body, mouth, and mind) in the center of the schematic diagram was added as the dynamic cause of the Tenfold I. C. actually moving the whole system. This was to show the wheel (cycling flow: samsara) turned by karma as the fundamental force to move life/becoming going on to reveal why life/living exists. Thus karma is producing the simultaneous origination of six consciousnesses by the contact between the six sense organs and six sense objects and feeling in the top portion, the origin of suffering  by acting on thirst (called the Three Way/Steps) in the middle, and the origin of becoming (living/life) due to nescience (no witness of nirvana and instinctive appropriation of the body – upādāna: fuel, like fire appropriating fuel and becoming fire, animals appropriate their bodies as their properties, which are thus identified as the self). Nescience and thirst are called the two roots (of suffering), but nescience is deeper than thirst as added later in the very beginning of the Twelvefold I. C. Becoming (bhava) is constantly becoming something and something else, like becoming oneself, one’s own, hungry, angry, born, aging, dying, and in the mental realm, world, appearing, and disappearing.


The Buddha said that all living beings are karma-heirs, -owners, -machines, -refuged. Thus we inherit ;the karma of our ancestors’ actions, heredities, and renewing, consider them our own bodies, brains, etc., and function as karma-machines, receiving the results of our actions, good or bad. The Buddha foresaw the destruction of the world by the bad karma of self-sense, self-conservation, and self-centeredness. He was awakened in the way to transcend karma, and he practiced, shared, and propagated the awakened way. That is the the core practice of the awakened way, Zen (jhan/dhyana), nirvana, awakening, and prognosis.

Note: Actually only the core portion of this origination of consciousness/perception is called Interdependent Co-origination (paṭicca-samuppāda/praṭīttya-samuppāda) and other portions (origination of suffering and that of becoming) are called (causal) relations. This wheel is the expansion of that given by Nagasena to Milinda in the Milinda’s Question (Milinda-paňha).





歴史上初めてその問題性と可能性を解決・実現したのがブッダでした。彼は生存の根本動因が業であることを知り、それを静止・転換できることを証明し推奨して一切人類・生類の平和・繁栄の為に人生を捧げました。業の静止が涅槃であり、その転換が悟りです。涅槃の語源はnib-bāna/nir-vāna:ni-vāta/nir-vāta (no-wind: 無風)ですがその風とは業風のことです。

経典に現れる慣用句「無風の灯火」(nivāte padīpa)は涅槃の状態を良く表しています。風があれば灯火は揺れ動きあるいは吹き消されて影は動揺し部屋は暗闇となるが、無風であれば煌々と燃えて部屋を明瞭・静謐にして、その場にいる者を平静・平安にします。それが涅槃であり悟りです。涅槃を「火を吹き消した状態」とする一般の解釈では暗闇・不安を齎し悟りにはなりません。



4. What is nirvana?

Nirvana and awakening (bodhi) are both sides of one objective and the core of Buddhism (Awakened Way). Human beings and living beings have their accumulated karma as potential called stored-karma and instinct. It can become the ability of “sweeping in the sky” and “swimming in the ocean,” and the fate of “summer bugs plunge into fire or are burnt by their own karmas (fools are burnt by their karma fire or hunt for misfortunes)”  It is the human task to become freed from stored karma and blossoming with accumulated abilities.

It was the Awakened One who solved that problem and realized its possibility for the first time in history. Knowing that karma is the root dynamism of life, he proved and shared it stilled and shifted and devoted his life for the peace and prosperity of all human beings and living beings. Stilling karma is nirvana and shifting it is awakening. The original word of nirvana is nib-bāna (Pali)/nir-vāna (Sanskrit) : ni-vāta/nir-vāta (no-wind), the wind being karma-wind (業風).

The stock phrase used in the scriptures “nivāte padīpa” (lamp-fire in no wind) illustrates the state of nirvana well. Lamp-fire flickers or becomes extinguished by wind, making the room unclear or dark, but in no wind it burns bright and illuminates the room, clear and cool, making people clear and calm. This is nirvana and awakening. The popular prevalent interpretation of nirvana as “extinguishing fire” brings darkness and doubts (about the world).

The Buddha relied on Za-zen, sitting meditation, on his awakening, (pari-)nirvana, retreat and rest daily and for extended periods. He is represented by his sitting meditation posture, because Zazen is the very core principle and practice of stilling karma. Stilling and stability of three present karmas (physical, verbal, and mental) have the functions and fruitfulness of stilling and stabilizing past habits and heredities (body-heart-mind functions). Zen (stilling karma, still contemplation) is possible for anyone, anywhere, any time, thus possibilities of nirvana and awakening for all always.




5.  禅とは何か?


Zenはジャーナ(jhāna: Pali, dhyāna: Sanskrit)の中国訳禅那(channa)を略した(又は俗用jhānの音訳)禅(chan)の日本訓みです。原意は止静・静慮で(只管)打坐(端座:坐禅)・(坐禅)瞑想をいいます。Yogaはyoke(頚木)と共通の語源を持ち「結合」を意味しますが、「精神集中」の意味で、その姿勢は五千年位前のインダス文明の造形に見られます。


仏道ではその進展を色界四禅(rūpa-dhātu chattāri-jhāna)・無色界四等持(arūpa-dhātu chattāri samāpatti)で下記のようになります:




                     尋            伺       喜       楽       心一境性

                  (沈思)     (黙考) (喜悦)  (安楽)   (精神集中) 註            

第一禅      有            有       有           有            有             五蓋(障碍)*消滅で二禅へ

第二禅         無   無    有     有    有        四漏(煩悩)**滅で三禅へ

第三禅   無   無  無     無    有             放棄者(upekhako)***

第四禅   無   無  無     無    無     捨念清浄・自由・不生・涅槃


*五蓋(paňca-āvaraṇāni: 障碍):

   性欲・欲望 (kâma-chanda)

   吝嗇・悪意 (abhijjhâ-vyâpâda)

   怠惰・眠気 (thîna-middha)

   興奮・心配 (uddhacca-kukkucca)

   疑惑 (vikicchâ)

**四漏(cattāri āsava煩悩):

   性欲 (kâma)

   生成:同定 (bhava)

   偏見:独断 (ditthi)

   無明:無智:無洞察:無我無体験 (avijjâ)





(第五)空無辺処(無限空間の境涯:ānanta-ākāsa āyatana

(第六)識無辺処(無限意識の境涯:ānanta-viňňāna āyatana

(第七)無所有処(所有意識無い境涯: ākiňcanya āyatana

(第八)非想非非想処(観念も無観念も無い境涯:neva-saňňā naeva-asaňňā āyatana

第九として滅尽定(nirodha-samāpatti, 想受滅:saňňā-vedanā-nirodha āyatna)を加えることがあります。ブッダは第七と第八は師としたアーラーラ・カーラーマとウッダカ・ラーマプッタから習得したが「離欲、止滅、平安、智慧、正覚に導かない」として去り、更に修行の末に悟り、智慧に達して普遍的な縁起の法、その適用を解明して智慧の実践をしました。覚道では無色界(五感・六感滅却境界)では現実問題に解決を齎さないので実践的な色界四禅が多く用いられるのです。Yogaの瞑想は無色界定で梵我一如(宇宙原理と自己原理が一体)として殺人は実際には殺さないと言っても非現実的であり、仏道の戒律重視の特色もそこに意味があります。





5. What is Zen?

Zen is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese word chan (abbreviation of channa:禅那 from Pali jhāna, Sanskrit dhyāna or chan from a colloquial from jhān). The original meaning is stilling/still contemplation, actually (devoted) sitting (straight sitting: 端坐、Za-zen: 坐禅、sitting meditation). Yoga, cognate of yoke, uniting or binding (into one: concentration) and its posture is found in the Indus Civilization that prospered about five thousand years ago.

The posture (āsana) of it with the arms making a circle and making the hands forming a seal (mudrā) called seal of entering into the Dharma-dhātu : Truth-world/realm) is the Awakened Way. This posture facilitates the self/other mind/body/world in time and space in the longest, most stable, wholly wholesome, peaceful, equal, free, and independent way. This was the method for Gotama attaining nirvana/awakening, sustaining and enjoying it, and sharing and appreciating awakening, freedom, equality, compassion, and peace with all others.

The development of Zen/chan/jhāna in the Awakened Way is shown in  the following:

Four Stages of Meditation (zen: jhâna: dhyâna)


     Vitakka      Vicâra       Pîti    Sukha       Eka-aggatâ

   Investigation  Contemplation  Joy    Comfort  pointed mind  Remarks

1st stage        o                        o (extant)   o           o             o                        *

2nd stage       x                        x (extinct)  o          o             o                         **

3rd stage       x        x              o                    o          o                                         equipoised***

4th stage       x        x              x                     o          o                                        equipoise****,                                                                                                                                         mind free                                                                                                                                                 no birth, nirvana


* The following five coverings (āvaraṇa) are ceased:

    Lust-desire (kâma-chanda) ,

    Covetousness-malevolence (abhijjhâ-vyâpâda),

     Sloth-drowsiness (thîna-middha)

     Agitation-worry (uddhacca-kukkucca), Doubt (vikicchâ)

** The following four leaks are extinct:

      Lust (kâma),

      Becoming (bhava),

      View (ditthi),

      Nescience (avijjâ)

***The original word is upekha-ko (the one with equipoise, still with the sense of                 self)

**** upekhā lit. throwing away self-sense: no self


Four Formless Realm (No Six SenseWorld) Four Attainments

(5th stage) Limitless Space Realm (ānanta-ākāsa āyatana)

(6th stage) Limitless Consciousness Realm (ānanta-viňňāna āyatana)

(7th stage) No Possession Realm (ākiňcanya āyatana)

(8th stage) Neither Ideation nor no-ideation (neva-saňňā naeva-asaňňā āyatana)

Sometimes the 9th stage of Cessation Attainment (nirodha-samāpatti, or Idea-feeling Cessation Attainment: saňňā-vedanā-nirodha āyatna)is added to this list. The Buddha attained the 7th and 8th under the guidance of his teachers Alala Kalama and Uddaka Ramaputta, but left them because these two memditations were not conducive to detachment, cessation, peace, prognosis, and right awakening. He attained awakening and prognosis after further striving, clarifying the universal law of Interdependent Co-origination and practicing prognosis. In the Awakened Way the more practical Form Realm Four Meditation stages are used, as the Formless Realm ones (realms without five or six sense perceptions) are not conducive to the solution of practical problems. Meditation in Yoga is Formless Realm Attainment like the union of Brahman (Ultimate Universal Principle) and Atman (Self) and killing actual people is not killing ultimate beings, which is unrealistic and unethical. The stress on Precepts (Discipline Codes) of the Awakened Way is significant in this way.

The Four Zen stages are the core of the Awakened Way, to actually learn and use both wings of cessation (quietude) and visioning (observation) and the foundations of flying and flowering. One is  rid of conceptions (thoughts) at the 1st stage, emotions at the 2nd stage, and volitions at the 3rd stage, the body and mind falling away, and ridding the consciousness of ridding to cultivate (shift instincts) and witness (freedom and peace). As the karma of four billion years is hard, it is necessary to continue cultivation and verification and the key is continuity and concentration as compared to “water dripping piercing stone” and as actually seen in “water jet cutting a metal sheet.” When a bowl moves, the water in it stirs to ripples and splashes, but when a bowl is still, the waves settle down like clear mirror in the still water. When our bodies and minds settle down, they become the total great round mirror. Dogen said it is like walking on the bottom of the ocean, and like swimming while walking at the bottom of the ocean in living in the world.

Dogen recommended the right object, method, significance, and practice to all people by his “Universal Recommendation for the Right Zazen” and he corrected mistakes like lancets curing sick parts in his “Zazen Lancets.” Zazen can be done by anyone regardless of race, gender, age, etc. So, anyone can attain nirvana and awakening, if there is the will to do and to withstand. The Buddha said, “It is as rare to be born as a human being as a blind turtle living at the bottom of the ocean coming up to the surface of ocean and accidentally putting its head into a hole of a floating log. But it is more rare and precious to encounter the Awakened Way.”

When you cross your legs with your right foot on the left thigh, then the left foot on the right thigh, the firm pedestal is formed. Thereon erect your torso making your backbone like a tower rising up into the heaven and making your arms a round circle putting you right hand on your left heel and the left hand on it with the thumb tips supporting each other (as if holding an ostrich egg). Open your chest and pull in the top of your pelvis. Pull in your chin as if pushing up the heaven, and breathe slowly and deeply with your lower abdomen. Concentrate on your breathing, which control usually uncontrollable functions like heart rate and blood pressure, and count your breaths from one to ten and repeat it. You may shift to just watch your exhalation and inhalation and lett go of all at suitable times. Remember the key to success lies in concentration and continuity to transcend four billion years of karma and to taste the ambrosia (amrita, deathlessness)/ nirvana!




6. 業とは何か?








六識世界は眼を開ける、舌に運ぶ、体で触れる、意識を向けるなどの動作・機能(karma)が必要です。動物は感覚器官の他に運動機関を持っていますが、両者を合わせて普通「身口意」の三業(kāya-kamma, vacī-kamma, mano-kamma)と分類しています。「意」は原語でmanasで語根はman(考える)ですが、一器官(現代では脳に当たる)と考えられ、「心」(chitta:思考)、「識」(vi-ňňāṇa/vi-jňāṇa)(他にhadaya/hṛdaya:心臓も)は別物ではなく別機能と考えられています。六感覚・運動器官は親から受け継いだもので「古業」であり、そこに宿っている「宿業」でもあります。


ブッダは「あらゆる生物は業相続者・業保持者・業機械・業依拠者と言われました。人は普通は本能的に機械仕掛け(ロボット)のようになっていても、善業は善果を悪業は悪果を生むと分かれば善業を増し悪業を減らすでしょう。四専修(padhāṇa/pradhāṇa)は悪業を減らし、止め、善業を増し、始めるの四つの専念修行です。悪業の根本的なものは貪欲・怒り・無智(貪瞋痴)の三つの害毒(三毒)と言われます。無智は術語では無明(avijjhā/avidyāは語根vidでラテン語video:witness:実体験することで、無我の体験が無いことで、我から好き嫌い:貪欲・怒りが起きるので最根本)です。戒定慧(戒律・禅定・智慧:sīla/śīla, samādhi, paňňā/prajňā)の三学はこれを治すものです。

二道とは見道(知的理解の道)と修道(修行実践の道)の知行合一・両翼飛翔であり、三学とは仏教徒が誰もが学ぶべきものです。六波羅密・七覚支・八聖道などを含む三十七道はこの三学を中心にして、その詳細修行や修行効果を示したものです。六波羅密・七覚支・八聖道は菩薩・出家・在家むけに纏められと思われますが三学中心であることに変わりはありません。なを聖道は正道とも書かれますが、聖(ariya/ārya: hagia: holy: 罪:sin = separation:分離・差別の反対)は全体健全(wholly wholesome:一切が健全になる道)の意味であり高貴(noble)の意味に取るのは一切奉仕・救済の真意を失なうことになります。


註:縁起や諸道についての詳細論議は拙著「目覚めの道」(北樹出版)をご参照ください。さらに詳細な議論は「NO SELF- A New Systematic Interpretation of Buddhism」(世界聖典刊行協会、1994)をご参照ください。



6. What is karma?


Kamma/karma (root: kṛgrow/create) usually means action/function of the body, mouth, and mind. Karma, with its cognate ceremony, meant ceremony/ritual in ancient India. From ancient days karma and samsara were two principles commonly accepted in Indian religions and philosophies (souls transmigrating according to their previous actions). Past actions were expressed by saṅkhāra/saṃskāra (prefix san- : English syn-: sum/total, thus meaning composed, completed, refined, etc.: Chinese translation: 行: behavior/practice: 行為・実行), specially the three actions/functions of the body, mouth, and mind (always defined as this by the commentaries on the scriptures, so I translate it into “formations” as physical form/mental function/forming power, though in the schematic diagram of the Twelvefold Interdependent Co-origination “karma” is used for its common use and easier understanding).

Generally in India it was thought that a soul departs from a corpse and enters into the womb of an animal according to its past good or bad conduct. Thus karma was taken as fate, which was used for justifying caste systems. The fact that children frequently look like their parents (“Like father like son”) naturally caused people to believe in something hereditary in ancient days, but after genomic studies we now prefer to understand this as heredity through genes rather than fate or the soul’s transmigration. So, we can understand karma especially saṅkhāra/saṃskāra as action/function/habit/heredity taking into account of genes which convey the evolutionary process/renewing result of body/verbal/mental formations (forms/functions) of our ancestors’ actions/adaptations to environments from the beginning of life, rather than independent/separated souls.

People in general even now think and use the concept of a somehow separated “body and mind.” The Buddha, however, further analyzed the mind into four phases/functions into feeling, thought, consciousness, and formations (the triple actions of physical/verbal/mental actions/functions) thus creating the concept of the five aggregates (paňca-khandha/paňca-skhandha) of these four plus the physical (body as rūpa, lit. color/physical form). He could clarify each of these more clearly, whether, for instance, they are permanent (self-same) or not, manageable (self-sovereign: su-kha: well-going: pleasant or not: duk-kha: wrong going: unpleasant) or not, and Self (self-substance) or not. All of them (the five aggregates or components) were found to be in the negative (impermanent, undesirable, no-self (called the triple characteristic of phenomena), thus the unconventional idea of no-self.

We already know that the six sense perceptions/consciousnesses (visual, audio, olfactory, taste, tactile, mental) originate upon contact between the six sense organs and their objects simultaneously as the core of the Twelvefold Interdependent Co-origination. The original word for perception/consciousness is vi-ňňāṇa/vi-jňāṇa (prefix vi-: English dis- plus (j)ňā: English know), meaning to discern, detecting by discriminating (from other things, focusing on the things contacted: dharmas).

This contact/consciousness mechanism is called the “conjunction of the three (tinam saṅghati, lit. triad meeting/gathering, cf. Saṅgha: Guild/Community).” This is the simultaneous origination, but through the reflection of experience, it is analyzed as the origination of consciousness based on the (existing) sense organs and their objects It is compared to two bundles of reeds leaning on each other to rise/stand, or two cymbals/hands hit/clapped/contacted to originate sounds in the scriptures.

The origination of perception/consciousness is that of cognition/cognized worlds (visual, audio, olfactory, taste, tactile, mental). We think of the world as something contained in a vessel (called the vessel world) due to the most advanced visual cognitive system of humans (on which most words were made), but there are other sense worlds, too, and the “world” means the conscious worlds of the six senses: perceptions/conceptions, so the karma world, not simply the space world. When the Buddha said that “the end of the world is not reached by walking,” he was not referring to the end of the space world, but to reaching and transcending the limits of the six sense/karma worlds (conventional world to nirvana state).

Usually karma (action/function) is necessary for the six sense worlds to originate, for example, opening the eyes, putting food on the tongue, touching with the body, orienting the mind, etc.  Animals have motor organs besides the sense organs, and these in combination are called the triple karmas (kāya-kamma, vacī-kamma, mano-kamma).  Mind (manas, the root man: think) was considered an inner organ (antah karaṇa, nowadays the brain, but nerves, hearts, etc. are also necessary) and thoughts (chitta) and consciousness (vi-ňňāṇa/vi-jňāṇa) (and sometimes the heart: hadaya/hṛdaya) are thought to be different functions of an inner organ. The sense and motor organs are hereditary, so they are called the old (atīta-karma, past karma, in contrast to nava-karma, new karma) or stored karma (ālaya-karma, cf. hima-ālaya: snow-stored).

The Buddha, characterized as an analyst and practitioner, stressed clear analysis and refined (clearly delineated, defined, directed, dedicated) practice (cf. Ți-piṭaka/Tṛ-piṭaka: Three Baskets of  Sutta/Sūtra: Sermons, Abhidhamma/Abhidharma: Exegeses, and Vinaya: Disciplines: Principles and practice based on Interdependent Co-origination). He said that humans lives are not determined by births, but by their actions (denying castes), and that there are no in-born good or bad humans, but become good or bad by their actions, and that there are no auspicious or ominous days, but human actions make those days, as in the case of a wedding. He taught that karma is not fate, that it is changeable and even transcended by cultivation, denouncing determinists, fatalists, accidentalists, amoralists, nihilists, and skeptics, etc. (cf. Seven Heretics at his time).

The Buddha found that all living beings are karma-heirs, karma-owners, karma-machines, and karma-refuged. Even if humans usually live like robots as karma-machines, if they know their good or bad actions produce good or bad results, they would increase good actions and decrease bad ones. The Four Devotions (padhāṇa/pradhāṇa)are four total applications of oneself to decreasing and stopping bad actions, and starting and increasing good actions. The fundamental bad karmas are the Triple Poisons of delusion (of self), desire, and divisiveness (or delusion, anger, nescience: non-witness of no-self : 貪瞋痴). Nescience is no witness of no-self (self-same, self-same substance: avijjā/avidyā, root vid : witness, Latin video:witness). No witness of it due to karma (sense/motor organs, movement making this body, then mybody and I, my mind, Self, Soul, etc., strengthened by languages, social relations, etc.) makes the root sense of self, which leads to likes (desire/craving/thirst) and dislikes (divisiveness/anger/hatred). Their countermeasures are practices of morality, concentration, and prognosis (sīla/śīla, samādhi, paňňā/prajňā: 戒定慧), which are called the Threefold Learning.

The Threefold Learning can be categorized into the Twofold Path of Cultivation (bhāvanā magga/ mārga, cause to become, cp. bhava, becoming) and Viewing (dassana/darṣṇa magga/mārga), two wings to fly (practice and prognosis to walk the path). The Threefold Learning is to be learned by all Buddhists. The Thirty Seven Ways, inclusive of the Six Perfections, Seven Awakening Limbs, and Eightfold Holy Ways, are adaptations of the Threefold Learning for renouncers, lay people, and awakening beings (bodhi-sattvas) with more details and merits. The popular translation of the Eightfold Holy Ways as Noble Ways misses the essential meaning of holy(ariya/ārya: Greek hagia: holy: 聖 against sin = separation: separated self, etc. 罪:分離・差別), meaning a wholly wholesome way for all to become wholesome (harmonious, healthy, and happy) , the way to serve and save all.



Note: Please refer to my NO SELF- A New Systematic Interpretation of Buddhism (published by the World Sacred Text Publishing Society, Tokyo, 1994) for more detailed discussions.





仏教では真実とされるものを二種類に分けて二諦説をとっています。一つは俗諦(俗世間で真実とされるもの:俗説:sammuti/vohara/lokiya-sacca/satya:世間合意)であり、もう一つは真諦(真理に適う真実、勝義諦:parama-aṭṭha-/parama-arṭha-/uttara-loka-sacca/satya: 勝れた意義での真実、第一義諦:最高の意義の真実)です。前者は世間で通用・合意されている真実であり、後者は合理的な思考・体験・検証による真実です。



熟睡・夢眠・覚醒状態を超えた状態として禅定状態を平衡位・第四位と呼ぶことがありますが、一切平衡・調和・超越の心身界境涯といえるでしょう。禅定第四位は寂滅(放捨)・無碍(自由)・不生(不死)・涅槃と表出されています。これを中(空)観派では不常(常住)・不断(断滅)・不去・不来・不生・不滅・不一・不異の八不と言い戯論寂滅(papaňca-upasama/prapaňca-upaśama, 言語道断, lit.心的展開寂滅)と言います(般若心経の不生・不滅・不垢・不浄・不増・不減参照)。

ヨーガ行・唯識派(現象世界は認識により、識別された心象世界であるということで、唯心という意味ではない)ではヨーガ・禅定の修行完成により心の根本である第八識(アーラヤ識:宿業識)は大円鏡智(偉大円満な明鏡の智慧)に、第七識(分別識)は平等性智(一切平等の智慧)に、第六識(mano-viňňāṇa/-vijňāṇa, 意識)は妙観察智(一切の微妙絶妙を観察する智慧)に、前五識(眼・耳・鼻・舌・身識)は行所作智(為すべきことの智慧)になるとされています。






涅槃に入り覚醒に至れば一切空(不生・不死など)・無(無我・無量など)が本来の真理(実際・超越など)です。「そこ(真理)に在る者」(Tathāgata, 通常Tathā-āgataとして「如来」と訳され偶に Tathā-gataとして「如去」と訳されるが、不去不来に在る者であるから「如在」とすべきものです。Hasta-gata āmraは「手に在るマンゴー」参照)は「やあゴータマ!」と呼びかけた五比丘に対して、「もはやゴータマではない」としてブッダ自身が言ったものです。この「真理に在る者」が無量光をもって無量寿を生き甚深微妙の無量法を洞察し教導したのです。



7.What is truth?


Anyone can understand that a fact accepted as truth in a certain age and society may not be accepted as truth in another age and society. With the progress of science and technology, more and more new truths are discovered and accepted.  The example of Geo-centrism, once experienced and agreed upon by everyone, being replaced by Helio-centrism, makes it obvious that human experience and common sense are not reliable.

Buddhism employs a twofold truth theory with regard to truth. One aspect is conventional truths (truths accepted as convention in the mundane world, popular agreements as convention:  sammuti/vohara/lokiya-sacca/satya), and the other is the ultimate truth (truths reached ultimately, paramount truths, supra-mundane truths, truths in the superior senses:parama-aṭṭha-/parama-arṭha-/uttara-loka-sacca/satya). The former are truths commonly used or agreed upon in the mundane world, and the latter are those rationally and critically observed, reasoned, experimented upon, and verified.

There are many “truths” since ancient days now regarded as untrue by rational, universal reasoning, experience, experiment, and verification. Examples include delusions (superstitions, blind beliefs, nature gods, wicked spirits, ghosts, etc.), discriminations (racism, religious dogmas, gender, castes, jobs, white supremacy, the Inquisition, male superiority,  nationalism, outcasts, etc.), exploitation (colonialism, slavery, etc.), and extermination (holocaust, war, capital punishment, etc.).

Dreams are not reality. When we awake from them, we see that “realities” are different according to people, time, place, and we recognize delusions, when disillusioned in nirvana beyond karma. Ancient people believed that rainbows are bridges and that treasures are found at their ends. Rainbows are thought to exist in the sky, but in reality they are perceived phenomena dependently originated by the perceiver’s eyes, nerves, brains, etc.  perceiving light reflected on numerous water drops at a certain angle. There is no substance to a seven-colored bridges, but only a perceived image, which appears differently to color blind people and other species.

The state of Zen-samadhi state, called the equilibrium (Tulya) or the fourth stage (Caturīya), is a the state beyond the wakeful state, dream state, and sound sleep state. It is the state of the mind-body-world harmonized, in equilibrium, and transcendent of all. The fourth stage of Zen (jhāna/dhyāna) is expressed as equanimity (or equipoise, upekhā, lit. renunciation), the mind freed, no rebirth, nirvana. The Middle Way or Emptiness School (Mādhyamika/Śūnyatā-vāda) expresses it in the Eightfold Negations of no-birth, no-extinction, no-permanence, no-annihilation, no-oneness, no-difference, no-coming, no-going as the world of mental fabrications extinct (or beyond verbal expressions: papaňca-upasama/prapaňca-upaśama) (cf. no-birth, no-extinction, no-defilement, no-purity, no-increase, no-decrease in the Heart Sutra).

The Yoga-practicers (Yoga-ācāra) or Perceived–only (Vijňpti-mātrā) School (usually coined as Mind Only School, but mijňapti-mātrā means that the world is “perceived only” by a perceiver’s cognition and discrimination: the world is a sense world of the perceiver’s sense organs) teaches that cultivation the changes ordinary (karma caused) root, store-consciousness (ālaya-vijňāṇa, the 8th consciousness) to mirror knowledge (ādarṣa jňāna), mental consciousness (mano-viňňāṇa/-vijňāṇa, the 7th consciousness) into equality knowledge (samatā-j.), mind (manas, the 6th consciousness) into observation knowledge (pratyavekṣṇā-j.) the former five consciousnesses (visual, audio, olfactory, gastric, bodily) into duty fulfilling knowledge (kṛtyanusthāna-j.) , and all discriminating consciousnesses to unified knowledge.

All humans think they have the substance of a “self” composed of body and mind. Is this true? The Buddha analyzed the mind into four  categories to feelings (emotions: pleasant, unpleasant, neither), idea (conceptions), consciousness (perceptions), and the rest (volitions, motivations to act). Then he questioned if each of these is permanent or impermanent, satisfactory (su-kha, pleasant, lit. well-going, going with the grain) or dissatisfactory (du-kha, suffering, lit. wrong-going, going against the grain). Finding all to be impermanent (not self-same) and dissatisfactory (not self-sovereign), he concluded that there is no permanent, sovereign “self” (self-substance). This is the conclusion of course, because all phenomena originate on limitless causes and conditions, and are thus related and relative. He admonished Sathi bikkhu (mendicant), who insisted that consciousness (the soul) is eternal, and he alled him confused(moha/mūrha), saying that consciousness is even more impermanent than the body. The five aggregates (body, feeling, idea, consciousness, actions-functions) are interdependent and do not function independently.

In our daily dealings(vohāra/byavahāra)in the mundane world, we accept the self as independent (individual as indivisible), but it is actually not self-same, self-sovereign, self-substance, and thus it is a fiction, and so admitted as conventional truth or consensus in the society. No self in Buddhism is in the ultimate truth (in the superior sense, in the strictest sense). Corporations, media, educational institutions, religious institutions, and nations, the five major players of our modern era, are also fictitious bodies without self-sameness and self-sovereignty.

If we take these fictitious bodies as absolute, we make karma-heirs, karma-machines as absolute – individuals, karmas, nations, etc. then fall into errors and erroneous habits of discrimination, bondage, exploitation, extermination, fatalism, etc. Discrimination of outcastes, chosen people, slaves, genders, races, religions, etc. are all worldly dealings and fictions, so have been abolished as our understanding of truth and the actions of ethics have advanced. Taking “self” as absolute, the “sovereign state,” inheriting “sovereign king” and its war, military, and nuclear weapons as absolute must be abolished by the truth and ethic of all humanity and living beings, as they deprive people and the planet and all of its living beings of its resources. We must remain wholly wholesome, harmonious, healthy, and happy, rather than destroying all life on earth.

The crisis of nuclear winter is the most urgent and gravest matter, and the awakening and actions of masses of people are most urgently needed. A system in which a person can wipe out all life forms from the earth is only the convention of 5% of the human population and made when no such weapons as nuclear ones were imagined. It is in itself against universal truth and ethic and must be abolished immediately. The global problematique – interrelated global problems such as climate change, mass extinction of species, refugees, starvation, poverty, etc. – must be solved from the standpoint of a global ethic and universal truth beyond nations and humankind.  Anyone who can accept the truth and ethic could understand these.


Once one enters into nirvana and attains awakening, “all being zero (suňňa/śūnya, no birth, no death, etc.), no mental fabrications (a-papaňca/a-prapaňca: undefinable: a-vyākata/avyākṛta, no self-substance, no limit/measure, etc.) is the ultimate/original truth (real limit, transcendence, etc.).  Thus-being(Tathāgata, usually translated as Thus-come as Tathā-āgata or sometimes Thus-gone as Tathā-gata, but Thus-being as no going and no coming. Cf. mango being in the hand: hasta-gata āmra)is what the Buddha called himself, when addressed by one of the five mendicants who once practiced with him, “Hey Gotama!” This Thus-being lived limitless life with limitless light, prognosticated limitless profound subtle dharmas, and led with them.











8.What is Emptiness (śūnyatā)?

Emptiness/nothingness/zero (suňňa/śūnya) or empty-nature (suňňatā/śūnyatā) was first found in India; the word was transliterated into Arabic (sifr/zifr) and into European languages (zero). Empty space (suňňa āghāra: empty hall) can accommodate anything and any phenomena, but it is itself nothing. Zero is the space accommodating any numbers, but is itself no figure. Living beings evolved/developed their organs to perceive and project their worlds differently. Humans perceive and project with their six sense organs. The Buddha was awakened to the truth that the senses (perception/conscious) and the (sense/conscious) world is originated dependent on the contact/conjunction of the sense organs and their sense objects, and that this law of inter-dependent co-origination can be applied to the body/mind/world.

The fact that the world is interdependently co-originated on the senses/consciousness and that the phenomenal world is also interdependently co-originated on innumerable causes and conditions means that there is no “in-dependent eternal substance” but only interdependently co-originated temporary phenomena called “emptiness (of substance)” of the so called “body-mind-world.” It is like a rainbow or castle in the air dependent on the sense organs and objects, void of the substance of “a bridge” or “a castle”. Interdependent Co-origination, emptiness, and no self (substance) are different nomenclatures to explain these phenomena, devoid of an independent eternal “Self” substance.

“Rainbow,” “Castle in the air,” and “Self” are phenomena interdependently co-originated on the light, the eyes, water-drops, air, words, actions, etc., and thus are not an “independent eternal substance.” Words “separate a part” of the whole, labeling (naming) it as if it were “an independent thing (reifying),” and “perpetuating it” as if it were an “independent eternal substance. The worldly agreement of “(independent eternal) individual” or “self (/other, this/that),” which is ever changing and functioning dependently on air, genes, etc., is only a conventional expediency (conventional truth) for the purpose of mutual or business dealings.

When we are caught up by conventional expediencies (conventional truth of a sovereign self or state), we suffer from innumerable dissatisfactions, such as the Four Sufferings (birth, aging, sickness, death), Eight Sufferings (Four Sufferings + the sufferings of not gaining the desired, parting from the beloved, meeting with the hated, the rampant five aggregates), suicide, killing, fighting, war, civilization calamities, mass extinction, etc. If, however, we are awakened that self, state, then we see that the world is dream-like, made up of phantom-like fictitious bodies, and we are not blown off course by the Eight Winds (Four Favorable: profit, fame, praise, pleasure, and Four Unfavorable: loss, infamy, censure, suffering: gain/loss, fame/infamy, praise/censure, pain/pleasure), and we can enjoy the Fivefold Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (wholly wholesome).

We had no sense of self and other, nation and nationality, when we were born, but we increased and strengthened the discriminative mind through many experiences and educations. If we reverse this process, we can reach the original zero and nirvana (emptiness = zeroness = origin(al face) = before parents gave birth = no birth, etc.). This is liberation from discriminations, distresses, defilements, sufferings, fights, and wars, the consequences of karma piled up as we grow up. Penetration and pervasion of the truth of “all originated are empty” is the wisdom of prajňā (prognosis). The perfection of prognosis is the light and air of the emptiness emancipation expressed in the Heart Sutra. This is the scene of the Pure Land of Pure Peace and Bliss of Zazen/karma-stilling/nirvana.



9. 間違いは何か?













9. What is wrong?


The urgent and crucial matter – the wrongness we must address — is that the human species is endangering and apt to extinguish the whole life system, together with itself. A single individual can annihilate all living beings out of madness, impulse, miscalculation, viciousness, and idleness. This is extermination, contrary to and against, the intention, welfare, and destiny of all humanity and living beings.


What is the cause of this wrongness? Human brains and hands have developed to survive, and renewed and advanced languages, thoughts, knowledge, and societies with tools, sciences, technologies, and civilizations. With the emergence of nation states, however, humans have been polluting, extinguishing, and destroying other states, species, and their base ecological systems. Fundamentally it is selfishness, money dominance, paradigm misfits, and system incapability. All mistakes lie in the macro-micro fallacy and its erroneous applications. These are wrongs against truth and ethics.


What is the solution? Selfishness gave birth to material hegemony, money dominance (to buy hegemony), and pyramidal civilizations. Civilization, urbanization (from civitas, city), gave birth to the uni-directional nation systems that grab matter, might, and money with the five calamities (delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and destruction: self-view, -attachment, -pride: slavery, colonialism, war, etc.). The solution, for the harmony and security of the larger system of earth and universe, lies in stopping the macro-micro fallacy of “ego,” which is merely a part of and dependent on the larger system (eco), from being seen as the absolute first.


What is the method to solve the wrongness? The natural (eco) system formed a related, relative world in interdependent co-origination, evolving in natural harmony. The artificial uni-directional pyramidal civilization has been destroying it. To avoid this destruction we must make a paradigm shift, to a natural, total, cyclical life Indra-net culture (cultivating holy truth, beauty, goodness). This is to correct the macro-micro fallacy (taking ego-fiction/fallacy as the universal truth/ethic). This is to make a paradigm shift and observe the global ethic.

Note: Please refer to my “Paradigm Shift” and the Parliament of World Religions’ “Declaration toward a Global Ethic” for more details.













註1. 五戒


不殺生戒(ふせっしょうかい:panatipatat pativirati/prānātipātāt prativirata)生物を殺す事を悦ばない

不偸盗戒(ふちゅうとうかい:adattadanat pativirati/adattādānāt prativirata) 与えられない物を取る事を悦ばない

不邪婬戒(ふじゃいんかい:kamamiccayacarat pativirati/ kāma-mithyācārāt prativirata)邪悪な性行為を悦ばない

不妄語戒(ふもうごかい: musavadat prativirati/mrsāvādāt prativirata)虚言を悦ばない

不飲酒戒(ふおんじゅかい:srurameraya mjjapamada sthanat pativirati/surāmaireya-madyapramāda-sthānāt prativirata) – 酒など酩酊状態を悦ばない


  1. 十戒(十善業)



不殺生(panatipatad virati/prāṇātipātād virati) 生物を殺す事の不欲求不快楽

不偸盗(adattadanad virati/adattādānād virati) 与えられない物を取る事の不欲求

不邪淫(kama mccacarad virati/kāma-mithyācārād virati)邪悪な性関係の不欲求


不妄語(ふもうご, 梵: mṛṣāvādād virati[2]) 虚妄語の不欲求

不綺語(ふきご, 梵: sambhinna-pralāpāt prativirati) 奇矯語の不欲求

不悪口(ふあっく, 梵: paiśunyāt prativirati) 邪険語の不欲求

不両舌(ふりょうぜつ, 梵: pāruṣyāt prativirati) 二枚舌の不欲求


不慳貪(ふけんどん, 梵: abhidhyāyāḥ prativirati) 吝嗇・貪欲の不欲求

不瞋恚(ふしんに, 梵: vyāpādāt prativirati) 憤怒・憎悪の不欲求

不邪見(ふじゃけん, 梵: mithyā-dṛṣṭeḥ prativirati) 偏見・邪険の不欲求



10. What is the matter?


As stated in “What is wrong?” the problem lies in the mini-max fallacy (of making the small self great and prior to the great universe) due to karma, and we must cure it. To cure karma, we must first still karma. As already stated, the right and direct way to do this is through Zazen, by which anyone can enter into nirvana and achieve right and direct awakening. It was achieved by the Buddha, by whose teaching many ancestors have become awakened and their assemblies formed. These three – Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha – continue to be treasured as the Triple Treasures and Triple Refuges by followers.

All Buddhists take refuge in the Triple Treasures and learn the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis (sila, samadhi, prajna). Morality consists of sila and vinaya. Sila means character, nature, trunk (backbone, pillar), meaning the true nature, good character fitting to truth and ethic, the state of being unmoved and withstanding pressure and distortion. It is to separate from falsity, wrongness, and the ugliness of sin (separated sickness) and it leads to truth, goodness, and beauty of holiness (wholly wholesomeness). Vi-naya means separating from the madness of mad elephants and it leads to embodying goodness as beneficial ones. Concentration consists of jhana (meditation) and samadhi (concentration, mindfulness), concretely Zazen.

 All Buddhists learn to observe the Five Precepts of no killing, no stealing, no falsehood, no sexual misconduct, and no intoxicants. As the Awakened Way takes the universal truth and ethic of the universe as the great, right, holy truth/law (holy=wholly wholesome) as its foundation, no killing – the original is no enjoyment of harming – is not enjoying the harming not only of humans but also all animals and plants. No stealing – the original is not enjoying taking the ungiven – is not enjoying taking the ungiven. No falsehood – the original is not enjoying falsity – is not enjoying imprecise, untrue words or false, vain, eccentric words. No sexual misconduct means not enjoying wrong sexual relations. No intoxicants means not enjoying the taking of intoxicants such as alcohol, narcotics, etc., which is against awakening.

The Ten Precepts are also called the Ten Good Actions, listed in the three actions of the body, mouth, and mind. In this schema, no falsehood in the Five Precepts is further detailed into no enjoying falsity, eccentric, abusive, or double tongues. The mental actions are not wanting or enjoying the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion, which are the root causes of all evils. These are received by lay people and renunciants when receiving precepts to cultivate themselves and to cross over sufferings. The precepts of no killing, etc. are the teaching of equality of self and other, including not letting others kill, etc., also. The Five Precepts (except for the fifth) were employed and issued as the Declaration toward a Global Ethic by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1993 for all to observe. If the Ten Precepts are employed and expanded throughout the whole society, the paradigm shift to the living Indra-net culture of the five blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, universal love, and peace will be made.


Note 1. Five Precepts:

No joy in taking life: pānātipātāt pativirati/prānātipātāt prativirata

No joy in getting the ungiven: adattadanat pativirati/adattādānāt prativirata

No joy in sexual misconduct: kamamiccayacarat pativirati/ kāma-mithyācārāt prativirata

No joy in fasehood: musavadat prativirati/mrsāvādāt prativirata

No joy in intoxicants: srurameraya mjjapamada sthanat pativirati/surāmaireya-madyapramāda-sthānāt prativirata


  1. Ten Precepts (Ten Good Actions)


  (bodily actions)

No joy in taking life: panatipatad virati/prāṇātipātād virati

No joy in getting the ungiven: adattadanad virati/adattādānād virati

No joy in sexual misconduct: kama mccacarad virati/kāma-mithyācārād virati

  (verbal actions)

No joy in falsehood: mṛṣāvādād virati

No joy in eccentric words: sambhinna-pralāpāt prativirati

No joy in abuse: paiśunyāt prativirati

No joy in double tongues: pāruṣyāt prativirati

  (mental actions)

No joy in avarice: abhidhyāyāḥ prativirati

No joy in divisiveness: vyāpādāt prativirati

No joy of wrong views: mithyā-dṛṣṭeḥ prativirati





Deathless Dharma (Form/Norm: Truth/Ethic)


Good morning!

It’s cold outside, but I hope you are warmed up in peace and truth after our sittings. This is the Dharma gate of pure peace and bliss – peace in nirvana and bliss in awakening in truth. Dogen said “It never develops without cultivation: it is never attained without verification.” (Without sitting in Zazen, stilling karma, nirvana (no wind of karma) does not develop, without actual witness of it, one can not attain and live embodying it.

We stop wars during the Olympic Games. Its symbol expresses the five continents in connected circles of peace and awakening. We can stop war at Christmastime. This verifies that wars can be rendered null and void. Wars come from karma – the Triple Poisons of delusion, desire, and divisiveness, essentially egoism.

Dogen illustrated the Awakened Way: To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self, to learn the self is to forget the self, to forget the self is to be verified by all dharmas, to be verified by all dharmas is to drop off one’s body and mind and others’ bodies and minds. The trace of awakening is extinct and at rest. Traceless awakening is ever furthered on and on.

Sinful Self, sick Society, selfish State, Satanic Species, sinister Symbolism are the Five Fictions, Superstitions, Syndromes, which endanger the global life system to extinction. A paradigm shift urges us from syndromes to soundness of systems: ego to eco, sin to holiness, pyramidal system to Indra-net one.

The Two Islands of the self and the Dharma are two refuges in the sea of suffering: the self like a bubble starts an awakening process and awakens in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination of all, attaining the Dharma-body like the sea – limitless life in limitless light, liberation, and love, tasting amrita (ambrosia, immortality).


Note: The Five Fictions, Superstitions, are from the Five Idola of Cave, Agora, Theatre, and Species by Francis Bacon, added with the fifth of Symbolism that myth, religion, language, art, science, and history – all are symbolism created by humans, as detected by Ernst Cassirer (cf. Essay on Man, Philosophy of Symbolism, Myth of the State, etc.). Other human activities such as politics, economy, society, culture, civilization, must be known as symbolisms. For instance, money and a money-shape tower (金字塔: pyramid) system with its money-ism, militarism, materialism, me-ism is at 2 minutes to midnight of the Doomsday Clock. (cf. Five Fictitious Bodies, as described by Gerald Barney, are modern major players of state, corporation, media, religion, and educational institutions – now all of them seem mongered by money).












註:五仮構・迷信はフランシス・ベーコンの洞窟・広場・劇場・種族の四アドラ(偶像)に第五として、エルンスト・カッシラーが、人類が創造した神話、宗教、言語、芸術、科学、歴史などが象徴主義であることを解明した、象徴主義を加えたものです (彼の「人間」、「象徴の哲学」、「国家の神話」など参照)。政治、経済、社会、文化の人間活動も象徴主義であることを知らなければなりません。例えば拝金主義、軍国主義、物質主義、吾我主義をもつ金と金字塔は世界終末時計の真夜中まで2分となっているのです。(参考:ジェラルド・バーニーが述べた五仮構体とは現代の主要な役者達は国家、会社、メデイア、宗教、教育機関です-今やそのいずれも金によって取引されているのです。)








The above pictures were taken and contributed by Erin 慧林,

our member and editor or this blog





Nirvana for New Views and Values


Good morning!

We have a beautiful bright morning after our sittings and service. Did you see the big bright full moon like the super moon? The full moon represents the Awakened heart in nirvana illuminating the world. Nirvana is no wind of karma – conceptions, emotions, volitions, thus no conventions of self identity or appropriation, becoming someone or something, emptiness of all in the original zero, śūnyatā, as we recited and read in the Heart Sutra.

Originally there was nothing in our hearts, but we have gradually learnt to become Joe, Jim, et al as we grew up. Before we became such and such, we were humans, and before such specific ones, we were living beings. Why can’t we belong to living beings, before humans or national citizens? Why can’t we be beyond all such conventions and constrictions which limit our views and values? Why not limitless life in limitless light, liberation, and love?

Awakening in nirvana let anyone going beyond conventions and see things completely objective and not obstructed. Thus the Buddha could penetrate through universal and ultimate truths and ethics, performed them, and prognosticated them for all. He was awakened to the truth of interdependent co-origination of all phenomena, thus impermanence (no self-sameness), suffering (no self-sovereignty), and no self (no self same sovereign substance).

Acknowledging and accepting the truth is the way to solve problems and sufferings. Anyone can do the same in practicing cultivation and verification leading to limitless light, liberation, life, and life in holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness from sinful (separated sick) selfishness and suffering. Two wings of concentration and continuity are essential in sitting still, stilling karmas, and seeing dharmas.

3/3/18 C.E. Dharma talk









3/3/18 C.E. 法話

























The above pictures were sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka from Japan












三昧に坐ることを仏心印といい業を止める(涅槃)印を押すように同じ姿(状態)に封印するのです。心意識は佳く生きるために発展させられましたが、自己中心の業に導かれるように学べば悪化します。 自己中心(罪)の苦と聖(全体健全)な福楽は習いの道筋と限界ー修行と証果にあります。

3/11/18 C.E. 法話


Karma  to Dharma


Good morning!

We have a bright sunny spring morning in holy harmony after sittings and service. The Buddha said, “I live on joy,” when the devil whispered to return into his ears not getting food after alms round. Buddhas live on joy in limitless life, light, liberation, and love in holy (wholly wholesome) truth, goodness, and beauty.

Dogen said, “To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self, to learn the self is to forget the self, to forget the self is to be verified by all dharmas, to be verified by all dharmas is to drop off the bodies and minds of oneself and others. Awakening trace is at rest and extinct. Traceless awakening is furthered on and on.”

Learning is like baby birds flapping their wings to fly. It is learning with the whole body/mind/world, forgetting the self, verified by all dharmas, flying fully and freely. Unless one forgets oneself, one can’t verify all dharmas freely and fully, and vice versa. Even precious, gold in the eye hurts.

Sitting in Samadhi is called the Buddha-heart seal, sealing in the same state of stilling karma (nirvana). Hearts and minds were developed to live better, but worse, if learning leads to selfish karmas. Selfish (sinful) suffering or holy (wholly) happiness depends on the learning line and limit – cultivation and verification.

3/10/18 C.E. Dharma talk










































































The above pictures were sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka from Japan


9. 間違いは何か?






9. What is wrong?

The urgent and crucial matter – the wrongness we must address - is that the human species is endangering and apt to extinguish the whole life system, together with itself. A single individual can annihilate all living beings out of madness, impulse, miscalculation, viciousness, and idleness. This is extermination, contrary to and against, the intention, welfare, and destiny of all humanity and living beings.

What is the cause of this wrongness? Human brains and hands have developed to survive, and renewed and advanced languages, thoughts, knowledge, and societies with tools, sciences, technologies, and civilizations. With the emergence of nation states, however, humans have been polluting, extinguishing, and destroying other states, species, and their base ecological systems. Fundamentally it is selfishness, money dominance, paradigm misfits, and system incapability. All mistakes lie in the macro-micro fallacy and its erroneous applications. These are wrongs against truth and ethics.

What is the solution? Selfishness gave birth to material hegemony, money domination (to buy hegemony), and pyramidal civilizations. Civilization, urbanization (from civitas, city), gave birth to the uni-directional nation systems that grab matter, might, and money with the five calamities (delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and destruction: self-view, -attachment, -pride: slavery, colonialism, war, etc.). The solution, for the harmony and security of the larger system of earth and universe, lies in stopping the macro-micro fallacy of “ego,” which is merely a part of and dependent on the larger system (eco), from being seen as the absolute first.

What is the method to solve the wrongness? The natural (eco) system formed a related, relative world in interdependent co-origination, evolving in natural harmony. The artificial uni-directional pyramidal civilization has been destroying it. To avoid this destruction we must make a paradigm shift, to a natural, total, cyclical life Indra-net culture (cultivating holy truth, beauty, goodness). This is to correct the macro-micro fallacy (taking ego-fiction/fallacy as the universal truth/ethic). This is to make a paradigm shift and observe the global ethic.

Note: Please refer to my “Paradigm Shift” and the Parliament of World Religions’ “Declaration toward a Global Ethic” for more details.





Hardest Harvested










3/31/18共通年 法話



Good morning!


This is the Equinox (Ohigan: Yonder Shore: Nirvana) and Easter season with all life forms springing up, flowering, and fruiting until they fall down. Soon we will have the Flower Festival, Buddha’s Birthday celebration. The Buddha, it is said, achieved the hardest thing to achieve. He was awakened to the universal truth of interdependent co-origination, and solved all suffering by testifying karma kinetics and transcended them by sitting still, and stilling them.


He cultivated and verified the awakening and awakened way himself and shared the method with us so that we could do the same and enjoy the Awakened Way ourselves. We must cultivate and verify it in nirvana / awakening after we spring up and before we fall down. The Buddha seemed the poorest person, but he lived on joy even when he did not get anything in his begging bowl, living in holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness with all always, even here, now.


Climbing a mountain requires aspiration to climb to the high peak to see and savor the sights and senses. One may start walking through thick woods with birds singing and animals lingering in the beginning, gradually going up high to brush and mountain flower fields with winds and wide views. One may think the peak is near, but arriving there, find another further up. Once one reaches the highest peak, one can command all the peaks around. Climbing is itself calming and clearing throughout.


One must aspire to climb and command the total view of the world in the path to the peak of the Awakened Way. One must continue walking step by step through thickets, small stone steps or steep slippery slopes, dark dense fogs or dangerous deadly cliffs with cautions and concentrations. One may have a sudden breeze or broken views through mist or unexpected snow or lightening. If, however, one continues climbing in concentration, one enjoys a calm clear state throughout the process, eventually commanding peaks.


3/31/18 C.E. Dharma talk











































The above pictures were taken and shared by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka






Flap and Fly Free and Fully!

















Good morning!


We’ll have the Buddha’s birthday, called Hana-matsuri (花祭り), Flower Festival, tomorrow. “To be born as a human being is as rare as a blind turtle living on the bottom of the ocean coming up to the surface of it once in a hundred years, unwittingly putting its head into a hole of a floating log,” he said, “but to encounter the Awakened Way is far more rare.”


All living beings are blind about being karma machines, but humans are more blind in certain situations, space, and time, in various traditions. We must check where our buses go, nirvana or nadir. Sitting still is to still our karma winds, i.e., nirvana, to see the dharma and save all from suffering. To encounter and embody the Awakened Way is far more precious.


Like two wheels or wings for buses or birds to fare or fly free, continuity and concentration are two keys to open the doors to nirvana/awakening. Free-dom, priya-dhāman in Sanskrit, meaning beloved-domain, is to become familiar with one’s body, mind, and the world – how to cultivate and verify their postures, positions, processes, potencies, etc. into harmony.


For their free and full function, we must acquaint and adjust our bones, breathing, muscles, minds, environments, efforts, etc. into holy harmony, health, and happiness. Anyone can open the doors to limitless life, light, liberation, and love, like dropping off the bubbles of bodies, barriers, and merging into limitless oceans beyond and before the karma kinetic wheels.


4/7/18 C.E. Dharma talk























The above pictures were taken and shared by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka



10. 大事な事は何か?











註1. 五戒


不殺生戒(ふせっしょうかい:生物を殺す事の回避: pāṇātipātā veramaṇī/pāṇātipātāt prativirata)

不偸盗戒(ふちゅうとうかい:与えられない物を取る事の回避:adattādānā veramaṇī/adattādānāt prativirata)

不邪婬戒(ふじゃいんかい:邪悪な性行為の回避:kāmamicchācārā veramaṇī/kāma-mithyācārāt prativirata)

不妄語戒(ふもうごかい: 虚言の回避: musāvādā veramaṇī /mṛṣāvādāt prativirata)

不飲酒戒(ふおんじゅかい:穀酒果酒など酒の放逸処の回避:surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇī/ surāmaireya-madyapramāda-sthānāt prativirata) –


  1. 十戒(十善業)



不殺生(生物を殺す事の不快楽(離心):pāṇātipātā virati/prāṇātipātād virati)

不偸盗(与えられない物を取る事の不快楽(離心):adattādānā virati/adattādānād virati)

不邪淫(邪悪な性関係の不快楽(離心):kāmamicchācārā virati/kāma-mithyācārād virati)



不妄語(虚妄語の不快楽(離心):musāvādā virati/mṛṣāvādād virati)

不綺語(奇矯語の不快楽(離心):sambhinnapalāpā paṭivirati/sambhinna-pralāpāt prativirati)

不悪口(邪険語の不快楽(離心):pisuṇāvācā paṭivirati/paiśunyāt prativirati)

不両舌(二枚舌の不快楽(離心): pharusāvācā paṭivirati/pāruṣyāt prativirati)



不慳貪(ふけんどん:吝嗇・貪欲の不快楽(離心):abhijjhāya paṭivirati/abhidhyāyāḥ prativirati)

不瞋恚(ふしんに: 憤怒・憎悪の不快楽(離心):vyāpādā paṭivirati/vyāpādāt prativirati)

不邪見(ふじゃけん:偏見・邪険の不快楽(離心):micchādiṭṭhiyā paṭivirati/mithyā-dṛṣṭeḥ prativirati)




10. What is the matter?



As stated in “What is wrong?” the problem lies in the mini-max fallacy (of making the small self great and prior to the great universe) due to karma, and we must cure it. To cure karma, we must first still karma. As already stated, the right and direct way to do this is through Zazen, by which anyone can enter into nirvana and achieve right and direct awakening. It was achieved by the Buddha, by whose teaching many ancestors have become awakened and their assemblies formed. These three – Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha – continue to be treasured as the Triple Treasures and Triple Refuges by followers.

All Buddhists take refuge in the Triple Treasures and learn the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis (sīla/śīla, samādhi/samādhi, paňňā/prajňā). Morality consists of sīla and vinaya. Sīla means character, nature, trunk (backbone, pillar), meaning the true nature, good character fitting to truth and ethic, the state of being unmoved and withstanding pressure and distortion. It is to separate from falsity, wrongness, and the ugliness of sin (separated sickness) and it leads to truth, goodness, and beauty of holiness (wholly wholesomeness). Vi-naya means separating from the madness of mad elephants and it leads to embodying goodness as beneficial ones. Concentration consists of jhāna/dhyāna (meditation) and samādhi (concentration, mindfulness), concretely Zazen.

All Buddhists learn to observe the Five Precepts of no killing, no stealing, no falsehood, no sexual misconduct, and no intoxicants. As the Awakened Way takes the universal truth and ethic of the universe as the great, right, holy truth/law (holy=wholly wholesome) as its foundation, no killing – the original is no enjoyment of harming – is not enjoying the harming not only of humans but also all animals and plants. No stealing – the original is not enjoying taking the ungiven – is not enjoying taking the ungiven. No falsehood – the original is not enjoying falsity – is not enjoying imprecise, untrue words or false, vain, eccentric words. No sexual misconduct means not enjoying wrong sexual relations. No intoxicants means not enjoying the taking of intoxicants such as alcohol, narcotics, etc., which is against awakening.

The Ten Precepts are also called the Ten Good Actions, listed in the three actions of the body, mouth, and mind. In this schema, no falsehood in the Five Precepts is further detailed into no enjoying falsity, eccentric, abusive, or double tongues. The mental actions are not wanting or enjoying the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion, which are the root causes of all evils. These are received by lay people and renunciants when receiving precepts to cultivate themselves and to cross over sufferings. The precepts of no killing, etc. are the teaching of equality of self and other, including not letting others kill, etc., also. The Five Precepts (except for the fifth) were employed and issued as the Declaration toward a Global Ethic by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1993 for all to observe. If the Ten Precepts are employed and expanded throughout the whole society, the paradigm shift to the living Indra-net culture of the five blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, universal love, and peace will be made.


Note 1. Five Precepts:

No joy in (detachment from) taking life: pāṇātipātā veramaṇī/pāṇātipātāt prativirata

No joy in (detachment from) getting the ungiven: adattādānā veramaṇī/adattādānāt prativirata

No joy in (detachment from) sexual misconduct: kāmamicchācārā veramaṇī/kāma-mithyācārāt prativirata

No joy in (detachment from) fasehood: musavadat prativirati/mrsāvādāt prativirata

No joy in (detachment from) intoxicants: surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇī/surāmaireya-madya- pramāda-sthānāt prativirata


  1. Ten Precepts (Ten Good Actions)


(bodily actions)

No joy in (detachment from) taking life: pāṇātipātā virati/prāṇātipātād virati

No joy in  (detachment from) getting the ungiven: adattādānā virati/adattādānād virati

No joy in  (detachment from) sexual misconduct: kāmamicchācārā virati/kāma-mithyācārād virati


(verbal actions)

No joy in  (detachment from) falsehood: musāvādā virati/mṛṣāvādād virati

No joy in  (detachment from) eccentric words: sambhinnapalāpā pativirati/sambhinna-pralāpāt prativirati

No joy in  (detachment from) abuse: pesuňňā pativirati/paiśunyāt prativirati

No joy in  (detachment from) double tongues: pāruṣyāt prativirati


(mental actions)

No joy in  (detachment from) avarice: abhijjhāya pativirati/abhidhyāyāḥ prativirati

No joy in  (detachment from) divisiveness: vyāpādā pativirati/vyāpādāt prativirati

No joy of  (detachment from) wrong views: micchādiṭṭhiyā pativirati/mithyā-dṛṣṭeḥ prativirati











4月21日2018共通年 法話





Small Ego to Saintly Soul


Good morning!

The first Zen koan tells: When the Buddha held up a flower, Mahakashapa smiled. The flower most probably was a lotus flower, symbolizing a fragrant beautiful flower untouched by muddy water, which already contains fruit inside its flower pedals. Sitting, as you already experienced, contains the fruit of a calm clear state in itself, a glimpse of nirvana and bodhi (awakening) in itself.

The legend of the Brahma’s beseeching of the Buddha to go into the world, when he found it deeply sunken in the laya (layers of karma), and being inclined to stay inside the forest enjoying nirvana, says that he thought about lotus flowers – while most were deeply sunken under muddy water, some were about peep out, and a few were already blooming. So, he spent the next 45 years sharing his way with all.

We say, “Kame-no kō yori toshi-no kō,” lit. Better than a tortoise shell is age merit (Age wisdom is better than a tortoise shell – tortoises were believed to live ten thousand years). North Korea now wants to have peace in Korea, Asia, and the world. Hooligans easily fight, but adults remain calm. Small selves seek strife, but saintly souls (mahā-ātmā, lit. great self) stay satisfied.

All fallacies can be summed up in mini-max (micro-macro) fallacy to take mini as max, taking ego as great and important as eco. Individual, social, national, racial, etc. ego is the culprit of all problems and sufferings. Me-ism is the source of materialism, militarism, money-ism, creating pyramidal civilizations (money-character tower: 金字塔), ignoring holy (wholly wholesome) truth and ethic.

4/21/18 C.E. Dharma talk










業静止で法正観: Stilling Karma, Seeing Dharma



私達は今美しい花々-桜、レッドバッド(はなずおう :花蘇芳)、リラ、ツツジ-に囲まれています、特に静寂の坐禅の後で。セッシンは心を摂し接することです。釈尊はしばしば漏(煩悩)が漏出しないよう「戸締り」をかたられました。私は昨日薄荷の根が茂く絡み合っているのを掘り出しましたが、業のことを思いました、元はその香りの為に植えたのでしたが、今や野菜畑にまで広がっているのです。












Good morning!


We are now surrounded by beautiful flowers – cherry, red buds, lilacs, azaleas – especially after sitting in serenity. Sesshin is embracing the heart/mind and touching them. The Buddha often referred to “door-guarding” (dvāra-gutta) of leaks (āsava: defilements: bonno) leaking out. Yesterday I dug up mint roots, a thick interwoven network, and was reminded of karma, originally planted for its scent, but now spreading in the vegetable garden.


My Japanese garden is getting crowded with growing bushes. We must have prognosis, far insight and experienced skill, in time and space in everything. Still sitting stills karma, seeing truths/phenomena (dharma), thus serving and saving them. Seeing dharmas makes us awakened from delusion, like awaking from dreams, and saving them gives us prognosis (prajňā/paňňā), as we know how our hearts/minds, i.e., our worlds, work.


The four stages of Zen (chan, jhāna) advance with the discarding of conceptions, emotions (represented by the five coverings of lust/desire, covetousness/malevolence, sloth/drowsiness, agitation/worry, and doubt), volitions (represented by the four leaks of lust, becoming, views, and nescience). Discarding and discarding of its sense leads to freedom of heart/mind and nirvana (no wind of karma, from which coverings and leaks appear), thus door-guarded.


Trees are said to communicate among themselves by gas, etc. Humans communicate by languages, etc. Tree and true came from the common root of dhṝ, the root of dharma. Languages single out and stultify phenomena, strengthened by emotions, etc. Thus, we must cultivate our karmas to verify dharmas, like cultivating land and verifying its produce. The Buddha said that one can put on shoes, it’s not necessary to spread leather all over the world.


4/29/18 C.E. Dharma talk


































業の治癒と手当:Cure & Care of Karma





宗教とは罪(sin = separation:利己病患 )から聖(holy = wholly wholesome:全体健全)に再結合するという意味です(religion < religare = reunion)。それを治療し手当するのは業を治療し手当することです。私達が業相続者、業所有者、業機械であり、みずから善業で手当し拠り所を得るという真理に目覚めることが必須です。





3.禅( (Jhāna梵語/Dhyāna:パーリ語/Chan禅:中国語の日本語音訳) は第一禅(推理・憶測・心喜・身楽・集中の禅支あり)、第二禅(前二禅支と感情の代表五蓋:貪欲・慳貪・惰眠・不安の捨)、第三禅(前三禅支と意欲の代表四漏:淫貪・生成・邪見・無明:涅槃無経験の捨)、第四禅(前四禅支と一切捨:涅槃)。



https:// buddhism869196463.wordpress.com



Good morning!

We can enjoy birds’ singing surrounded by beautiful flowers in quiet sitting. I posted the people’s movement making the EU prohibit bee killing chemicals, and Rob Kall’s interview with David Swanson on his Curing Exceptionalism in the Limitless Life. Not only 4% of the human population, but less than 1% believe Exceptionalism antagonizes other humans along with all living beings.

Wars are human exceptionalism with mass murder, stealing, lying, raping, etc. Mass murder, etc. are immoral in any country, but permitted to other countries due to the delusion of ego. Delusional dictators and their followers created these atrocities. Awakened religionists condemned them. Thus, the global ethic employed the first four of the Five Precepts as irrevocable directives.

Religion means reunion with holiness (wholly wholesome way/world) from sinfulness (= separation, selfish sickness). Curing and caring it is curing and caring karma. It is essential to be awakened to the truth of our being karma-heirs, -owners, -machines, looking after ourselves in taking care of and refuge in good actions1.

We have now exceptional karma in that we can destroy the world at any moment with delusion, but we have the common karma to cooperate with all in the world with awakening. The Life Wheel2 tells us how our delusion and desire lead to suffering, and the Zen Stages3 teach us how to attain nirvana/bodhi (awakening) with the Various Ways4.


Note 1. Four Applications of decreasing/stopping bad actions and starting and increasing good ones

  1. 12-limbed Dependent Co-origination, the compound of the Dependent Co-origination of sense organs, objects, and perceptions/consciousnesses (called the Triple Conjunction), of Dependent Origination of craving, formation, suffering (called the Triple Steps), and of Dependent Origination of samsara (appropriation/identification, becoming, i.e., birth, aging and death).
  1. 4-stages of Zen (Jhana/Dhyana/Chan) advancing from the 1st (with the Zen components, i.e., investigation, contemplation, mental joy, physical comfort, single-pointedness of the mind), 2nd (discarding the former three of the Zen components, and the five coverings of lust-desire, covetousness-malevolence, sloth-drowsiness, agitation-worry, and doubt, which represents emotions), 3rd (discarding the former four Zen components, and the Four Leaks of lust, becoming, views, and nescience) identified as equipoise (upekhāko, lit. discardor), 4th identified as equanimity (upekhā, lit. discarding) tantamount to nirvana, mind freed.
  1. Various Ways composed of the 37 Awakening Limbs of the 8 Holy Ways (right view, thinking, speech, action, livelihood, striving, mindfulness, concentration), 7 Awakening Limbs (dharma analysis, mindfulness, striving, joy, lightness, concentration, equanimity), 5 Faculties/5 Powers (faith, striving, concentration, prognosis), 4 Mindfulness Applications (on body, feeling, consciousness, dharma), 4 Potency Bases/4 Powerd (desire, striving, concentration, investigation) in the Early Buddhism or 6 Prognosis Perfections in the Mahayana Bodhisattva Way.

For more detailed explanations on the above please refer to the following site or book:

https:// buddhism869196463.wordpress.com

Osamu Rosan Yoshida, NO SELF, A NEW SYSTEMATIC INTERPRETATION OF BUDDHISM, The World Sacred Text Publishing Society, Tokyo, 1994
















































































Sesshin Serves and Saves



Good morning!


Sesshin (摂心・接心) means embracing and touching our hearts and minds. If we sit and still our minds, stilling our conceptions, emotions, volitions, and even perceptions, advancing in the four stages of zen, we can eventually enter into nirvana, stilling the wind of karma and karma worlds.


If we sit and see our minds, seeing how our perceptions, consciousness, craving, nescience originates on sense organs and objects, clarifying the mechanism of how these cause suffering driven by karma, we can eventually become awakened to the truth of our life as shown in the becoming wheel or life cycle in karma.


In this way we can attain the fivefold bliss of awakening, freedom, equality, compassion, and peace in the nirvana realm for the “life Indra-net culture,” transcending the fivefold calamity of illusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination in the karma world of a “money pyramid civilization.”


In this way we can realize the Four Brahma-vihāra, Supreme-abode or Purity-abode of compassion, commiseration, joy, and equanimity in ourselves and the Four Embracing Matters of giving, loving words, beneficial deeds, and sameness for all, serving and saving all beings in time and space.
































Neither Chill Nor Heat:無寒暑


Good morning!


A monk asked Tozan, “When chill or heat comes, how can I avoid it?” Tozan said, “Why don’t you fare to the neither chill nor heat place?” The monk asked, “What is the neither chill nor heat place?” Tozan said, “At the chill time, chill kills the teacher: at the heat time, heat kills the teacher.”


At the chill zones, people acclimatize to chill. At the heat zones, people acclimatize to heat. We can cultivate the capacity to endure chill or heat, and further chill and heat. When chill kills choice and heat kills hate, we may be able to transcend chill and heat, liking and disliking.


When, however, we have global warming and nuclear winter, claiming casualties and corpses, climate changes (hurricanes, typhoons, wild fires, flooding, land slides, etc.) and nuclear nemeses (radiation, war, devastation dust, etc.) kill living beings and living biospheres beyond nirvana and Bodhi.


Sharp knives can cook or kill. Our cultivation and verification must lead to nirvana and Bodhi, awakening, never to nemesis and annihilation. Pure peace and profound prognosis enjoy a wholly wholesome way and world, never a selfish sick way and world. Practice perfects peace prognosis.


7/7/18 Dharma talk


Note: “The teacher” in the above is the translation of “jari,” shortened form of “ajari” (transliteration of ācarya/ācariya, teacher in Sanskrit/Pali) here denoting “you”(It seems that Tozan’s intention: Why don’t you, teacher, attain nirvana?)






























Karma Sin or Dharma Holiness: 罪業か聖法か


Good morning!


Yesterday I experienced two completely opposite experiences. One was while I was on the way here: I saw a driver in the next lane decelerating in front of a red signal, who then just ran away. I honked cautioning it, then another car cut into my lane as if not liking my action. Another car cut in dangerously in close proximity. These show sin, separation, causing antagonism, enmity, destruction, and demise.


The other one: I watched a video of Jill Bolte Taylor and her book Stroke of Insight. When she had her brain stroke and was hospitalized, her mother, visiting her in the hospital, immediately put herself in Jill’s bed and, embracing her, rocked her for days as if rocking her baby. This is empathy, oneness, holiness, becoming wholly wholesome with the world, harmony, health, and happiness.


We are at the fork of a road leading either to a destiny of demise or of happiness in the world, either to sin or holiness. There is no way of selfishness in the world of interdependent co-origination, related and relative. We are all in the Indra-net of life, all living beings being four billion years old with genes and a generic world like the ocean rather than bubbles – wonderful rather than worrisome.


Buddha Gotama foresaw the danger of selfishness by karma and taught the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination to save the world from destruction. We must know our four billion year karma, still, see, serve, and save all beings by decreasing and stopping bad karma as well as starting and increasing good karma. Zazen is the natural, direct, practical way to still karma and savor the Dharma in nirvana.


7/21/18  Dharma talk







2018共通年7月21日 法話




































































Poisoned Arrow to Pull Out to All Beings: 一切衆生から抜くべき毒矢

Good morning!

As we watch the news of wild fires and mountain fires in America and Europe, and super heavy rains, flooding, land slides in Asia, 500 scientists worldwide have announced: “Carbon Concentration Soars to Levels Not Seen 800,000 Years.” The Buddha told the parable of blind people groping for an elephant in order to report to King Mirror that it is like a rope, pillar, wall, etc.


The Buddha taught the lesson of a poisoned arrow, saying to pull it out immediately, rather than asking about the type of poison, the shooter, the arrow specifics, etc. The most dangerous arrow, needing most urgently to be pulled out of all living beings, is nukes, even if global warming and mass extinction, which will eventually make human beings extinct, are also important in the wider perspective.


The Buddha also taught that sufferings come from the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion, which come from karma, as we are karma-heirs, -owners, -machines. He told us, however, that we can take refuge in good karma, avoiding bad karma. He showed how to still karma in nirvana (no wind, of karma), see dharma in awakening, and serve and save all beings.


Sitting still, stilling physical, verbal, and mental karma, is the direct, natural, practical way to reach nirvana and awakening in free and full function, in harmony, health, and happiness. The Buddha said that this is the “come and see” way, which anyone can practice and perfect. This is the way from sin (separation) to holiness (wholly wholesome way and world).


8/4/18 Dharma talk







2018共通年8月4日 法話




















































Triple Hearts



Good morning!

Dogen described the process of the Awakened Way as follows in his Genjokoan, Realizing the Universal Truth: To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self; to learn the self is to forget the self; to forget the self is to be verified by all dharmas; to be verified by all dharmas is to drop off the bodies of the self and others; there is the trace of awakening at rest and extinct; traceless awakening is furthered on and on.

He recommended the triple hearts of great heart, mature heart, and joyful heart in his Tenzokyokun, Lesson to the Chef Monk. The great heart is to embrace and even transcend the whole world. When we attain awakening in nirvana, we witness no self in the dharma world, or attain the Dharma body beyond the smelly skin sack of the small self, attaining amrita, the ambrosia of deathlessness that is like the limitless ocean beyond bubbles.

The mature heart is the aged, ripened, experienced, skillful heart that takes care of everything in a concrete way, prognosticating far, wide, minute, and kind enough in the wholly wholesome way and world in harmony, health, and happiness. The triple hearts themselves are applications of the Awakened Way, and the mature heart is the application of the great heart in actual actions in the actual world of all beings.

The joyful heart is possible with, and promotes, the other two hearts together. Without the great heart, we miss holiness (wholly wholesome way and world) and without the mature heart, we miss actuality (active application and actual appreciation). This attains the joy-ful (sukha-vatī) realm or paradise (= Skt. pradesha, province, state), not limited by the conventional karma realm with the triple poisons.

8/11/18 Dharma talk









2018共通年8月11日 法話
















































Life Light


Good morning!


I have witnessed many deaths of my family members, relatives, friends, teachers, acquaintances. When I attended my grandmother’s funeral ceremony, the monk said, “Due to causes and conditions she came into this world 80 years ago and with causes and conditions she left this world.” I watched the candle flame burning and thought it due to causes and conditions. Her daughter, my mother, was killed in a rare traffic accident before her, like a candle cut into halves.


The Buddha lost his mother due to his birth, so he could not even see her. He was saddened by worms cut by spades. He renounced his household life to solve the suffering of sickness, aging, death, parting, etc. His country was destroyed and his royal family members killed. He said, “Better than conquering thousands upon thousands in the battlefield is conquering one self. That is the true conqueror.” If one conquers oneself, there will be no conquering by killing, stealing, etc.


The Buddha conquered himself by sitting, stilling karma, seeing dharma, serving and saving all. He attained nirvana, no-wind of karma, and saw the Dharma of Dependent Origination – the truth of our life, samsara suffering, dependently originating on past and present physical, verbal, and mental karma. He served us with this truth and saved us with the Awakened Way to realize nirvana and bodhi, awakening, and prajňā, prognosis for all here, now, and wherever, whenever.


Nirvana is the state of a candle flame burning bright, not blown or extinguished, illuminating the world calm and clear – without karma wind of the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion. Awakening in nirvana is like awakening from a nightmare, knowing that the nightmare is nothing but a dream, and thus the triple poisons are nothing but delusion. Awakening leads to prognosis to solve samsara, impermanence in identification, and suffering originating from it.




Note: Please study the diagrams of Dependent Origination and the Four Stages of Meditation in the Download Documents section of our website: https://www.missourizencenter.org.















2018共通年8月25日 法話










































































Suffering or Happiness:苦悩か幸福か


Good morning!


I watched an NHK program titled “Autonomous Nerve System Self Care Technique, Irritation Changed.” The doctor said that irritation comes from self-centeredness, which stimulates the sympathetic nerve system, making blood pressure high, breathing shallow, etc., making one stressful and suffering. The cure is to breath slowly to balance with the parasympathetic nerve system. Contact with pets makes one relaxed and other-oriented, excreting oxytocin, love hormone.


Self-centeredness makes one in fight flight mode, stressful and suffering, and other-orientedness makes one in wholly wholesome mode, healthy and happy. The former is the triple poisons of delusion, desire, and divisiveness, coming from the karma of our survival instinct. The triple learning of morality, concentration, and prognosis makes one freed from the triple poisons, eventually from karma, which is called nirvana, no wind (of karma), no self-centeredness.


Self-centeredness is the source of all suffering, individual, social, and environmental – birth-death, loss-parting, war, nukes, global warming, mass extinction, etc. So, the Buddha said that conquering one-self is the true conquering. If a majority of humans does this, we can have a holy (wholly wholesome), harmonious, healthy, and happy world. If not, we are destined to destruction of the world, part and parcel of human caused mass extinction.


“Flowers blooming, the world is arisen.” Cherry blossoming makes a spring world. A flower makes a new world. A flower held, a smile rises. “A holy person has no self, nothing beside self.” For a holy one, the whole world is holy. Many seeing a holy one may make their holy worlds. The more, the better and quicker the world becomes holy, wholly wholesome, harmonious, healthy, and happy. If not, the world becomes more selfish, sinful, sick, stressful, and suffering.



Dharma talk









共通年2018年9月1日 法話


































一切の為の涅槃‐覚醒:Nirvana-Awakening for All













2018共通年9月8日 法話


註:1.縁起の法(dharma = form/norm:形・ありかた: 諸法・法則)は行(過去・現在の身口意三業)が(1)感覚境涯・世界を生み・創り、(2)(業の)欲望・渇望を生み苦に結果し、(3)(身体を体、自分の体、自己の、自分)を所有物・一体物という感覚を生み、サンサーラ(生れ、患い、死に、空腹、怒り、米国人などになる流転・輪廻の生活)と呼ばれる生・死、渇・怒などになり・同一化します。当方のウェブサイトの「ダウンロード書類」の「縁起」の書類を御覧下さい:www.missourizencenter.org



Nirvana-Awakening for All

Good morning!


Homo sapience could survive and thrive by its wisdom of harmony, communal cooperation. This species, however, may become extinct at any time, along with all living beings, due to its instinct of separation, short-sighted selfishness – me-ism, mammon-ism, materialism, militarism, etc., e.g., nukes, wars, global warming, mass extinction.


Sin means separation, i.e., “self” separated from all coming from the self-survival instinct, with sense and motor organs developed and evolved by long karma (growing with ceremony: performance: behavior, habit, heredity). Sinful karma manifests as the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness (anger, hate), and delusion, poisoning all.


Stilling karma can still self-sense, selfishness, sinful karma, the triple poisons, thus all stresses and suffering. Zazen, sitting still, can still physical, verbal, and mental karma, see the Dharma (Truth/Law) of Dependent Co-origination of all phenomena (senses: mind, sense realm: world, stress, suffering, samsara: transmigratory life).


All living beings want to achieve holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness. They are, however, driven by karma into the triple poisons, resulting in sinful (selfish stricken) separation, sickness and suffering. Truth, however, tells that anyone can sit still, still karma, see truth, serve, and save all in nirvana/bodhi (awakening).


9/8/2018 C.E. Dharma talk


N.B. 1. The Dharma (Norm/form: Law/phenomena) of Dependent Co-origination shows how formations (past/present physical/verbal/mental karma) (1) originates/initiates the contact of sense organs and objects, originating/creating sense realm/world, (2) originates (karmic) craving/thirst resulting in suffering, and (3) originates the sense of appropriation/identification (of body as body, my body, me, I), thus becoming/identifying birth/death, hungry/angry, etc., called samsara (transmigratory living, becoming born, sick, dying, hungry, angry, American, etc.). See Dependent Origination document in the “download documents” section of our website: www.missourizencennter.org.


  1. See the Jhāna Stages document in the “download documents” section of our website: www.missourzencenter.org





otsuka mukuge.jpg





otsuka's fall.jpg






otsuka's fall2.jpg





Amrita, Ambrosia/Immortality


Good morning!


About a decade ago I made a trip to India, tracing the Buddha’s footsteps. Most memory sites were desolate remains, but Jetavana, Gion, was vivid with abundant flowers and butterflies flying around. Here the Buddha started the rainy season retreat in the buildings donated by Sudatta, Good-giver, or Anāthapiṇḍika, Feeder of the destitute, giving most sermons and disciplines.


The Buddha, seeing the suffering of birth, death, parting, losing, etc., renounced his household life at the age of 29, strived hard in fasting, penance, meditation, etc. for six years, and attained awakening in nirvana, solving suffering. His awakening was in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, summed up in the Twelve-fold, -limbed, Dependent Co-origination, life wheel.


The prime movers of the life wheel (samsara suffering) are the formations (sankhāra, past/present physical/verbal/mental actions). So, stilling them is the solution in still sitting – stilling formations – in meditation, jhāna, zen. The four stages of meditation show how anyone can reach nirvana, stilling body, mouth, mind – volitions, emotions, conceptions, and perceptions.


Ryokan’s poem says, “When butterflies come, flowers bloom: Where flowers bloom, butterflies come.” In the Awakened Way in nirvana anyone can realize holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness with limitless life, light, liberation, and love, tasting amrita, ambrosia of immortality. Sukhavati, Blissful, usually translated as Pureland, Paradise, is here now.


9/15/2018C.E. Dharma talk














2018共通年9月5日 法話
















































































With/friend Is Principle/secret of Survival

The NHK (Nihon Hoso Kyokai: Japan Broadcasting Assoc.) BS1 program “Birth of Mankind: Future Version “And Mankind Survived” illustrated 93% of infants, shown the scene of a doll obstructing another doll trying to open a box and another doll helping it, preferred the doll helping another doll.  The reason humankind survived was helping each other (peace, equality, community, collaboration: with, friend) and not robbing each other (war, discrimination, domination, exploitation: grabbing, enemy).

It tells homo sapiens survived due to their large community sharing and collaboration such as information and tools, Neanderthal despite their the staut bodies ruined unable to obtain games (selfish individuals, companies, and state perish, and the key for survival is the way of life of all being with/friends. Consider the nuclear, war, global warming, natural disasters, and mass extinction).

The guiding doc (-tor) “Survived sapiens started fighting, which is completely stupid.” that’s (This is the fighting devils and hell beings way with short-sights and short-circuiting losing the sight and action from high and wide perspective.).

The cross-bred Neanderthal genes remain 2% in homo sapiens, which survived and contributed to homo sapiens with advantages.

We not only live on oxygen, food, clothing, and shelter endowed by plants, but also have developed visual senses shared by the light sensor of plants to be able to see far and wide of the world. 

Good nature survives and flourish!

War is because of “merchants of death,” selfish hungry ghosts for only “us, now, money” misusing the name of “nation”, not for all beings, eternity, and life. Utilize the resources – life, money, matter –  spent on nuke, war, base, militarization, etc. for life, peace, education, and welfare such victims and the needy.















Appeal to Buddhists


All Buddhists learn the triple learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis. The prerequisite to attain concentration and prognosis (ultimately nirvana and awakening) is morality, or the precepts. The five precepts became the four inalienable directives (no killing, no stealing, no lying, and equal partnership between men and women, changed from no sexual misconduct) that must be observed by all humans, whether religious or not, of the Declaration of a Global Ethic, issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1993 C.E. These directives, encouraged by opposition movements against nuclear war, arose like a great surge throughout the world. They are universal truths/ethics undeniable by any excuses, and they are disciplines that nobody should violate. So much the more should they be observed all Buddhists, lay or renunciant, who make nirvana/awakening (peace/enlightenment of truth: holy way/awakened way) as their life/living.


Killing, stealing, lying, and sexual misconduct are the paramount evils/crimes, resulting in excommunication from the Buddhist orders (renunciants can never be allowed to become renunciants again: they are unqualified for nirvana/awakening). War is the greatest and worst crime, involving killing, stealing, lying, raping, etc. All evils come from the triple poisons of greed, hatred, and delusion. Their roots lie in the delusion (a-vidyā: no-video: non-witness of nirvana: selfishness) of ego, the stored karma of survival instinct. War is due to the triple poisons of “ego” carried out in the name of nation, the collective selfishness (national ego) of “ego/delusion,” the stiff-stereotyped triple poisons (more false/fictitious/grave/great delusion/deadly sin). War is lawlessness (no truth/ethic: evil view/action: delusional attachment/destructive action), usually punishable inside a nation, but permitted and even encouraged against an enemy nation. These crimes, allowed among soldiers, become the indiscriminate, greatest, worst crimes due to the strengthening and savaging of wars/weapons and are apt to result in the annihilation of all living beings.


At present we are witnessing an all-out mobilization of all resources, a mobilization of religions, media, education, etc. Authority uses religious groups and, chances are, those groups’ leaders and followers are joining in the participation and agitation of war. However, as mentioned above, war is to commit the worst crimes, those prohibited by religion (reunion/return to holiness: wholly wholesome way/world). The participants in and encouragers of war are no longer Buddhists or religious ones. Participating in war and encouraging others to participate in war make oneself and others the greatest and gravest criminals to suffer suffering and sacrifice. It makes one fall into Immediate Hell (Hell here now with no interval), the crimes and calamities reaching all humans and living beings in eternity into the future, to be memorized and recorded, rebuked and denied by all. It goes without saying that one should not support or encourage any individual or group preparing for or promoting war, nukes (weapons, plants), military forces, military bases, etc.


The Buddha said that all living beings are karma-heirs, karma-owners, karma-machines, karma-refuges, but the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination (Origination on causes and conditions) teaches that stored karma can be changed. It is possible for anyone to decrease and stop bad karma and to start and increase good karma. It is possible for individuals, societies, and the world. Transforming the triple poisons with the triple learnings to attain nirvana/awakening is possible by anyone, any other, and any nation. It is quite natural for Buddhists in the Awakened Way to learn the teachings and walk in the Way. No religious groups or nations should make Buddhists into slaves, using them for politics, much less making them join and cooperate in war. No Buddhist should participate in or encourage it. Of course, the nations or groups that do cannot realize peace, equality, freedom, autonomy, and universal love. Much less can they help each individual attain nirvana/awakening or help all to be saved. Stilling karma is nirvana, which is possible for anyone. Because awakening is in nirvana, it is possible for all to attain it. “Better than conquering thousands upon thousands is conquering one self. This is the true conqueror” and “Walk alone like the lone horn of a rhino” were the words of the Buddha, his last answer to the last question being “I walked only in the right Way and the realm of Dharma. There is no other striver in the Way than this.” His last words were “All in this world is impermanent. Strive hard!”




—– Original Message —–
みなさまへ香川ヒサさんからから届きました。拡散希望とのことです。よろしくね!(田中美津) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・みなさん 翁長前知事の急逝で沖縄県知事選の投票が今月末に迫っています。「辺野古の海を汚すな、新基地はつくらせない!」という映像を回覧します。(以下のURLで誰でも視聴できます。ダウンロードもできます。)https://1drv.ms/v/s!AmOO6yir1CcrhVjMjkLvDojLPYr8 翁長知事が命を削って語った「言葉」が、少女の「詩~生きる~」となって聞こえてきました。知り合いに拡散してください。 
関連 以下は「映像ドキュメント」動画を独自に作成して公開しているサイトです。活用できます。http://www.eizoudocument.com/ 映像ドキュメント.comには、「辺野古への土砂投入と新基地建設の白紙撤回を求める共同声明」の記者会見がアップされています※このサイトで賛同署名を募っています。http://unite-for-henoko.strikingly.com/賛同署名は9月30日の知事選投票前に政府に提出する予定。 映像ドキュメントの関連映像〇翁長雄志沖縄県知事急逝 遺志を継いで立候補した玉城デニーさんの発言(http://www.eizoudocument.com/0520tamaki.html)○沖縄からの訴え島ぐるみ会議 玉城義和さんの話~もうひとつの日本をつくるなかから沖縄の課 題を解決する道を 2015.9.12(http://www.eizoudocument.com/0516tamaki.html)〇日米安保と普天間 配信映像リスト(http://www.eizoudocument.com /0500futenma.html)
Twitter利用者のみなさん~大いにリツイートお願いします!!MLからもぜひ拡散を~。 お笑いの村本さん(「ウーマンラッシュアワー」)が、「デニー推し」のツイートをしてます。 @WRHMURAMOTO「石破さんと安倍さんが佐喜眞さんを応援してんのがこの国のクズなところ。でも大丈夫。おれはデニー推し。石破さんと安倍さんより芸人のおれのほうがまともだと思うよ。」2018年9月17日https://twitter.com/WRHMURAMOTO/status/1041736942789033986  沖縄、デニーに触れてツイート連発。https://twitter.com/WRHMURAMOTO?lang=ja&lang=ja 「おれは沖縄のことは決めれない。けど想う。どっちの意見も。偏ってるからどうしてもデニーさんのほうを考えてしまうけど、でも沖縄が本土の犠牲になることは難しいことはわからないけど胸がズキズキするぐらい想う。基地があるのが当たり前って言葉。当たり前にしてごめん、とも思う。もっと考えます。」2018年9月16日 「おれの街の空には轟音の戦闘機は飛ばない、おれの街に住んでる女の子は兵隊に強姦されてないし、いても平等に裁かれる、おれは自分の生まれた場所の大好きな海が埋め立てられる辛さを知らないし、ありがとう。それを守るためにみんなが遊んでる時の真夏に座り込みしたことない。次の選挙沖縄がいい方向にいくといいね」 2018年9月16日 お笑い、最後のくだり「沖縄に思いやりを」動画紹介https://twitter.com/shin919infinity/status/1040943992966266881   
From: 篠原淑子 





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米国には昔の憲法があります。それは奴隷制を処罰すべきものとして禁止していません。それはキャンペーン資金としての賄賂を禁止していません。それは自然界を守るものではありません。それは食糧、避難所、教育、医療に対する基本的人権を保証するものではありません。その “代議政府“のシステムは公平ではありません。新しい法律が必要です。


一方、米国には、書籍について全然執行されていない多くの法律があります。独占禁止法はどちらかというと示唆として扱われています。拷問を繰り返し禁止することによって、拷問禁止が記憶からお決まり事として消去されています。権力者の偽証はセックス関連の場合は犯罪です(Clinton)。そうでなければ、セックス関連の申し立ての議論に使用される仮事実とされます(Kavanaugh)。権力者の犯罪は、処罰よりもむしろ「調査」の場であることが多いため、権力者だけが犯せる犯罪は犯罪でなくなり、「調査」の題材になってしまします(イエメンの破壊) 。




今週のトロントとオンラインの会議の主題である戦争と法律に関して、   私は、われわれは理解できる通り、新しい法律の構想、すなわち軍縮条約、世界議会に傾いていると思います。しかし、私は、既存の法律が遵守されれば、世界がどのように見えるかを理解することから始めなければならないと思います。一つの理由は、どのような法律が最も簡単に犯されるか、それとも最も犯しにくいかを知る必要があるということです。もう一つの理由は、既存の法律を強力に守らせることや既存の法律に基づいて新しい法律を作るのは、新しい法的基準をゼロから作成するよりはるかに容易であるということです。

明らかな例は次のとおりです。世界の大きな戦争国がすべての戦争を禁止する新たな条約を作ったと想像してみると、その作業は膨大なものになります。ケロッグ-ブリアン条約(パリ不戦条約:Kellogg-Briand Pact)についての強い意識と遵守による行政その他の方法を想像してみると、その作業は認知できるほど膨大でなくなります。






  1. 「未だ戦争があるから、それが機能しなかったのだ。」

















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What If Governments Obeyed Laws?

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Do we need new laws or adherence to the old ones?



The United States has an ancient Constitution. It doesn’t ban slavery as punishment. It doesn’t ban bribery as campaign funding. It doesn’t protect the natural world. It doesn’t guarantee basic human rights to food, shelter, education, healthcare. Its system of “representative” government doesn’t fairly represent. New laws are needed.

On the other hand, the United States has numerous laws on the books that just aren’t enforced. Antitrust laws are treated more as suggestions. Laws against torture are routinely erased from memory by re-banning torture again and again. Perjury by someone powerful is a crime if sex-related. (Clinton.) Otherwise it’s a factoid for use in arguments over any allegation that is sex-related. (Kavanaugh.) Often crimes by the powerful are occasions for “investigations” rather than prosecutions — so that crimes that only the powerful can commit cease to be crimes and become topics for “investigations.” (Destroying Yemen.)

There are borderline cases. Written law, as visible to the human eye, doesn’t give corporations human rights. Mostly it’s been reimagined bizarrely to do so. But creating new laws that deny corporations human rights would be a very welcome addition.

There are thousands of mixed cases. For example, one would like to see existing tax laws applied to the wealthy, and minimum wage laws adhered to by employers, but a maximum wage law would be a great new addition.

When it comes to war and law — the subject of a conference this week in Toronto and online — I think we understandably incline toward the idea of new laws: disarmament treaties, world parliaments. But I think we should start from an understanding of what the world would look like if existing laws were complied with. One reason is that we need to know what sorts of laws are most easily and least easily violated. Another reason is that compelling compliance with existing laws and/or creating new laws that build on existing laws may prove far easier than creating new legal standards from scratch.

The obvious example is this: If we try to imagine the big war-making nations of the world creating a new treaty to ban all war, the task seems enormous. If we try to imagine legislative and other ways of compelling awareness of and compliance with the Kellogg-Briand Pact, the task seems noticeably less enormous.

Creating a new treaty banning war would be extremely difficult to get any war-loving governments to join. I’m in favor of it, just as I’m in favor of an immediate ban on oil, meat, and reality television. But is it the place to start?

Building on the existing treaty offers other possibilities. We could produce educational materials. We could lobby a non-party nation to join. We could create model domestic legislation penalizing individual violators. We could work to democratize the ICJ and ICC, to create prosecutions, and truth and reconciliation proceedings. We could work — again involving democratization of the U.N. — to impose sanctions on government violators. We could treat both the Hague Convention of 1907 detailing procedures for nonviolent dispute resolution and the Kellogg-Briand Pact requiring nonviolent dispute resolution as (what they are) existing law, and — in combination — requiring the procedures outlined.

There are three main reasons for ignoring the Kellogg-Briand Pact.

  1. “I’ve never heard of it.”

This raises the question of what it means for a law to work. Almost no legal bans work by this standard. We ban murder and there is murder. We ban public indecency and there is Congress. Etc. Perhaps a ban on war has to achieve complete success in order to have worked because of the “defensive” arguments so widely, if misguidedly, used to justify war. But do you get a ban to achieve complete success by rejecting it and normalizing its violation, or by upholding it and constructing systems of decision making around it?

  1. “The U.N. Charter replaced that.”

There’s a variation on this in which one claims that the Kellogg-Briand Pact included (in secret invisible ink) the sanctioning of “defensive” war found in the U.N. Charter. But more commonly the claim is that the U.N. Charter opened up the “defensive” and the “U.N.-sanctioned” loopholes for legal wars, and there’s nothing that Kellogg-Briand can do about it. That second loophole (“U.N.-sanctioned”) introduces the supposed correction of the Peace Pact’s supposed central failure, namely its lack of “teeth,” “enforcement,” or — in plain language — the use of war as a tool with which to eliminate war.

For believers in that long-failed approach, we don’t need a new war ban; we’ve got the U.N. Charter. It just needs to be democratized. And we need to figure out, just as with the Kellogg-Briand Pact, how to create compliance with the existing ban. Most wars, of course, do not fit into the U.N. Charter’s loopholes.

For disbelievers in using war to end all war, we need to turn the standard of the Peace Pact, as understood by the activists who originated the outlawry movement, namely a total ban on war, into actual practice.

Imagine for a minute if that were accomplished. Compliance with the 1928 Pact of Paris would mean no more wars. Compliance with the Hague Convention of 1907 would mean nonviolent arbitration.

Beyond that, imagine compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, which states: “Each of the Parties to the Treaty undertakes to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control.”

For the nations possessing nuclear weapons to comply with the NPT, which most of them are party to, they are obliged to sign onto the new ban on nuclear weapons, which the nations lacking nuclear weapons have created.

Beyond that, imagine the Pentagon complying with an open audit as required by law. Imagine the U.S. government ceasing to do business with companies that defraud it. Imagine the U.S. government complying with the Leahy Law by not waging war with other nations that violate human rights during or separate from their commission of mass murder. (Saudi Arabia.)

Beyond that, imagine U.S. presidents compelled by the threat of impeachment to revert to the practice of signing or vetoing bills, rather than signing them and announcing which parts they will feel free to ignore. One can even imagine presidents compelled by the use of impeachment to cease committing the crime of war.

Note that the 42 Democrats who just wrote to Trump to tell him that he cannot commit the supreme international crime in Syria unless he consults with Congress first, can make a strong case for having done something better than nothing. But they cannot claim to be doing no harm. Conditioning the public to believe that the Congress can sanction crimes now has members of the British Parliament proposing a law to allow only the Parliament and not a Prime Minister to commit the crime of war.

Now, I want to ban weapons from space. I want to ban armed drones that don’t require humans to push the kill buttons. I want to ban armed drones that do require humans to push the kill buttons. I want to close bases. I want to create national and global programs of mandatory conversion to peaceful and pro-environmental industries. I want to move lots of power to the local level. I want plenty of new laws. But if we don’t uphold the ones we’ve got, we render less valuable any new ones we may get.

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David Swanson is the author of “When the World Outlawed War,” “War Is A Lie” and “Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union.” He blogs at http://davidswanson.org and http://warisacrime.organd works for the online (more…)

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註:縁起の原語paṭicca-samuppāda (Pali)/prati-itya-sam-ut-pāda (Sanskrit)葦の二束が互いに寄り合って立つように、あるいは両手・両シンバルが打ち合って音をだすように二つのものが行き合って(新しい事・音・現象)を発生することを意味します。ですからこらは元来感覚器官と感覚対象が接触して感覚(知覚・意識)を発生するのを述べるものでした(参考:接触phassa/sparṣaは感官の中でも最も明瞭に触感の生起・消滅を例示しますので、接触(触)が三事和合、感覚器官・感覚対象・感覚知覚の三つの接触の機構を示す術語となりました。)これは元来この(三事和合:縁起という)術語は感覚器官と感覚対象に縁って知覚・意識の縁起の機構を表現するものでしたが、後になって十二支縁起全体を示す為に使用されました。(知覚・意識の発生:縁起)以外の部分は(感覚器官と感覚対象の:動的な共働・共生の関係)の接触の機構無しの原因(欲望・無明)と結果(苦・流転)の間の線形の因果関係です。


Constant Concentrated Concern/Conduct


Good morning!


We are now in Ohigan, the Other Shore, officially the equinox, meaning nirvana. Nirvana is equanimity, upekhā, lit. renunciation, like the equinox, balanced in day and night, heat and chill. As the fourth of the four stages of Zen, jhāna, informs us, nirvana is renouncing all psycho-physical fabrications (conceptions, emotions, volitions, etc.: the triple poisons: triple karmas).


In nirvana, one can see how all phenomena originate dependently on limitless causes and conditions. Simply put, it was called sa-hetu-dhamma, with-cause-dharma, causal law/truth. The most popular formalization is the Twelve-limbed Dependent Co-origination, paṭicca-samuppāda, illustrating how suffering originates depending upon craving, taṅhā, lit. thirst, and samsāra, complete constant becoming.


The root of dharma or dhamma is dhṝ, dwell or hold. Dharma means durable or firm form/phenomena and norm/law to our six senses, though in the awakened eye, the third eye, awakening/prognosis, all are related/relative dependently originated phenomena. When we say, “We take refuge in the Dharma” in the Triple Treasures, we mean the durable Dharma of Dependent Co-origination.


Dharma may include right and wrong or good and bad dharmas, but the Dharma of D.C. teaches us to choose the former as firm/durable or reliable/restful form/norm and phenomena/law. The Awakened Way maintains that sinful/separated/sick dharmas must be transformed to holy/wholly/wholesome dharmas through constant concentrated conduct with confidence/control/commitment.




Note: Paṭicca-samuppāda (Pali)/prati-itya-sam-ut-pāda (Sanskrit) literally means mutually-going-complete-up-let-fall, causing to originate by coming together like two bundles of reed leaning together to stand, two hands/cymbals coming together/contacting to originate sound. So, this was originally the description of the sense organs and objects contacting to originate sense perception/consciousness (cf. Contact, phassa/sparṣa, illustrates most conspicuously the origination/cessation of tactile perception, thus, used as the technical term to show the structure of the conjunction of the three, i.e., sense organ/object/perception). This demonstrates that the term was originally only representing this mechanism of dependent co-origination of perception/consciousness dependent on sense organs and objects, but later on it was used to show the twelve-limbed Dependent Co-origination. The other parts are more linear causal relations (nidāna) between causes (craving/nescience) and effects (suffering/samsara) without this core mechanism of contact/coming together (of organs/objects, dynamic cooperative conative relation).

































































2018共通年9月30日 法話


Walk Like A Lone Rhino Horn


Good morning!


When I travelled in Africa, I saw huge rhinos very closely, and found they are more like elephants than the bulls found in zoos. The Buddha said, “Walk alone like a rhino horn.” As we live in the karma world, we must walk independently, unaffected by it, practicing zazen, sitting still, stilling karma, seeing Dharma in nirvana, no wind of karma.


Practicing zazen is like climbing a mountain step by step. From the very first step we can enjoy mountain scenes with seasonal colors and atmosphere – flowers, trees, animals, insects, winds, mist, clouds, and sky. A sudden break in the mist opens up the world below, a view at the peak shows the next peak, eventually commanding all.


Two wings to fly free are continuity and concentration – like dripping water making a hole in a rock and a water jet cutting a metal sheet – because we are engulfed by karma, surrounded by the karma world. Flying free and high makes one free from the karma world and high enough to be unaffected by it.


The Buddha said, “Better than conquering thousands upon thousands is conquering one self. This is the true conqueror.” Conquering one-self means conquering the karma-self, which is like a bubble. The true conqueror attains the Dharma body and is like the limitless ocean with limitless life, light, liberation, and love.


9/30/2018C.E. Dharma talk






















































































Cultivation Is Verification


Good morning!


Last time I compared Zazen practice to mountaineering. Step by step we climb with effort, and we experience clear, cool air and calm, changing scenes. Eventually we can climb to the highest peak, commanding vast views of countless peaks in pure peace and prognosis with boundless bliss.


Most people, however, are too busy or lazy to aspire to mountaineering, to make efforts to experience the exaltation of elevation away from their busy bustle and boundless bitterness. Even aspiration may be broken by sickness, slackness, short-sightedness, short-circuiting, etc., midway or even close to the peak.


On his deathbed, the Buddha allowed Subaddha to ask him – despite being refused by Ananda thrice – “What is the true religious leader?” The Buddha answered, “Subaddha, I renounced my house at 29, seeking goodness. Fifty and more years have passed since. I have been walking only in the realm of Right-way and Dharma. There is no other ‘striver in the Way.’”


, the root of naya, translated Right-way, means “leading, reasoning,” but it also means vi-naya, off-lead, discipline – leading off bad karma to good, like training a wild, untamed elephant to become a tamed, useful one. Discipline is the first of the Triple Learnings of sīla (morality), samādhi (concentration), and prajňā (prognosis).


As Dogen said, cultivation and verification, training and witnessing, are one. We cultivate ourselves and verify the results of cultivation at the same time. We may not witness this so obviously, however, just as when a huge ship collides with a small one, the action-reaction result shows little for the huge ship due to its much larger volume.


Awakening, witnessing truth in nirvana, no-wind of karma, leads to freedom, equality, compassion, and peace (fivefold bliss of cultivation/culture). Anyone who practices Zazen can witness nirvana/prognosis, enjoying the holy (wholly wholesome) way world, harmony, health, and happiness always, at any place.


10/6/2018C.E. Dharma talk


Note: Kusala, translated as goodness above, literally means skillfulness from “good at cutting kusa, grass.” So, it depends on the situation – poison may be used as medicine and medicine may become poisonous, depending on the situation.






















































これら全ては生命の質を向上させるのに意味のある事を成就したいと望む誰にも必要なものです。私達は志すには好奇心と挑戦を、前進するには勇気と自信を、目的を達成するには集中力と継続を必要とします。 これらは頂上と歩歩の所で善い眺望と価値を志し、前進し、獲得するのを反映しています。




私達は生きて行く上で発心・修行・涅槃・覚悟の行持道環、8Cではcourageous challenge(勇気ある挑戦)continuous cultivation(継続的修行)calm contentment(平穏な満足)clear concentration(明澄な集中)、で無量寿・無量光・無量自由・無量愛を学びます。禅は戒定慧の三学、精進・専念・集中の三三昧支を包摂します。














Courageous Challenge, Constant Cultivation, Calm Contentment, Clear Concentration


Good morning!


A few days ago while I was watching TV, I heard Dr. Tasuku Honjo, this year’s Nobel Prizer in Physiology and Medicine, mention Concentration and Continuity as the last of six Cs given as his research driving forces. I often speak of these as two wings or wheels to fly or advance. The rest are Curiosity, Courage, Challenge, and Confidence.


All of them are necessary for anyone who wants to achieve anything meaningful in advancing life quality. We need Curiosity and Challenge to aspire, Courage and Confidence to advance, Concentration and Continuity to attain our goal. These mirror aspiring, advancing, and attaining good views and values at peaks and places at each step.


The Awakened Way advises the Fourfold Potency Bases, the Fivefold Faculties, the Sixfold Perfections, the Sevenfold Awakening Limbs, and the Eightfold Holy Ways, etc. to aspire for peace/awakening, to advance in the Fourfold Embracing Matters and the Fourfold Limitlessness, and to attain awakening/prognosis in nirvana, unconditioned peace.


While we live, we learn limitless life, light, liberation, and love in the Way Cycle of Practice – aspiration, cultivation, nirvana, and awakening – courageous challenge, continuous cultivation, calm contentment, and clear concentration. Zen embraces the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis, and the Triple Samadhi Limbs of striving, mindfulness, and concentration.






Fourfold Potency Bases (Iddhi/ṛddhi-pāda): desire (chanda), striving (viriya/vīrya), mind (citta), investigation (vīmaṁsā)


Fivefold Faculties/Powers (Indriya/Bala): faith (saddhā/śraddhā), striving (viriya/vīrya), mindfulness (sati), concentration (samādhi), prognosis (paňňā/prajňā)


Sixfold Perfections (pāramitā): giving (dāna), morality (sīla), patience (kānti/kṣānti), striving (viriya/vīrya), concentration (samādhi), prognosis (paňňā/prajňā)


Sevenfold Awakening Limbs (Bojjhaṅga/bodhiaṅga): dharma analysis (dhamma/dharma-vicaya), mindfulness (sati), striving (viriya/vīrya), joy (pīti), lightness (passaddhi), concentration (samādhi), equanimity (upekkhā/)


Eightfold Holy Ways (Ariya-magga/ārya-mārga): right view (sammā diṭṭhi/dṛṣṭi), right thinking (sammā saṅkappa/saṅklṛp), right speech (sammā vacī/vacana), right action (sammā kammanta/karmānta ), right livelihood (sammā ājīva), right striving (sammā viriya/vīrya), right mindfulness (sammā sati), right concentration (sammā samādhi)


Eightfold Awareness/Awakening of Great Persons (Mahā-purisa-vitakka/-bodhi/mahā-puruṣa-vitarka/-bodhi): little desire (appiccha/appicchā), contentment (santuṭṭha/santuṣṭa), seclusion (pavivitta/pravivitta), striving (viriya), mindfulness (sati/smṛti), concentration (samāhia), prognosis (paňňā/prajňā), no speculation (appapaňca/aprapaňca)


Fourfold All-embracing Matters (Saṅgaha-vattu/saṅgraha-vastu): giving (dāna), loving words (piya-vacana/priya-vacana), beneficial action (attha-cariyā/artha-kṛtya), sameness (samana-atthatā/samana-arthatā)


Fourfold Immeasurable/Brahma-abode (Appamāṇa/pramāṇa/Brahma-vihāra): friendship (mettā/maitri), compassion (karuṇā), joy (muditā), equanimity (upekhā/upekṣā)












































2018共通年10月20日 法話




Striving for System Shift


Good morning!


We have a still serene Saturday after sittings, though our summer of 30oC suddenly plummeted into a winter of 3oC. The Buddha at his last said, “All is impermanent, strive without indolence. These are my last words.” “Walk alone like the lone horn of a rhino,” he said, and “Conquering one-self is the true conqueror.”


He also said, “Take refuge in oneself, not others. Take refuge in Dharma, not others … Strivers, continue your striving … Those who strive in Dharma and Discipline would attain the cessation of suffering, discarding the transiency of life.” Buddhists learn the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis.


The Buddha was awakened in the Dharma, Law/Truth, of Dependent Co-origination, i.e. all phenomena originate depending on causes and conditions. The Four Holy Truths tell of the origination/cessation of suffering. The Four Stages of Zen show how anyone can attain nirvana, the cessation of karma, and awaken in it.


We can attain cessation of suffering by individual freedom in awakening, regional equal community in compassion, and global peace in prognosis. We can make a paradigm shift from the pyramidal civilization of sinful, separated sick, samsara suffering to the life-Indra-net culture in a holy, wholly wholesome, way world.


10/20/2018 C.E. Dharma talk


Note: We must make a paradigm shift from pyramidal (金字塔: lit. 金-letter tower)  civilization (urbanization: mutual struggle for money, matter, and might) system in samsara suffering with five calamities (delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and destruction) to life-Indra-net (Indra-net, Indra’s net covering the world, whose crystal balls on all knots reflect each other limitlessly in time and space, of all life forms) culture (cultivation: mutual sharing of life, heart, and harmony) system in holy harmony, health, and happiness with five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, compassion, and peace).

















































2018共通年10月27日 法話



Sesshin Striving


Good morning!


We are in sesshin today. Sesshin means embracing and touching the heart/mind (摂心・接心). Usually our heart/minds go outward, but now we turn inward. The Ten Ox-herding Pictures show how to seek, find, tether, ride on the ox, karma mind, home, forget all, see the full moon, the perfect harmony, and return to the world, free-handed/open-hearted like Hotei, identified as Maitreya, Friendship.


Another Tibetan version shows a black elephant climbing a mountain, gradually changing its color to grey, and eventually white. This is to show how our karma mind changes into the Buddha heart by step by step climbing, cultivation. We must aspire, prepare, climb step by step – no jumping, ropeway or helicopter – to sweat and see scenes, eventually commanding the wide world from the peak.


Climbing a high mountain or navigating a wide ocean requires a good map or chart, preferably an experienced guide or pilot. The long and wide experience of all seasons, situations, skills, safeguards, etc. ensures safe, satisfactory success, avoiding straying, setbacks, sacrifices, slip-falls, shipwrecks, etc. Sudden snow, storms, sidetracking, slips, sickness, etc., may stop our striving and success.


There are many ways/processes of it, but the Four Stages of Zen, Jhāna, Meditation, tells clearly how we proceed, stilling conceptions, emotions, volitions, and reaching nirvana, the mind/heart completely freed from all karma kinetics/kens, tasting amrita, ambrosia of deathlessness, unmoved in complete control without delusion, desire, divisiveness, saṅkhāra (formations), samsara, suffering, etc.


10/27/2018C.E. Dharma talk



































人類は、「まさかの時の友こそ真の友」と諺が言うように、友・家族(一つ屋根の下の者達)の共同体で生き残ることが出来たし、繁栄することが出来るのです。真の友は、誰でもなれる、理想の人間になりましたが、特に諸宗教共同体ではーMitra, Mithra, Mazda, Massiah, Messiah等としてー今では理想像、通常未来の救世主、になっています。




2018共通年11月3日 法話


註:木(tree)は真実(true)と語根(dhṝ)が同じで「永続する」(durable, duration, endure, 梵語dhrva:堅固, など参照)を意味し、法(dharma)の語根とも同じです。

Clear Crystal Cosmos


Good morning!


We have a beautiful, calm Saturday with autumnal colors. I remember the abundant golden leaves of an 800-year-old ginkgo tree at Zuioji Monastery falling. Sitting still lets us be “exposed to the golden wind.” “The whole world in ten directions is a clear crystal ball,” Xuansha said. The whole world becomes transparent, embracing all beings, crystal balls, each transparently reflecting the others with the whole world.


The Indra-net reflects this, with all of its crystal balls on all knots reflecting each other with the whole world, expressing the endless interdependent co-origination of all phenomena in space and time. It represents the truth world in interdependent co-origination, where each is with (mit in German) all others. Mitra means friend, one with/mit others. This is the truth of the phenomenal world.


Humankind could survive and can prosper in the community of friends/families, as the proverb says, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” A true friend becomes an ideal person, anyone can become – in communities, and in religious communities especially – as Mitra, Mithra, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah, Messiah, etc. -, now as an ideal figure, usually as the future savior.


If we can become totally transparent, like a crystal ball of the Indra-net, we can become holy (wholly wholesome) truth, goodness, beauty – limitless, egoless, fearless, deathless – like trees, truthful, peaceful, harmonious with all: air, water, light, earth, temperature, gravity, genes, bacteria, bees, butterflies, flowers, fruits, fauna, stars, space, and so forth.


11/3/2018 C.E. Dharma talk



Note: Tree and true share the root(dhṝ)(cf. durable, duration, endure, dhrva: enduring: Sanskrit), the root of dharma.








































2018共通年11月10日 法話


Unconditioned Peace/Unsurpassed Awakening


Good morning!


We can now see colored leaves incessantly falling. Ryokan’s last moment poem is “Showing the back, showing the front – alas, falling leaves’re.” The popular poem says, “Falling fall leaves, non-falling leaves, but non-falling leaves are also falling leaves.” We are all falling leaves and our defilements are also falling leaves. Then, tree trunks expose themselves to the golden wind, turning into truth/peace.


The Buddha in truth/peace told us the Four Holy Truths and the Eightfold Holy Way. The first truth tells of suffering, the second the suffering-sources, the third suffering-sources’ cessation, and the fourth the way to suffering-sources’ cessation. The second is identified as thirst, coming from nescience, the third is nirvana, its cessation, the fourth is the Eightfold Holy Way leading to nirvana/Bodhi, ultimate peace/truth.


Nirvana is cessation of karma wind, ultimately no self (-sameness/-sovereignty), thus no conditioning, no becoming, no birth-death, no fear, no defilement, etc. The Four States are awake, asleep, sound-sleep, and shikantaza, single-minded sitting. The fourth, caturīya, is also called tulya, balanced, complete control. This is free, full function, unlike other states conditioned and constrained.


Zen practice embraces both on and off the zafu, sitting cushion, entering into nirvana and extending it into karma ken/kinetic with free full function, unconditioned and unconstrained. On and off are inseparable sides continued and concentrated, cultivated and communed, commanded and communicated, advancing to the depth and flying to the height like two wheels and two wings.


11/10/2018 C.E. Dharma talk





































































The above photos were taken at Mt. Akagi  and sent 

by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka from Japan.

He was attracted by the etymological root of

tree and true coming from dhṝ,

the root of dharma, enduring.

















最悪の大量絶滅(P-T絶滅、約95%絶滅) ペルマ紀(末期)、約2億5千万年前、地理・気候転換によって引き起こされました。新しい説では地球圏の磁気の南北転換と弱化の結果による宇宙線の強化により雲が形成されて気圏が寒冷化した結果であるとしています。これらの現象は巨大陸塊が地核外郭へ落下して起きたこと;巨大バンゲアプレートの地殻変動による(陸塊)落下による地域的渦が磁気変化・転換を引き起こし(宇宙線強化による雲の形成による絶滅を起こし)、これがさらにスーパー・プルームの巨大火炎を齎して大気圏を暑熱化(による絶滅をさせ)しました。







Indranet_big.jpg (1080×810)


Limitless Light, Liberation, Love, Life


Good morning!


We have a calm, clear morning with snow, especially after our sittings. In the Northeast we have a snowstorm with traffic troubles, and in the Northwest we have wildfires with over 50 deaths and a thousand missing, due partly to man-made climate change, partly to man-made miseries, toward mass extinction including mankind.


The largest mass extinction was caused by chill – caused by cloud cover due to the earth’s own weakened magnetism, due to in turn to the massing of continents of Pangea’s gigantic megalith falling into the outer core and the outer cosmic rays from a supernova – and also by heat, caused by a super plume resulting from the gigantic megalith falling.


Our disease and demise, as organizations, organisms, organs, depend on themselves and others, defects developing and contamination communicating, like crystal balls on the Indra’s net network. Darkening and chilling on one crystal ball is reflected on all others, darkening and chilling the whole network.


Brightening and warming on one crystal ball is reflected on all others, brightening and warming the whole network. If one becomes calm and clear, bright and warm, one can reflect on others and reflect on oneself reflected on others, thus limitless reflections revolve and revolutionize all, responsible and regaining limitlessly.






The worst mass extinction (P-T extinction, about 95% extinct) occurred in the Permian period, c. 250 mil. yrs. ago, due to the geological/climatic shift. New theories include the effect of atmospheric chilling from cloud formations, caused by stronger cosmic rays resulting from frequent shifts of the N-S poles and the accompanying weaker magnetic fields around the globe. These phenomena came about when gigantic megaliths fell into the outer core; the local whirls from the falls caused magnetism changes/shifts through massive Pangaea plate tectonics, and this in turn brought about the gigantic flames of super plumes that then heated the atmosphere.


Permian period:  



Mass extinction:






Indranet_big.jpg (1080×810)













2018共通年12月9日 法話


Awakening in Amrita, Adamant Attainment



Good morning!


Rohatsu sesshin is a week sesshin  held at monasteries and temples all over the world preceding and commemorating and celebrating the Buddha’s awakening on December 8. The Buddha’s attainment of nirvana/bodhi, awakening, is epoch-making; all beings can recognize that all beings are karma machines, and also capable of countering and conquering karma bondages.


The Seven Buddhas, Gotama Buddha being the last, are said to have awakened to the truth of the Twelvefold Interdependent Co-origination, the Bhava-cakka, Becoming Wheel, which shows that formations, past/present physical, verbal, mental karmas, drive us to become different beings, going through birth, aging, death, as humans, animals, hungry ghosts, fighting devils, etc.


The Four Stages of Zen, sitting meditation, inform us precisely how we can advance through stages of stilling conceptions, emotions, volitions, to reach nirvana beyond karma, including the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion. The Five Coverings cover us so as not to reflect the truth world, and the Four Fluxes flow in samsara, bringing suffering and poisons into the world.


Karma makes mini-max mistakes, taking miniscule as maximum, money, matter, and power creating all samsara and suffering. Nirvana allows us to awaken from this mistake and find the maximum value of life, heart, and harmony, beyond covering/darkened, flux/darkening beings, within the bright, brilliant crystals of the Indra-net, which is the meaning of the simultaneous awakening of all.


Dec. 9, 2018 C.E. Dharma talk



















































阿弥陀仏、Amita-ābha,、無量光仏又は Amita-āyus無量寿仏は帝釈網のように縁起の真理に一切を照明する無量光、一切を解放する無量解、一切を結合する無量合、一切を慈愛する無量愛、一切を生かす無量寿に目覚めた者のことです。






2018共通年12月22日 法話


Limitless Light, Liberation, Link, Love, Life


Good morning!


Yesterday was the winter solstice with the shortest daytime. So, today is the first day we gain more light, the beginning of a new season, a new year. Release from darkness and chill is gaining light and warmth. Lighting on trees and in pumpkins are hopeful joy and celebration of the coming of a new season and year.


An interpretation of the Japanese word “hotoke,” buddha, is release, from “hodoke,” untied, unbound. The Buddha was released from all bondages, in nirvana, no wind of karma, and attained light, awakening from the long night of nescience, no witness of nirvana. Awakening and Awakened Way are hopeful joy and celebration of a new era.


Amida Buddha, Amita-ābha, Limitless-light, or Amita-āyus, Limitless-life, Buddha is the Awakened One in limitless light, enlightening all, limitless liberation, liberating all, limitless link, linking all, and limitless love, loving all, and limitless life, enlivening all in the truth of interdependent co-origination as in the Indra-net.


Shusho-ichinyo, unity of cultivation and verification, sitting and witness, stilling of karma and witness of nirvana-awakening, is the unity of release from karma, being attaining nirvana/awakening, as Dogen said. “Without cultivation, it is never developed: without verification, it is never attained,” as Dogen said.


“Picking a sapling and building a holy home” is picking a holy hope and building a holy home, planting the holy seed and growing the holy tree of life in truth and peace. Aspiring for awakening is attaining awakening with all, making the holy, wholly wholesome, world in limitless light, liberation, link, love, and life.

December 22, 2018 C.E. Dharma talk


























Awakened Way: 覚道


Good morning!


The Four Holy Truths are problem solving methods: problem, cause, solution, and application/practice. Our life problem is suffering, duk-kha, wrong-going (against the grain: wish). Our life in suffering is illustrated in the schema of Twelvefold Interdependent Co-origination, awakened to by the Buddha. Though there was a tradition that claimed there were Seven Buddhas, culminating in the Buddha Gotama, who were awakened to the Tenfold I.C., Gotama stipulated that living beings are karma-owners, etc., and that his awakening was in solving the Twelvefold I.C.


The cause of suffering is wish (craving, lit., thirst, taṅhā in the 12 I.C., and lust, kāma, in the four leaks). Wish can be lust for, or hatred (divisiveness, view, one of the four leaks) against, or delusion (becoming, identifying as I, etc., one of the four leaks), which comes from nescience, lit., no-witness, a-vijjā, one of the the four leaks – the Triple Poisons in a wider sense. The root cause of these is nescience, no-witness of nirvana, no-wind of karma – animals instantly appropriate or identify, upādāna, their bodies as their properties, humans as egos by conception.


The solution is witnessing nirvana – no nescience, no three poisons, no karma. The four stages of zen, chan, jhāna, dhyāna, shows this very well – cessation of conceptions, emotions represented by the five coverings, volitions represented by the four leaks, which are together identified as nirvana. Za-zen, sitting meditation, stills karma, but not all karmas like breathing, heart-beat, etc. Thus, so long as we live, we live in the karma world in conventional, vohāra, dealing, or sammuti, consensus, truth. Buddhas, therefore, must be bodhisattvas in their daily dealings.


The application is usually identified as the Eightfold Holy Paths/Ways, which is for lay people, as right livelihood indicates. The Sevenfold Awakening Limbs lacking this item are for renunciants who don’t hold jobs for a living. Both of them include the Triple Learnings of morality (right speech, action, livelihood), sīla, lit., solid character, concentration (right mindfulness, striving, samādhi), samādhi, and prognosis (right view, thinking), prajňā, which all Buddhists must learn to attain nirvana/awakening and live with all as mitras, friends, sharing all of these.


December 29, 2018 Dharma talk





苦の原因は願望(十二支縁起ではta :渇愛、四煩悩ではkāma愛欲)です。願望は広い意味では何かの愛欲、何かの憎悪(差別、四煩悩の一つ見解)、あるいは迷妄(四煩悩の一つである我などの生成・同一視:四煩悩の一つである無明、a-vijjā無体験)であり-これらは三毒です。これらの根本原因は無明、業の無風である涅槃の無体験です-動物は即刻自分の身体を自分の所有物として領有しあるいは同一視、upādāna:執着、しますが人間は観念により自我とします。

解決は涅槃の体験-無明・三毒・業の無です。禅、chan, jhāna, dhyāna,

の四段階はこれを非常によく示しています-観念・五蓋に代表される感情・四煩悩に代表される意志の滅、が涅槃であると示されています。坐禅は業の鎮静化ですが呼吸・心拍などすべての業を止めるのではありません。だから生きている限り、世俗、vohāra世業、賛同、sammuti, 合意真理(諦)の業世界に生きます。だからブッダも日常の世事では菩薩とならなければなりません。

応用は通常八聖道とされますが、正生業が示すように在家の為のものです。これを欠く七覚支は生業を持たない出家の為のものです。両者共に戒、sīla, 性格確固(正語・正行・正業)定、samādhi, 集中(正念・正精進・正定)慧、prajňā、般若(正見・正思)を含み、涅槃・覚醒を得る為にすべての仏教徒が学び、これらを皆と共に分かち友として生きるものです。

2018共通年12月29日 法話






































The above pictures were taken and sent from Shimoda, Japan 

by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka





Saving Suffering


Good morning!


I forwarded a video recording a dog taking care of another in sickness, unmovable in between railway tracks and under passing trains for two days. One reaction I got was amazement for the compassion, the person thinking his wife would cry watching it when she returned home. Another comment: moved at first, then unmoved, wondering why the cameraman didn’t save them. Another one: the cameraman baited them for profit.


I responded to the first comment that living beings are naturally moved by the life source to take care of other living beings in difficulty. In personal crisis within oneself, one becomes self-centered – me, my family and friends, my community and country first – antagonizing others. Crises can be life, matter, money, etc. A small person has a small self, but a great person has a great self, including more and all.


The source of suffering is usually identified as craving (taṅhā, lit. thirst), but eventually it is nescience (avijjā, lit. no-witness, of nirvana), appropriating (identifying) and becoming (involvement in birth, sickness, aging, dying). Craving (lust, desire) is clear to witness and withdraw from, but nescience is cloudy to do so – existential suffering is subtle and difficult to analyze and avoid.


We are all karma-heirs, -owners, -machines, and –refuged, so complicated and compounded in heredity, habits, actions, and even ambient conditions. The Holy Eightfold Path shows the right action to take refuge in the Four Applications or Devotions of decreasing, stopping bad actions and increasing, starting good actions. The Samadhi limbs of mindfulness, striving, and samādhi, concentration, are for nirvana.


1/5/19 Dharma talk


Note 1. The above-mentioned video is here:





Note 2. Comments on friendship were searched and presented by Erin, 恵林:


  1. https://www.lionsroar.com/friends-buddhist-path/

2. https://www.insightmeditationcenter.org/the-role-of-friendship-in-buddhist-practice-newimcwebsite/

  1. https://buddhasadvice.wordpress.com/friendships/
  2. https://bodhimonastery.org/spiritual-friendship.html














2019‘共通年15日  法話


註 1. 上記のビデオは下記です(英語・日本語):





Note 2. 恵林が友情(共:友)についてのコメントを検索し下記のように紹介してくれました:

  1. https://www.lionsroar.com/friends-buddhist-path/


  1. https://buddhasadvice.wordpress.com/friendships/
  2. https://bodhimonastery.org/spiritual-friendship.html




















































The above pictures were taken and sent from Shimoda, Japan

by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka




Projection-cessation Is Nirvana



Good morning!


The weather forecast is for snow soon. Science has advanced in predicting the weather, but not yet pinpointing, much less so in the area of human suffering and solution. The Tenfold Interdependent Co-origination is ascribed to the past seven Buddhas, including Gotama. The scripture claimed “not going before further.” Nagasena illustrated the Bhava-cakkha, Becoming Wheel, to Milinda, Menandros, with seven limbs, i.e., Sevenfold I.C. as shown below in the note.


Gotama clearly taught that all living beings are karma-heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. So, if karma in the Sevenfold I.C. is interpreted as saṅkhāra, and its cause is a-vijjā, no witness, of nirvana, leading to it and to appropriation, upādāna, the Twelvefold I.C. could be made, and is actually extant in the scriptures. These two limbs were important innovations made by Gotama Buddha, even if it was clearly set forth or not as the Twelvefold I.C.


The last item of the Eightfold Great Persons’ Awakening of ap-papaňca has been translated as idle talk, speculation. Papaňca, however, is wider in its connotations in the original word, psycho-physical projections or fabrications, inclusive of all karmas. So, ap-papaňca is a-karma, stilling karma, i.e., nirvana, as Nagarjuna’s prapaňca-upaśama, projection-cessation or provocation-cessation, i.e., nirvana, ultimate goal.


Therefore, the last limb of the Eightfold Great Persons’ Awakening is not just a recommendation against idle-talk, but an encouragement to stay in ap-papaňca  = a-karma = nirvana. Nagarjuna mentioned the Eightfold Negations of neither born nor destroyed, neither cut nor continued, neither one nor different, neither coming nor going – all of which are neutral, madhyama, or empty, śuňňa, as in the Heart Sutra, no fear, etc.

January 19, 2019 C.E.

Note: Nagasena’s Becoming-wheel (bhava-cakka/cakra)

bhava cakka








ゴータマは明かに一切の衆生は業相続者・業所有者・業機械・業依拠者であると教えました。だから、七支縁起の業を行 (sakhāra) としその原因をそれに導き所有する取りこむ(取upādāna無明 (a-vijjā:無確証, 涅槃の)とすれば十二支縁起が出来、実際に経典には存在しているのです。これら二支は、例え十二支縁起として明白に提示されたかどうかに拘わらず、ゴータマ・ブッダによる重要な変革なのです。


八大人覚の最後の項目である戯論と翻訳されて来ました。Papaňca はしかし言語ではもっと広い意味内容を持ち一切の業を含む心理・生理(心身)の展開・造作を意味します。だからナーガルジュナの展開寂滅・造作寂滅 prapaňca-upaśama、即ち涅槃・究極目的である不展開・不造作 ap-papaňcaであり a-karma 無業・止業、即ち涅槃です。


それ故八大人覚の最後の項目は単なる戯論反対の勧めではなく不展開・不造作=無業・止業=涅槃の勧めなのです。ナーガルジュナは不生不滅・不常不断・不一不異・不来不去の八不を述べていますが、これら全ては、般若心経の不異などと同様に中 madhyama śuňňa のことです。


2019共通年1月19日 法話


bhava cakka
































The above pictures were taken by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka

and sent from Japan



Heart Sutra


Good morning!


We have our regular sesshin today. Sesshin (摂心・接心) is embracing and touching the heart/mind. The Heart Sutra we recited is the heart of the Awakened Way in the shortest sutra, scripture. I think Avalokita-īsvara or Avalokita-svara Bodhisattva seems derived from his “looking down (the world with compassion)” in a sutra. If so, the Heart Sutra is composed as the Buddha’s teaching to Shariputra, the No.1 in Wisdom among his disciples, as in usual sutras style.


When the Buddha as a bodhisattva practiced the prajna-paramitā, perfection of prognosis, he penetrated the five skandha, aggregates, are śūnya, empty (of solid substance) like rainbow or mirage, looking like bridge or castle, but empty of eternal, independent entity. The so-called self is composed of the five aggregates, thus no self-same, self-sovereign, self-substance – empty of eternal, independent substance. This is due to the Dharma of Interdependent Co-origination or śūnyatā.


We can intellectually understand this, but need to witness existentially to embody this truth. Sitting stills karma, physical, verbal, and mental, letting go of perceptions, conceptions, emotions, and volitions as in the process of the Four Stages of zen, chan, jhāna. Dhyāna. Dogen expressed it as falling away of the body and mind or like walking on the bottom of ocean, unmoved unlike surface of it. This is unmoved by fear, etc. – all attachments, thus unbound by nothing.


The Heart Sutra is the heart, coeur, core or essence of the sutras (short aphorism or text, from suture, thread) about the heart/mind – how to cultivate and verify the nirvana, bliss-ful, sukha-vatī (usually translated as Pure-land, Paradise, but not place), amrita, ambrosia or immortality, going beyond conventions, where in awakening and prognosis develop and mature, witnessing the ultimate truth beyond conventional one under karma, the Triple Poisons, etc.


1/26/2019 C.E. Dharma talk





今日は何時もの接心です。摂・接心は心を摂取し心に接触することです。私達が唱えた般若心経は仏道の最短の経典です。観自在 (Avalokita-īsvara) ・観音 (Avalokita-svara) 菩薩は経典にある「(慈悲をもって)見下ろす」から来ていると思われます。そうだとすると、般若心経は通常の経典の様式に従った智慧第一の舎利弗への仏陀の教えになります。






私達は知的にこれを理解できますが、実存的にこの真理を体得する必要があります。坐は坐禅(禅、jhāna. Dhyāna)の四段階の過程が示すように身口意の業を静めて、感覚・観念・感情・意志から自由になることが出来ます。道元はそれを心身脱落とか海の表面と違い動揺させられない底辺を歩くようだとしています。これは恐れなど-一切の執着に不動となることで、何物にも束縛されないことです。






2019共通年1月26日 法話


Mirage (蜃気楼)









Practice Proceeds and Perfects


Good morning!


This morning we had dense fog preventing clear and far sight for driving due to the sudden drastic change in temperature from 4 to 40 degrees, going up to the 50s today and to 60 tomorrow. We have abnormal climate and other problems that cause worry for our life system’s safety and security.


Due to our defunct boiler and chill we have been sitting with the blinds closed, but this morning we opened them to see spring around the corner and plants inside and out enjoying bright light now that the fog is gone. Dogen said, “when we walk in mist, our robe becomes unwittingly wet.” Dr. Shin’ichi Suzuki said, “We are children of our environment.”


Dogen said, “Even if this dharma is abundantly endowed with everyone, without cultivation it is not developed: without verification it is not attained.” Buddha nature is in everyone, but only cultivation and verification can make one witness it. Nirvana-awakening is attained only by sitting, stilling, and seeing śūnyatā, emptiness.


Buddha nature is developed and attained only by actual cultivation and verification with body-heart-world practice, not simply by intellectual understanding, but by the whole being put into the practice of stilling karma. So, Dogen said, “Awakening is attained not by the mind, but by the body.”


February 2, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk










道元は「この法は人人に豊に備われりと言えども修せずば現れず証せずば得られず」と言いました。仏性は誰にもありますが、修行と覚証のみがそれを確証出来るのです。涅槃覚醒は静坐、静止、空 (śūnyatā) の検証により得られるのです。




2019共通年2月2日 法話





























Above pictures were taken by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka at home

recently and sent from Japan






Follo9wing pictures were taken by Mr. Katsuhiro Otsuka,

a relative of Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, 

sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka










Mt. Akaishi & Mt. Hijiri dyed in the morning red









Mt. Fuji floating in the cloud ocean

from the peak of  Mt. Akusawa









Climbing from Daiseiji Daira to Mt. Akaishi

(Front lady is Mr. Katsuhiro Otsuka, 2007 C.E.)








Trail path to the direction of Mt. Arakawa

from the peak of Mt. Akaishi (2009 C.E.)




What Is Buddha?


Good morning!


Even if the temperature is 17 degrees, the sunlight shows spring coming soon. Our most important question is “What is Buddha?” Buddha is the Awakened One of the Dharma in nirvana. Buddha Gotama, when addressed by one of his five previous co-practitioners, “Hey Gotama,” said, I am not Gotama any more, but Tathagata, Thus-being, being in thusness or truth. It is a white hare in snow or a black crow in darkness, merging into the Dharma-realm, becoming Dharma-body.


The Twelvefold Interdependent Co-origination shows how suffering originates on thirst and nescience, the two roots of suffering and samsara, whose dynamic cause is formations (saṅkhāra, past and present karmas, physical, verbal, and mental), which originates our psycho-physical world (sense organs, objects, and perceptions or the perceived world). This illustrates how our life in samsara suffering goes on unless we understand and undo it by stilling formations.


The Four Holy Truths show the truth of suffering, the source (thirst) of it, the cessation (nirvana) of it, and the path leading to the cessation of it – how buddhas see the truth or reality of our samsara life and still its suffering, in principle and practice of the Awakened Way. The Four Stages of Zen show how we can reach nirvana and awakening therein, unhindered by karma and its bad outflow of the Triple Poisons (desire, divisiveness, and delusion).


The Eightfold Holy Way is the concrete application of it into our daily lives, right view, thinking, speech, action, livelihood, mindfulness, striving, and concentration. “Right” is sammā/samyak (from sat, being) in Pali/Sanskrit and 正 in Sino-Japanese (止 is the pictograph of a foot and-is interpreted as a stop-line, straight, ankle, city: commonly taken as “settling at target”). So, we settle in the Dharma (unmoved, ceasing fabrications), wherefrom prognosis and practice come.


February 9, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk











八聖道はその私達の日常生活への適用、即ち正見、正思、正語、正行・正業、正念、正精進、正定です。正の原語は sammā/samyak (Pali/Sanskrit: sat, 「在る」に由来)し日中語では正(止は足の象形文字で一は止、直、踝、城市など諸説あるが共通項は「標的・目的に到達・達成・安住」の意味)です。それで私達は法(真理・法則)に安住し(造作を止めて不動:差別・人為を止め安住)することで、そこから般若(hannya: paňňā/prajňā: 智慧:洞察)と修行(実践)が出て来るのです。


2019共通年2月9日 法話












The above pictures were taken and sent by Erin

from Washington State














The above three pictures were taken from websites













The above three pictures were taken and sent 

Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka from Shimoda, Japan








私達が静かに坐り業を静止して、私達の心・意に入る時には、縁起の法・真理に目覚め、外向のみならず内向の、即ち心・意の外界と内界の活動に覚醒します。戒定慧の三学は三毒に対抗するものです。定は如在、Tathā-gata, 涅槃・空・無我を確証して、内界・外界の真如、如に在ることを明らかにします。






2019共通年2月23日 法話


Primordial Paramount Practice


Good morning!


Today we have sesshin, embracing (摂心) and touching (接心) the heart/mind. Our hearts/minds are usually turned outward for survival, conditioned by karma that contains the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and the delusion of self-centeredness. The delusion of self-centeredness and self-substance are against the Dharma of Interdependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originated, thus no self-sameness and self-sovereignty.


When we sit still, stilling our karma, coming in to our hearts/minds, we become awakened to the Dharma, Truth/Law, of I.C., not only of the out-going, but also in-coming hearts/minds or outer and inner world activities of them. The Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis counteract the Triple Poisons. Concentration reveals the Tathā-gata, Thus-being, being in thusness, truth state of inner and outer worlds, witnessing nirvana, śūnyatā, selflessness.


The Twofold Truths depict the conventional truth of our karma world as seen in the Twelvefold I.C., resulting in suffering and samsara and the ultimate truth in nirvana, unconditioned peace, and unsurpassed awakening and prognosis. The Four Stages of Zen show the process of un-conditioning our karma, stilling conceptions, emotions, volitions, and perceptions to reach nirvana, heart/mind freed from all bondages and boundaries, leading to awakening and prognosis.


Un-conditioning of karma is the primordial paramount practice, because it ensures unconditioned peace and unsurpassed awakening in the holy, wholly wholesome, truth, goodness, beauty and limitless liberation, light, love, life, etc. beyond samsara suffering. Like meals for physical life, Zen meditation is essential for mental life to continue and concentrate. Un-conditioning, cure, is the opposite of de-conditioning, deterioration, of muscles, etc. caused by no use.

February 23, 2019 C.E. Darma talk

















The above pictures were taken and shared by Erin, 恵林

in Washington State, U.S.A.



















Nirvana for Peaceful World


Good morning!


Expecting the spring equinox soon, we have spring rain giving life to all. Winter rain can kill life. One thing may become either medicine or poison depending on the dosage, how dispensed, etc. Karma can be used for good purposes or bad.


Usually we are in awake, dream, or sound sleep states. In an awake state, we are animate, we identify our psycho-physical existence as our selves. In a dream state, the weakened “self” sense continues. In sound sleep state, no more of it.


This means that we regard our “selves” as something separated from all else, so to speak a bubble in the ocean, straying like floating foam or colliding or crushing each other with other bubbles, often in fight or flight stress states.


The fourth state of nirvana is neither inside nor outside, neither material nor immaterial, etc., like the awake state bubble merging into an ocean of space and time, wholly embraced, becoming wholesome in harmony and happiness.


We can understand why we continue the “separate substantial self” state out of a past fight or flight stress state – it is the survival instinct from a long past karma complex. We hope more people experience nirvana for a peaceful world.


March 9, 2019 C.E.












































The above black-white pictures of melting ice

were taken and sent by Erin, 恵林,

Washington State











釈尊は十二支縁起で私達の生活について教えられましたが、それで苦の二根は渇愛と無明にあることを示されました。無明(パーリ語: a-vijjā, 梵語: a-vidyā: ラテン語: a-video/videre)は動物が自らの身心存在を所有・自己同定することにより涅槃を確証できないことを意味します。


無明は「分離し実体のある自我」という根本幻想(迷惑)であり、これが渇愛(taṅha, tṛṣṇā, 原義: 難破して海水を飲むような「渇き」) と怒り (dosa, dveṣa原義:二元性:英語:duality)となるのです。貪瞋痴は三毒として毒し、殺すことになり、業に由来するものです。,




これは誰にとっても「来て見よ」(ehi passika)の道です。彼は誰でも「比丘よ善く来た!」(善来比丘)と自らの方法(覺道)に参加すること(入門・得度)を許しました。比丘とは単に食を乞う乞食ではなく精励者(沙門:samana, Skt.: śramaṇa)の伝統を受けた涅槃・覚醒の求道者のことです。彼の最後の言葉は「不放逸にして精進せよ!」でした。





註1: 涅槃(ねはん:nirvana)の同義語: 空(くう:パーリ語:スンニャタ―:suňňatā,梵語:シューニャター: śūnyatā, 分離・孤立の恒常・実体の「自我」というものは無い:無我), 無為(むい:アサンカタ:a-saṅkhata , アサンスクリタ:a-saṅsṛkta英語: un-made), 不戯論(ふけろん:アパパンチャ:a-papaňca, アプラパンチャ:a-prapaňca, 無投影・戯言・造作・業), 不死(ふし:アマタ:a-mata , アムリタ:a-mṛta), 身心脱落(しんじんだつらく)、不生不死(ふしょうふし)、不去不来(ふこふらい)、不一不異(ふいつふい)、不常不断(ふじょうふだん)、不増不減(ふぞうふげん)、不垢不浄(ふくふじょう)、極楽(ごくらく:スッカヴァティ-:sukha-vatī, 原義:楽に満ちた:後に楽土・浄土などとして場所とされた)などだが、無記(むき:叙述不可能, 超言説, アヴィヤーカタ:a-viyākata, アヴィアヴァクリタ:a-vyavakṛta)ともされる。


2: 仏道(ぶつどう)・覚道 (かくどう)(カッコ内はパーリ語):


一法 (いっぽう:エーカ・ダンマ:Eka-dhamma): 縁起法(えんぎほう)


二洲(にす)二依所 (にえしょ)(ドゥヴィ・ディーパ:Dvi-dīpa): 自洲 (じす:アッタン・ディーパattan-dīpa), 法洲 (ほうす:ダンマ・ディーパdhamm- dīpa)


二道 (ドゥヴィ・マッガ:Dvi-magga): 見道 (けんどう:ダッサナ・マッガdassana-magga), 修道 (しゅうどう:バーヴァナー・マッガ:bhāvanā-magga)


三宝(さんぼう)・三帰依 (さんきえ)(ティ・タナ, サラナ:Ti-rataṇa, -saraṇa): 仏、法 (Dhamma), 僧(サンガ:Sangha: 僧伽の略)(仏法僧:ぶっぽうそう)


三学 (さんがく)(ティ・スィッカー:Ti-sikkhā): 戒 (かい:スィーラ:sīla), 定 (じょう:サマーディ:samādhi), 慧 (恵:え、般若:はんにゃ:パンニャー:paňňā,プラジニャー prajňā)

四摂事 (ししょうじ:チャットゥ・サンガ・ヴァットゥ:Saṅgaha-vattu): 布施 (ふせ:ダーナ:dāna), 愛語 (あいご:ピヤ・ヴァチャナ:piya-vacana), 利行 (りぎょう:アッタ・チャリヤー:attha-cariyāアルタ・クリトゥヤ:artha-kṛtya), 同事 (どうじ:サマナ・アッタター:samana-atthatā, サマナ・アルタター:samana-arthatarthatā

四無量(しむりょう)・四梵住 (しぼんじゅう)(チャトゥ・アッパマーナ:appamāṇa, アプラマーナ: pramana/Brahma-vihāra): 慈 (じ:メッタ-:mettā, マイトリー:maitṝ), 悲(ひ:karuṇā喜 (き:ムディター:muditā), 捨(しゃ:ウぺーカーupekhā, ウぺークシャー:upekṣā

四超能力(しちょうのうりょく):意欲 (いよく:チャトゥ・イッディパ-ダ:iddhi-pāda) : 欲求(よっきゅう:チャンダ:chanda), 精進(しょうじん:ヴィリヤ:viriya), 意思(いし:チッタ:citta), 探求(たんきゅう:ヴィ―マンサー:vīmaṁsā) 

五器官(ごきかん)・五力 (ごりき)(パンチャ・インドリヤIndriya/バラBala):

信念 (しんねん:サッダー:saddhā), 精進 (しょうじん:ヴィリヤ:viriya), 専念

(せんねん:sati), 集中(三昧)(しゅうちゅう:さんまい:サマーディ:samādhi), 智慧(般若)(ちえ:はんにゃ:パンニャー:paňňā) 

六波羅蜜(ろっぱらみつ:六完成:ろくかんせい) (チャ・パーラミー:pāramī, 梵語パーラミター: pāramitā):

 布施(ふせ:ダーナ : dāna), 戒律 (かいりつ:スィーラ: sīla), 忍耐 (にんたい:カーンティ:kānti), 精進 (しょうじん:ヴィリヤ:viriya), 集中(三昧) (しゅうちゅう:さんまい:サマーディ:samādhi), 智慧(般若) (ちえ:はんにゃ:パンニャー:paňňā) 

七覚支(しちかくし:サッタ・ボージャンガ:satta-bojjhaṅga): 法分析  (ほうぶんせき:ダンマ・ヴィチャヤ: dhamma vicaya), 専念 (せんねん:サティ: sati), 精進 (しょうじん:ヴィリヤ:viriya), 喜悦 (きえつ:ピーティ: pīti), 軽安 (きょうあん:パッサッディ: passaddhi), 集中(三昧) (サマーディ:samādhi), 平静(捨離)(ウぺーカー:upekkhā) 

八聖道 (はっしょうどう:アッタ・アリヤ ・マッガ: aṭṭha-ariya-magga): 正見 (しょうけん:サンマ―・ディッティ: sammā diṭṭhi), 正思 (しょうし:サンマ―・サンカッパ:sammā saṅkappa), 正語 (しょうご:サンマ―・ヴァチー:sammā vacī), 正行 (しょうぎょう:サンマ―・カンマンタ: sammā kammanta ), 正命 (しょうみょう:サンマ―・アージーヴァ: sammā ājīva), 正精進 (しょうしょうじん:サンマ―・ヴィリヤ: sammā viriya), 正念(しょうねん:サンマ―・サティ:sammā sati), 正集中(三昧) (しょうしゅうちゅう:しょうさんまい:サンマ―・サマーディ:sammā samṭdhi)

八大人慮/八大人覚 (はちだいにんりょ:はちだいにんがく:アッタ・マハー・プリサ・ヴィタッカ: aṭṭha-mahā-purisa-vitakka/アッタ・マハー・プリサ・ボーディ: aṭṭha-mahā-purisa -bodhi): 小欲 (しょうよく:アピッチャ: appiccha), 知足 (ちそく:サントゥッタ: santuṭṭha), 離俗 (りぞく:パヴィヴィッタ: pavivitta), 精進 (しょうじん:viriya), 専念 (せんねん:sati), 集中(三昧)(しゅうちゅう:さんまい:サマーヒタ: samāhia), 智慧(般若) (ちえ:はんにゃ:パンニャー:paňňā), 不妄想(不戯論)(ふもうそう:ふけろん:アパパンチャ: appapaňca) 





Nirvana-Awakening for All


Good morning!


We can enjoy the bright spring sunlight, especially after sittings. We have, however, a lot of problems with suffering. The Buddha told the parable of King Mirror (Ᾱdassa) summoning blind people to feel an animal and to report their findings. They said it was like a snake, a rope, a pillar, a wall, etc., and started quarrelling amongst themselves.


He also told a parable of a blind turtle living at the bottom of the ocean, coming up to the surface once in a hundred years and unwittingly sticking its head into a hole of a floating log, in order to tell how rare it is to be born as a human being. If we know this, we must attain unsurpassed awakening and unconditioned peace to fulfill it.


He taught us about our life in the Twelvefold Interdependent Co-origination, which shows the two roots of suffering in craving and nescience. Nescience (Pali: a-vijjā, Skt.: a-vidyā: Latin: a-video/videre) is no-witness of nirvana due to animal beings moving to appropriate/identify their psycho-physical beings.


Nescience is the fundamental delusion of a separate substantial self, becoming craving (taṅha, tṛṣṇā, lit. thirst, as if drinking sea water at shipwreck) and divisiveness (Pali: dosa, Skt.: dveṣa, Eng.: enmity: error, lit. duality). Delusion, desire, and divisiveness are the Triple Poisons, poisoning and killing, coming from karma.


The Buddha foresaw the destruction of the world due to them, and devoted his whole life to avoiding it by teaching the way to still karma (nirvana), to see dharma (norm of all forms: law of all phenomena: Dharma of I.C.), to serve and save all. Nirvana is expressed in different ways: śūnya, neither birth nor death, Blissful, etc.


This is the way for everyone to “come and see!” (ehi passika). He allowed anyone to join his way, saying “Ehi bikkhu!” (Come bukkhu). Bikkhu is not a simple beggar, but a seeker in nirvana/awakening, in the tradition of striver (Pali: samana, Skt.: śramaṇa). His last words were, “Strive without indolence!”


March 16, 2019


Note 1: Expressions of nirvana: suňňatā (Skt.: śūnyatā, emptiness, no separate substantial self or self-nature), a-saṅkhata (a-saṅsṛkta un-made), a-papaňca (a-prapaňno, projection/speculation/ fabrication/karma), a-mata (a-mṛta, no death), body-mind falling away, neither birth nor death, neither coming nor going, neither one nor many, neither continuity nor cessation, neither decrease nor increase, neither defiled nor undefiled, Bliss-ful (sukha-vatī, later identified as the Bliss-land, Paradise, Pure-land), etc., but also un-definable/describable (a-viyākata, a-vyavakṛta).


2: Awakened Way (Pali):


One Dharma (Eka-dhamma): Dharma of Interdependent Co-origination


Two Islands/Refuge (Dvi-dīpa): Self-island (attan-dīpa), Dharma-island (dhamm- dīpa)


Twofold Way (Dvi-magga): Seeing Way (dassana-magga), Cultivation Way (bhāvanā-magga)


Triple Treasures/Refuges (Ti-rataṇa, -saraṇa): Buddha, Dharma (Dhamma), Sangha


Triple Learning (Ti-sikkhā): Morality (sīla), concentration (samādhi), prognosis (paňňā, prajňā)

Fourfold All-embracing Matters (Saṅgaha-vattu): giving (dāna), loving words (piya-vacana), beneficial action (attha-cariyā/artha-kṛtya), sameness (samana-arthatā/samana-arthatarthatā)

Fourfold Immeasurable/Brahma-abode (Apramana/Brahma-vihāra): friendship (mettā), compassion (kaluyāna), joy (mudita), equanimity (upekhā)

Fourfold Potency Bases (Iddhi-pāda): desire (chanda), striving (viriya), mind (citta), investigation (vīmaṁsā)

Fivefold Faculties/Powers (Indriya/Bala): faith (saddhā), striving (viriya), mindfulness (sati), concentration (samādhi), prognosis (paňňā)

Sixfold Perfections (pāramitā): giving (dāna), morality (sīla), patience (kānti), striving (viriya), concentration (samādhi), prognosis (paňňā)

Sevenfold Awakening Limbs (Bojjhaṅga): dharma analysis (dhamma vicaya), mindfulness (sati), striving (viriya), joy (pīti), lightness (passaddhi), concentration (samādhi), equanimity (upekkhā) 

Eightfold Holy Ways (Ariya-magga): right view (sammā diṭṭhi), right thinking (sammā saṅkappa), right speech (sammā vacī), right action (sammā kammanta), right livelihood (sammā ājīva), right striving (sammā viriya), right mindfulness (sammā sati), right concentration (sammā samṭdhi)

Eightfold Consideations/Awakenings of Great Persons (Mahā-purisa-vitakka/-bodhi): little desire (appiccha), contentment (santuṭṭha), seclusion (pavivitta), striving (viriya), mindfulness (sati), concentration (samāhia), prognosis (paňňā), no speculation (appapaňca)








Pit-house reconstructed of Jomon Period

in Tama in Tokyo (30,000~20,000 B.C.)







From Inside of the Pit-house





Earthenware with straw rope pattern

used by Jomon people





Quietly Hidden in Deep Mountain







Lake Surface






Receiving Sunlight



The above pictures were taken by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka

exhibited at Shimoda Culture Center




















Wakeful Way


Good morning!


Today is the middle day of O-higan, Yonder Shore or nirvana, in Japan, when we celebrate the equinox, equal day and night, chill and heat, the start of spring, as done in other traditions. We visit cemeteries to offer flowers, food, etc. for our ancestors, who gave us life to appreciate truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness of life.


Deceased ones are considered in nirvana, no karma. While living, however, anyone can enter nirvana, stilling karma by still sitting. When we sit still, our bodies, mouths, and minds become still and serene in harmony, health and happiness, like water in a bowl becomes still, calm and clear, without turbulence and turbidity.


Thus, we can enter into holy, wholly wholesome, harmony of body, mind, and world. Our movements, however, instantly bring us to appropriate and identify our bodies as our “selves,” usually as a separate, substantial Self, going through changes, samsara, of becoming something, someone, aging, death, and dissatisfaction.


Thus, we fall into suffering, stress, struggle, etc., of fight and flight, loss and parting, etc. That’s why we must cultivate in the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis, putting body, mouth, mind in order. Breathing can control usually uncontrollable physical and mental functions, bringing them into harmony.


Humans developed the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of self) the most, bringing the Doomsday Clock to two minutes before midnight, annihilation. That’s why we must cultivate ourselves and verify nirvana, as without cultivation it never develops and without attainment it is never attained, as Dogen said.


Anyone can attain nirvana and awakening and a wakeful life in it. We can take refuge in the Triple Refuges of the Buddha (Awakened), Dharma (of Dependent Origination), and Sangha (Community), and treasure the Triple Treasures of them in our daily life as buddhas in holy harmony, health, and happiness with limitless life, light, love, and liberation.


March 23, 2019 C.E.




















私達は今花々に取り巻かれています。祭壇には新鮮な花が供えてあります。子供の頃庭を掃くように言われると嫌でした。しかし自分の心からしたいと思うと、清掃するのは喜びでした。発心とは自ら聖 (全体健全)に為したい成りたいと願うことです。










2019共通年4月13日 法話


Way Cycle of  Sustained Practice


Good morning!


We are now surrounded by flowers. We have fresh flowers at the altar. I was reluctant to sweep the garden when asked to do so as a child. But I was delighted to clean, if it was initiated by my own accord. Aspiration is the initiative to do and become holy.


We aspired to practice and so have cultivation, awakening, and nirvana now. The Way Cycle of Sustained Practice – aspiration, cultivation, awakening, and nirvana – goes on each moment, every day, ever on in time and space.


The single redbud tree at the southeast corner of our garden spread its seeds, some transplanted, and we see many now. Holy truth, goodness, and beauty spread with the Triple Treasure of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha all over the world.


“Year after year flowers remain the same, but humans do not remain the same.” Flower trees may survive hundreds of years, while humans seldom survive one hundred. Actually, flowers with their sizes, spheres, and surroundings, change too.


“The Blue Mountain constantly takes steps.” Mountains change in seasons, years, with their flora, fauna, forms, and formations, even flattening. The Way Cycle goes on with all all over the world for the more holy truth, goodness, and beauty.


April 13. 2019 C.E. Dharma Talk














































人間は脳と手、科学と技術、を発展させて、更に自然から離れて、今や地球温暖化、大量絶滅、更には核の冬さえ有り得る危機を創り出しました。罪、自然からの分離病患、は聖性に帰一して避けなければなりませんが、それが宗教(ラテン語 religare: 再合一:帰一)の課題です。


仏教徒は全て聖なる真善美の為に仏法僧の三宝を宝物とし、仏法僧の三帰に帰依します。仏教徒は全て知情意を聖性に帰一する為に戒定慧 (sīla, samādhi, prajňā) の三学を学習します。




禅定 (jhāna-samādhi) は業とその貪瞋痴の三毒を静める為の本質的で包括的な実践であり、戒と慧を含む聖性(全体安定)に帰一する実践です。これなしには業は理解されず超越もされません。


2019共通年4月20日 法話



Triple Learning


Good morning!


In the morning sunlight we are now surrounded by many flowers – redbuds, lilacs, crabapples, wisteria, azaleas, dogwood, cherries. The Buddha held up a flower, and Mahakashyapa smiled. We appreciate holy truth, goodness, and beauty there. Plants (still lives) live in holiness, wholly wholesome.

Animals (moving lives) are separated from the earth, needing food from others.


Humans developed brains and hands, science and technology, becoming further separated from nature, and now we have created crises such as global warming, mass extinction, and maybe even nuclear winter. Sin, a separated sickness from nature, must be avoided to reunify with holiness, which is the task of religion (from religare: reunion).


All Buddhists treasure and take refuge in the Triple Treasures, the Refuges of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, for holy truth, goodness, and beauty. All Buddhists learn the Triple Learning of morality, concentration, and prognosis (sīla, samādhi, and prajňā) to reunify our volitions, emotions, and intelligence in holiness.


All Buddhist observe the Five Precepts, the first four of which became the Global Ethic. No killing is the most important morality, as nothing can be done without life. No stealing is to assure material order for life. No lying is to assure social order. No sexual misconduct is to assure gender and generation order.


Zen-jō (jhāna-samādhi) is the essential and encompassing practice to still karma (in nirvana, no wind of karma) with its Triple Poisons (desire, divisiveness, delusion) and to reunify with holiness, inclusive of morality and prognosis. Without this, karma is neither realized nor transcended.


Awakening is possible by witnessing nirvana. Prognosis is to prognosticate all problems for solutions, reunifying in holiness in nirvana. The Awakened Way goes on with the constant and concentrated practice of zen-jō in nirvana and awakening, assuring and advancing morality and prognosis in holiness.


April 20, 2019C.E.  






































































四聖(パーリ語/梵語: アリヤ/アーリヤariya/ārya: hagiaハギア:ギリシャ語:holyホーリー:英語)諦は全体健全な真理/存在です。第一の真実は苦(duk-kha: 悪くなる:願望に反する)です。四苦は一切の生物にとっては避けられない生老病死です。八苦はこれらに求不得苦・愛別離苦・怨憎会苦・略して五蘊盛苦を加えたものです。




第三の真実は苦の原因の消滅で、業の消滅である涅槃と同一視されています。実際には禅の四段階(四禅:日本語禅ゼンは中国語チャン:パーリ語・梵語:Jhāna, Dhyānaの音訳)で示されますが、業(身口意三業:意の観念・感情・意欲)を静めることで、静坐により涅槃に達して、業による俗諦を超えた新しい実存真理(究極真理:真諦:第一義諦:勝義諦)を実証すること。


第四の真実は正見・正思・正語・正行・正命・正念・正精進・正定(三昧:samādhiの八聖道と同一視されています。これは在家生活を放棄した出家者の為の七覚支を適用して正命(正しい生業:なりわい)を加ええ在家修行者に向けたものです。八聖道を除いた所謂「三十七道品(七覚支など)」は涅槃・菩提(覚醒)にある禅定(Zen samādhi)についてのものです。


2019共通年4月28日 法話


Four Holy Truths


Good morning!


After series of rainy days, we are now surrounded by abundant green. We have our regular sesshin, embracing and touching the heart (coeur, 摂心/接心), core of our existence. I had back pain before sitting, but now it’s gone. Choshin (調身ordering posture), chosoku (調息ordering breath), and choshin (調心ordering heart) make the whole system holy (wholly wholesome), coordinating organs, circulation, secretion, etc.


The Four Holy (Pali/Skt.: ariya/ārya: hagia: Greek) Truths are wholly wholesome truths/beings (sat). The first truth is suffering (duk-kha: wrong going, going against desire). The four sufferings are birth, sickness, aging, and death, inevitable for all living beings. The eight sufferings are these plus not getting the desired, parting with the loved, meeting with the hated – in short, the five aggregates rampant.


The second truth is the cause of suffering, identified with craving (taṅhā, lit. thirst, like drinking sea water at a shipwreck, which makes one thirstier). The karma (action/habit/heredity) through some forty billion years of evolution has made living beings follow survival instincts, as scientists even see selfish genes, especially in humans with advanced brains and bodies, languages and tools, sciences and technologies.


The third truth is cessation of the cause of suffering, identified with nirvana, cessation of karma. Practically, it is shown in the Four Stages of Meditation (Zen, Chan, Jhāna, Dhyāna: Japanese, Chinese, Pali, Skt.), stilling karma (physical, verbal, and mental: conceptions, emotions, volitions), witnessing nirvana and the new existential truth (ultimate truth) beyond conventional truth in karma in still sitting.


The fourth truth is usually identified with the Eightfold Holy Ways/Paths of right view, thinking, speech, action, livelihood, mindfulness, striving, and concentration (samādhi). This is meant for lay practitioners with livelihoods, adapting the Seven Awakening Limbs for renouncers of household life. The Thirty-seven Ways/Paths, except for the Eightfold Holy Ways, are of meditation (Zen samādhi) in nirvana/bodhi (awakening).


April 28, 2019 C.E.  Dharma talk


























































仏道には見道と修道の二道があります。見道は縁起の一法を見ることです。修道は戒 (sīla/śīla)  定 (samādhi)  慧 (paňňā/prajňā) の三学です。三学は三昧支(念・精進・定)に基ずきそれに含まれます。静坐の禅は業を静め、涅槃(条件付けられない平和)に安住し、法(無上正覚)を見る無条件化の術です。


見道と修道の二道はどちらも不可欠の飛翔あるいは前進の為の二翼あるいは二輪です。これらは観(vipassanā/vipaśyanā) と止(samatha/śamatha) と並行し覚醒(bodhi:菩提)と涅槃を提供し、どちらも不可欠です。涅槃に至る坐による静止は業を静止し涅槃を確証するには必須不可欠の修行即ち実践であり、ここに無我・空(suňňtā/śūnyatā)等に覚醒し般若・洞察・智恵などを発展させます。観(vipassanā)から発展した人気のマインドフルネス運動は涅槃も必要とします。


止は静坐で業を静止することにあり観或いは見 (dassana/daraa) 或いは洞察は業の条件付けを無くした涅槃の中にあります。だから道元は修(坐の修行)無ければ(止)の発展無く、証(涅槃の確証)無ければ(成道)は得られないと言ったのであり、これらは同一貨幣の不可分の両面(修証一如)なのです。だから、涅槃と菩提(覚醒・般若の智慧)に飛翔し前進する不可分の二翼或いは二輪である継続と集中による修(実践)によってのみ証(完成)があるのです。


2019共通年5月4日 法話


Two Ways


Good morning!


Dogen said, “There is a supreme, unconditioned, exquisite art for all Buddhas and Tathagatas in the person to person single transmission of the exquisite Dharma to witness unsurpassed awakening (bodhi). The reason one Buddha can bestow on another without distortion is that Self-appreciating Samadhi is its standard. In disporting in this Samadhi, entering Zen in straight sitting is the right gate. Even if this Dharma is abundantly endowed upon each person, unless cultivated, it is not developed; unless witnessed, it is not yet attained.”


There are Two Ways of Seeing and Cultivating in the Awakened Way. The Seeing Way is seeing the One Dharma of Dependent Origination. The Cultivating Way is the Triple Learning of Morality (sīla/śīla), Concentration (samādhi), and Prognosis (paňňā/prajňā). The Triple Learning is founded on and included in Concentration, called the Samadhi limbs (mindfulness, striving, and concentration). Zen in still sitting is the unconditioning art of stilling karma, settling in nirvana (unconditioned peace), and seeing the Dharma (unsurpassed awakening).


The Two Ways of Seeing and Cultivating are two wings or wheels to fly or to advance; neither should be dismissed. Seeing (vipassanā/vipaśyanā) and Stilling (samatha/śamatha) are parallel and providing to awakening (bodhi) and nirvana; neither should be dispensed of. Stilling in sitting to nirvana is the essential inevitable cultivation or practice in stilling karma and witnessing nirvana, wherein one can be awakened to no self, suňňtā/śūnyatā, etc., and develop prognosis, insight, wisdom, etc. The popular Mindfulness movement developed from Seeing needs nirvana as well.


Stilling is in still sitting, stilling karma, and Seeing (dassana/darṣaṇa) or Insight is in nirvana, unconditioned by karma. That’s why Dogen said that without cultivation (修, shū: practice, of sitting), it is not developed, and without verification (証, sho: witnessing nirvana), it is not attained: they are two inseparable sides of the same coin (修証一如, shusho-ichinyo : unity of practice and witnessing). Thus only practice makes perfect, through continuity and concentration – two inseparable wings or wheels to fly free and fare forward in nirvana and bodhi (awakening).















































































先週私達は見道と修道の二道について話しました。禅の伝統では修道の二道は坐禅と作務(作業、字義通りには義務を行う)です。上座仏教では出家者と在家者は法施と生活の清浄道・貧道を支える為の信施を交換します。インドでは修行者(沙門:Pali: samana, Skt.: śramaṇa:努力者の音訳)とバラモンを支える長い伝統がありました。








2019共通年5月11日  法話


註1.百丈懐海(749– 814)による百丈清規

註2.長蘆宗賾(生死年不明だが1102~1105洪済禅院に住持) による禅苑清規


Sitting & Samu


Good morning!


Last week we talked about the Two Ways of Seeing and Cultivation. The Two Ways of Cultivation in the Zen Tradition are Sitting and Samu (Work, lit. Doing Duties). In Theravada Buddhism, renouncers and lay people exchange Dharma donation and Faith donation to support the Pure/Poor Way (vissuddhi magga/hindo: 貧道) of life. India had a long tradition of supporting strivers (samanas/śramaṇas) and Brahmanas.


In China, however, renouncers were persecuted by some Emperors, and so had to flee to the mountains in order to support themselves. Thus their practice included sitting and samu to maintain their life. Hyakujo Ekai created the oldest Purity Codes, the remnants and monastic rules of which were collected in the Zen Monastery Purity Codes (Zen-en Shingi) of Choro Soseki to regulate production, maintenance, living, etc.


Hyakujo said, “A day of no work, a day of no eating.” Due to his old age – he lived to 95 – his disciples had hidden his farming tools make him rest, and he said this while refusing to take food. So samu became an essential practice in Zen monasteries, in addition to sitting, to continue and concentrate to develop and achieve nirvana and prognosis, learning how to live and run things in holy truth, goodness, and beauty.


Mahayana Buddhism is the bodhisattva way, “vowing to save others first and oneself last,” going with all always. The Awakened Way must go along with the karma world, with nirvana (unmoved by karma), and with bodhi, awakening, providing prognosis for seeing and solving all problems and sufferings. Sitting and samu are thus the essential way to enable practitioners to provide skillful means and ends.


May 11, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk


Note 1. Hyakujo Shingi (清規) by Hyakujo Ekai (百丈懐海:749– 814)

Note 2. Zen’en Shingi (禅苑清規) by Choro Soseki (長蘆宗賾: b./d. dates unknown, resided at Kosai Zen’in: 1102~1105)






Mr. Otsuka’s garden facing the street







君子蘭/clivia nobilis















ジャーマンアイリス・German iris










三寸あやめ/iris sanguinea





紫蘭/ bletilla striata












リアトリスと三寸あやめ/liatris & iris sanguinea










極楽鳥/bird or paradise/strelitzia










マーガレット/Marguerite/Paris daisy























Mr. Otsuka’s front garden facing the street

leading to downtown and Pacific Ocean

Passers-by enjoy beautiful flowers.






Pacific Ocean


The above pictures were taken and sent from Japan

by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka in Shimoda, Shizuoka







特に坐禅の後の私達には豊かな緑と爽やかな春の空気で素晴らしい春の季節を享受します。禅定、jhāna-samādhiは禅と三十七道種(八聖道等)の大部分の究極状態です。四禅(禅四段階)は(段階を進むにつれて広がり、深まり、清まる)四段階を通じて、心の一境界、一集中、一全体(eka-agra-tā, agra = akros首・先/端:一心・集中:三昧)の本質と結果を示しています。







2019共通年5月18日 法話


One Realm One Roundness



Good morning!


We’re having a nice spring season with abundant greenery and pleasant spring air, especially after our sittings.  Zen-jo, jhāna-samādhi, is the ultimate state of Zen and most of the 37 Ways. The Four Stages of Zen show its essence and effect of one-pointedness, one-centeredness, and one-wholeness (eka-agra-tā, agra = akros, top/cap) of the mind (one-mindedness, con-centration: samādhi) throughout (widened, deepened, and cleared as the stages are advanced).


It is initially focusing on one object (breathing, etc.), gradually letting go of mental fabrications or stilling karma (conceptions, emotions, and volitions as the stages are advanced). It is stilling, settling, synthesizing, and integrating in one wholesome whole (holiness in the dharma-realm from karma-realm). It is settling in one perfect sphere (ichi-en-so: one circle aspect: holiness) in peace and truth.


As Dogen said, “To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self; to learn the self is to forget the self; to forget the self is to be verified by all dharmas.” The bodies and minds of the self and others (karma kinetics and consequences) are falling away, and the dharma world is witnessed in nirvana and bodhi, awakening, and prajňā, prognosis, more and more, wider and deeper.


This witnessing of one world of all beyond a separated, substantial self in substancelessness (suňňatā/śūnyatā) – the so-called “original face” or “true nature” – is important to be witnessed as the ultimate truth by more people, to be seen as the original state before the karma consequences of conventional truth. The difficulty is in actual cultivation and verification, as Dogen said.


May 18, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk





























































































2019年5月25日 法話


Universal Truth and Ethic


Good morning!


It is nice to open all the windows and sit in the fresh green spring air in peace. We have our regular sesshin today. Sesshin is embracing and touching the heart. Last week we talked about how sitting still lets stilling karma, synthesizing all and finally settling in ultimate truth and peace or the original zero, no self, in the Dharma.


As Dogen said, we learn the self (psycho-physical system) first, then forget it in witnessing dharmas, letting go of the psycho-physical complex of the self and others, further letting go of the traces of awakening, furthering the traceless awakening ever on and on – no end in practice, cultivation, and verification.


Practice makes perfect – cultivation and verification goes on, and we witness more universal truth and ethic beyond karmic separation (sin) and smallness (sickness). Embracing and touching the heart first reveals how our psycho-physical realms start and sustain, as shown in the top of the 12-fold Dependent Origination diagram.


The originations of suffering and samsara are illustrated in the middle and bottom parts of that diagram, with the root causes of craving (taṅhā/tṛṣṇā, lit. thirst) and nescience (avijjhā/avidyā). The Buddha’s innovation was in the salient significance of formations (saṅkhāra/saṁskāra) and nescience in this 12-fold Dependent Origination.


May 25, 2019 C.E.  Dharma talk
















































先週私達は坐禅が業を静めて普遍的真理と倫理に到達することを話しました。仏陀はそれを「mahā assāsa 偉大なる休息」(文字通りには大いなる一息)と言いました。道元はそれを「安楽の法門」と言いました。それは業生活からの偉大な休息即ち解放です。(ブッダゴーサの著「Visuddhi-magga清浄道論」参照)




坐禅は自己の修行であり法の確証ですが、そこで人は「分離された実体としての自我」というようなモノは無く、一切の法(即ち現象)が縁起したものであるという法(即ち、現象の法則・真理)を、自らの「本来の面目」即ち「一切の真実の性質」であると確証することが出来るのです。 もし私達がこの普遍的法を常時・継続して学ぶならば、不殺、不盗、不偽、不邪淫、不貪瞋痴の普遍的倫理を守るのです。


四聖諦の(第四である)八聖道は、本質的には禅定即ち坐禅が包括している、戒定慧―sīla (戒律), samādhi (禅定), and prajňā (般若・智恵)―の三学により身心を知情意の面から業を静めて法を見ることで私達自ら修養することを明らかに示しています。私達は(これを)他者と共有する方法をもっと開拓しなければなりません。


2019共通年6月1日 法話


Zazen, Core Cultivation


Good morning!


Last week we talked about Zazen stilling karma, reaching the universal truth and ethic. The Buddha called it “mahā assāsa,” (great ease, lit. great respiration). Dogen called it “anraku-no hōmon” (Dharma-gate of pure peace and bliss, lit. Dharma-gate of comfort-ease). It is the great respite or relief from karma life in pure peace and bliss (cf. Buddhaghosa’s Visuddhi-magga, Purity Way).


We had a shooting spree killing 12 people here in the U.S. and an extended suicide, killing two and injuring 18, in an attack on children waiting for their school bus in Japan. Killing is the cardinal crime by karma kinetics, not clarified and committed by karma-machines, which can be avoided by cultivation and verification through Zazen, the core cultivation of the Awakened Way. Crimes are essentially extended suicides.


Zazen is the cultivation of the self and verification of the Dharma, where one can witness one’s own original face or the true nature of all, no separate substantial self, but the Dharma of Dependent Origination of all phenomena, dharmas. If we learn this universal truth constantly and continuously, we observe the universal ethic of no killing, stealing, lying, sexual misconduct, desire, divisiveness, and delusion.


The Eight Holy Paths of the Four Holy Truths show clearly how to cultivate ourselves in stilling karma (ethic) and seeing Dharma (truth) by the Triple Learning of sīla (morality), samādhi (concentration), and prajňā (prognosis), psycho-physically; intellectually, emotionally, and insightfully; essentially by encompassing samādhi or Zazen. We must develop more how to share with others.


July 1, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk








































The above pictures were taken and sent by 

Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, Shimoda, Japan 














2019共通年6月8日 法話


Blissful in Beatitude



Good morning!


The sound of rain falling on leaves is soothing to settle in peace, as we usually don’t work outdoors. Yutaka Tatsuno, essayist, said, “I like rain so much and suspect my ancestors were frogs.” We all have evolved through reptile stages in the past and life started under water, and are thus like water. Rain makes plants greener and fresher and animals livelier and refreshed.


Especially in Great Respite with great respiration we enter the Dharma gate of pure peace and bliss. We are in pure peace and bliss in nirvana beyond any karma complex: samsara and suffering. Su-kha, well-going or going with the grain, pleasant or blissful in beautitude, is the opposite of duk-kha, wrong-going or going against the grain, unpleasant or suffering in samsara.


Sukha-vatī means pleasant-ful, blissful state or realm, though not really the Pure-land or Paradise of the West, where the sun sets and perhaps the soul settles. Sukha-vatī is here and now, not in another place and time separated from the striver in the Awakened Way. The Buddha, Awakened One, was awakened to the Dharma of Dependent Origination of psycho-physical realms.


Terrorists believing in Paradise after death are irrational and unscientific in the belief of enjoyment of a blissful life after death, decomposition of psycho-physical existence. Terrorists and extended suiciders can never be happy in an afterlife, much less in this life. The Awakened Way can never be misbelieving, superstitious, irrational, and unscientific.


June 8, 2019 C.E.  Dharma talk
























































雨は空中、地中、植物や動物の中に浸透し遍満します。真実は全宇宙をそこにある者全てに浸透し周延します。私達が静かにじっと坐ると樹木のように真理と平和の中に落ち着きます。樹木と真理は「法 (dharma)」の語根であるdhṝに由来し、「永続する」の意味で、永続する一切の真理即ち法を意味します。樹木は一切と調和、健康、幸福の中に一万年も生き続けることができます。






2019共通年6月15日 法話


註:日本語の雷(かみなり)「神鳴り」を意味します。英語の「神」は事典によると雷と関係していると言います。Zeus-pater (ギリシャ語), Ju-piter (ラテン語), Dyau-pitṛ (サンスクリット語)は「輝く父」を意味し、雷を武器とする最高の天の神です。



Unity in Universal Truth/Ethic


Good morning!


Again we have rain. Moisture in the air condenses and makes clouds, creating lightning, thunder, and rain. If we know that thunder is not god’s roaring (kami-nari), but electricity created in clouds, we are not terrified by roaring thunderclaps, knowing that we are safe, unless we are hit by lightning. Knowing truth gives us the power to elucidate, endure, and educate in calm clearness.


Rain penetrates and permeates the air, earth, plants, and animals. Truth penetrates and pervades the whole universe with all the beings in it. As we sit still in calmness, we settle in truth and peace like trees. Tree and true came from dhṝ, the root form of dharma, meaning “enduring,” truth or law of all. Trees can endure ten thousand years in harmony, health, and happiness with all.


Eka-agga-tā, One-edge-ness, of Zen, Meditation, can start with focusing on breathing, the body, and shift to environment, the earth, etc., becoming one unified world of all, penetrated and pervaded by truth and peace, becoming truth and peace like trees enduring in eternity in harmony, health, and happiness, unmade, unhindered, and unmoved by karmic complexes and consequences.


Sitting still sets us solid in universal truth and ethic of the Dharma of Interdependent Co-origination, mutually relative, related to holiness, wholly wholesome world and way in limitless life, light, liberation, and love. Anyone can attain awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace with all always.


June 15, 2019 C.E.


Note: Kami-nari, thunder in Japanese, means God’s roaring. English word God is related with thunder according to some lexicons. Zeus-pater (Greek), Ju-piter (Latin), Dyau-pitṛ (Sanskrit), meaning Glittering-father, is the highest Heavenly God using lightening as its weapon.

















































Above pictures were taken with his new mirrorless camera

(1st pic. in the rain recently, the rest at dusk around 7 p.m. )

and sent by

Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, Shimoda, Japan



















2019共通年6月22日 法話


Ulitmate Universal Solution



Good morning!


Again we have rain, now with thunder. Dogen made a poem:


Being heard as it is, and

For the one without the mind,

The water-gem from the eave,

Is the true self indeed.


Raindrops, thundering, vapor, blinking electricity, the darkening world, etc., are our true selves indeed.


In his Realizing the Universal Truth, Genjokoan, 現成公案, Dogen said, “To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self; to learn the self is to forget the self; to forget the self is to be verified by all dharmas. To be verified by all dharmas is to drop off the bodies and minds of the self and of others. The trace of awakening is at rest and extinct. The traceless awakening is furthered on and on.” As we sit stilling karma, we are united, penetrated, and verified by universal truth and ethic, holiness, the wholly wholesome world and way, more, deeper, and firmer.


“Dropping off the body and mind,” shinjin-datsuraku or shinjin-totsuraku, 身心落, in language more faithful to the original words is: “shedding and dropping off the bodies and minds,” like cicadas or snakes shedding their skins and dropping them off. It is also said “penetrated and shedding,” todatsu, 脱, “shedding skins and penetrated through and throughout” by all dharmas or the world. We become penetrated by universal truth and peace, holy harmony, health, happiness, universal ethic, goodness, gratitude, greatness, bountiful beauty, and beatitude.


When we settle in nirvana, unconditioned peace, we are unmoved by sin, i.e., separation, selfishness, sickness, and suffering, we stay in holiness, i.e., the wholly wholesome way and world of, harmony, health, and happiness, going beyond self and other, here and now, life and death, tasting amrita, ambrosia, deathless, fearless, sinless, and saved from samsara suffering. This is the ultimate universal solution for all of the global problematique, the related problems of global warming, mass extinction, nuclear holocaust, isms, ideologies, karma conditionings, etc.


June 22, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk


















































































真実は私達を自由(free-dom, 親愛-領域:priya-dhāman 梵語)真実・平等・愛情・平和五福)の中に業から解放してくれます。倫理は縁起の法の中に一切と共に友である情、共にある事(mit-tra 共-道具からできた mitra, 友の状態 maitrī, 慈愛)に確立してくれます。


2019共通年6月30日 法話


Sesshin Settles in Supramundane



Good morning!


Early morning is cool, especially after sitting, even in summer. We have been in sesshin. Sesshin is touching and embracing the heart, core. Sitting, stilling karma, settles in nirvana and bodhi, awakening. Touching the core is touching the ultimate universal truth, and embracing it is embracing the ultimate universal ethic.


Truth and tree came from dhṝ, holding, enduring, the root of dharma, holding all, enduring eternally. Trees can sit holding all in harmony with truth, settle enduring in harmony with peace for ten thousand years. We can sit holding all in harmony with truth, settle enduring in harmony with peace.


Ethos, Greek origin of ethic, is custom or character, characteristics of a certain society at a certain period, for harmony. The world in the global age requires a new ethic beyond nationalism, national egoism derived from national karma. Nirvana, windless of karma, gives us the ultimate universal ethic.


Truth liberates us in freedom, beloved-domain (familiarity, Sanskrit, priya-dhāman), from karma and in truth, equality, love, and peace (fivefold bliss). Ethic establishes us in friendship, together-ness (compassion, Sanskrit, maitrī, from mitra, friend, from mit-tra) with all in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination.


June 30, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk



































もしこれらが部分的で限定的であれば、それらは必ずしも真実に真善美ではないかも知れません。Religion (宗教)はラテン語のreligale(再結合)に由来しますが、それは聖性、即ち全体健全、との再結合です。これが真善美を聖なる真善美、全体健全なる健康・調和・幸福に完成する方途です。聖性は涅槃、即ち制限する業の無風、で完成します。



2019共通年7月6日 法話








Holy Health, Harmony, Happiness


Good morning!


We have beautiful flowers at the altar and all around us, inside and out. The first koan is “holding up a flower, smiling at it.” The Buddha held up a flower and Mahakashapa smiled at it. Thus, the exquisite heart of nirvana storing the right Dharma-eye was transmitted from the Buddha to Mahakashapa, generation after generation down to us.


Goethe mentioned that the sky should have stars, the earth should have flowers, and humans should have love. Saneatsu Mushanokoji often drew similar phrases in his calligraphy. Kant admired the starry heavens above and the moral law within us. We pursue our cultural values in intellect, volition, and emotion: truth, goodness, and beauty.


If these are partial and limited, they may not be truly truthful, good, and beautiful. Religion derives from Latin religare, reunion, with holiness, wholly wholesome. This is the way to perfect truth, goodness, and beauty: holy truth, holy goodness, holy beauty: holy health, holy harmony, and holy happiness. Holiness perfects in nirvana, no-wind of karma limiting.


In nirvana, we can truly taste amṛta, ambrosia, immortality of neither birth nor death, neither self nor other, neither here nor there, neither now nor then, etc., but one whole wholesome way world. Trees grow with millions of leaves breathing, roots drinking, etc., working together. Truth grows with billions and billions of cells, the starry sky, the flowery earth, lovely humans, and others.


July 6, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk



Immanuel Kant:

“Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.”


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:

“When there are no stars, it won’t be heaven.
When there are no flowers, it won’t be earth.
And when there is no love, it won’t be man.”














The above pictures were taken and shared

by Erin, 恵林






























The following pictures were taken and sent by

Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, Shimoda, Japan





























































2019共通年7月20日 法話


Ego to Eco


Good morning!


We still have a cool morning, but almost the whole country is under a heat warning, impacting 190 million people, actually all animals and plants. Other countries are also having severe heat waves. Japan has had a lot of rain recently, with a land slide, and a lack of sunshine impacting farming. Extreme abnormal weather is due to global warming. The global problematique, interrelated problems of global warming, mass extinction, nuclear disaster, etc., are due to human karma.

If we continue this trend, we can’t continue; humankind is sacrificing other species. We want progress and prosperity, which require mass production, consumption, and wasting – overuse of the source and sink resources, and overturning the life system. This comes from the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion – the bad karma of humanity. Thus we need to still our karma and settle in nirvana and awakening – unconditioned peace and unsurpassed prognosis, or universal ethic and truth.


The Buddha talked about King Ᾱdassa, Mirror, summoning blind people to feel an animal and report their findings. They said it was like a snake, a pillar, a wall, a winnow, etc., and started quarrelling, each insisting on his own finding. Cultivation of karma changes our karma consciousnesses – the 8th store consciousness to mirror knowledge, the 7th mental consciousness to equality knowledge, the 6th mind to observation knowledge, the five sense consciousnesses to duty fulfilling knowledges.

Just as the blind people, we believe we have the truth and we quarrel with other people due to our karma. So, we must know that we are just like them due to karma. Then, we must cultivate our karma to avoid the triple poisons, especially the source, the delusion of the self, separate (sinful) from all others. Nirvana, no wind of karma, makes all selfless, all in an interdependent life system. Thus, ego (individual, social, etc.) can shift to eco (holy health, harmony, and happiness).

July 20, 2019 C.E.  Dharma talk






























































The above pictures were taken and sent by

Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, Shimoda, Japan









2019共通年7月27日 法話



Two Wings to Fly Free


Good morning!

Sesshin is embracing and touching the heart. We are usually drawn to the outside world, scarcely turning our heart inside itself. Thus, we are ensnared by the sense world and enslaved by our own karma, scarcely reflecting on it or researching the triple poisons, much less renouncing them. So, we remain as karma machines or robots, scarcely striving to change them.

The Buddha often recommended that we guard the doors of our sense organs lest we become enslaved and endangered by them. Turtles withdraw their heads and limbs inside their shells lest they become attacked and annihilated. They are contained and calm inside their hard shells and they are said to live ten thousand years. Embracing the heart is calming, samatha.

The Buddha taught us to observe the world, especially our bodies, feelings, minds, and dharmas, forms or phenomena, especially their impurity, suffering, impermanence, and selflessness against our desires for purity, pleasure, permanence, and selfishness, which are called the Four Mindful Stations. Touching the heart is observation, vipassanā.

Shi-kan, 止‐観,are samatha and vipassanā, two wings of the practice of Zazen or the Awakened Way, leading to nirvāṇa, no-wind of karma, and bodhi, awakening, or prajňā, prognosis. The Buddha strove six years for awakening with them and was for months secluded in them; Bodhidharma is said to have practiced with them for nine years. We need them for life, as our karma is four billion years old and ever renewed.

July 27, 2019 C.E.









































2019共通年8月3日 法話



Every Day, Fresh Good Day


Good morning!


We have gorgeous fresh flowers on the altar. The first koan is “Holding up a flower and smiling at it.” Anyone would smile at such beautiful flowers. Because life is one, we communicate life to life, heart to heart, and unwittingly smiling happens. We are moved by the wonder of the whole universe in its total space and time.


Flowers can bloom by the luck of good seeds, seasonal weather, and being saved from other species’ infestation. I have rather poor vegetable and fruit harvesting this year due to too much rain, heat waves, less input of labor and chemicals, and animal damage – sprouts and even well grown leaves and roots have been eaten, fruits carried away, etc.


Our practice of Zen or the Awakened Way is similar. Even with good aspiration, social situations or environmental entities may cause deviation or destruction. Cultivation may not be continued or concentrated. The Way Cycle of aspiration, cultivation, awakening, and nirvana may not be completed or continued for further cycles.


Our practice may become a mannerism, forgetting that every day and every moment is fresh and great. Zen mottos are “every day, a fresh day” and “every day, a good day.” We must put our utmost power into each moment and day to make it fresh, great, and good. Each moment and motivation is the pivot to turn our life and world.


August 3, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk
























































BDK Buddhist Classics in English・Free PDF: 仏教伝道協会の仏教聖典英訳・無料PDF版


BDK (Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai: Buddhism: Society for PromotingBuddhism: http://www.bdk.or.jp/english/about/chronology.html) offers free pdf Buddhist Classics










仏道は法輪、仏足、仏像など以前最初は菩提樹で表されましたが、その樹の下で(仏陀:覚者が)悟り(菩提:覚醒)を開いたのでそう名付けられたのです。「樹(tree)」と「真実(true)」は法(dharma: Norm of forms: 諸法の法:縁起)の語源 dhṛi (永続する)に由来します。王様などは僧院境内至る所多くの弟子達が坐っている平和に驚嘆しました。


禅(chan, jhāna, dhyāna, meditation)の四段階に示されるように坐禅は業(身口意:観念・感情・意志)を静め樹の様に涅槃・真理の覚醒・平和・調和に安住し、12支縁起にある様に輪廻と苦から自由になり、甘露、不死の神饌、を味わい聖(全体健全)な調和・健康・幸福の中に不畏となります。




2019共通年8月17日 法話


Live Like Tree in Truth, Peace, Harmony


Good morning!


We have just heard the refreshing sound of rain falling on leaves. We have beautiful fresh flowers on the altar. The Buddha Dharma transmission was expressed in the koan of “Holding up a flower, smiling at it.” Asked “What was the meaning of the Patriarch’s coming from the West?” Joshu said, “The cypress tree in the garden.” He seemed to point out the great old tree in the garden of his monastery.


The Buddha Way was first expressed by the Bodhi tree – so-named because under it the Buddha was awakened – before the Dharma-wheel, his feet, or a statue of him. Tree and true came from the common root of dhṛi (enduring), the root of Dharma, the Norm of forms or the Law of phenomena, Interdependent Co-origination. Kings, et al., were amazed at the peace of his many disciples sitting all over the monastery precinct.

As shown in the Four Stages of Zen (chan, jhāna, dhyāna, meditation), Zazen, sitting Zen, stills karma (physical, verbal, mental: conceptions, emotions, volitions), settles us in nirvana, awakens us in truth, peace, and harmony, like trees, so we’re freed from samsara and suffering as in the 12-limbed Interdependent Co-origination, tasting amṛta, ambrosia of immortality, fearless in holy harmony, health, and happiness.

The human species as the culprit in the global problematique (global warming, mass extinction, etc.) must make a paradigm shift from the pyramidal civilization with its five calamities (delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, destruction) to the life Indra-net culture with its fivefold blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, love, peace), every crystal ball reflecting all in holy truth, goodness, and beauty.


August 17, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk




















































































The above pictures were taken and sent by

Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka

from Shimoda, Shizuokaken, Japan











          花無心招蝶    (花無心にして蝶を招き)

          蝶無心尋花    (蝶無心にして花を尋ぬ)

          花開時蝶来    (花開くとき蝶来たり)

          蝶来時花開    (蝶来るとき花開く)

          吾亦不知人    (吾もまた人を知らず)

          人亦不知吾    (人もまた吾を知らず)

          不知従帝側    (知らずして帝ののりに従ふ)






2019共通年8月24日 法話


註 1.ブッソウゲは通常仏桑花と書きますが、仏懆花と書いてあるのを見た憶えがありますので、上の解釈をしました。沖縄南部では後生花(グソウバナ)として死者の冥福を祈る為に墓に植えるそうです。



Universal Life Truth


Good morning!

We have fresh flowers at the altar, crisp cool fall air, and whispering waterfall sounds. Hibiscus is called the endless or limitless flower (mugenka), as it continues blooming year round in tropical zones, and it has become national, state flowers. It is also called the Buddha heart flower (bussoge), as its style looks like a Buddha standing in a lotus. Remembering his life, the Buddha uttered, “The world is sweet and beautiful!”


Ryokan made a poem of “butterflies and flowers”:

          Flowers invite butterflies with no mind;

          Butterflies visit flowers with no mind;

          When flowers bloom, butterflies come;

          When butterflies come, flowers bloom;

          I do not know people, and

          People do not know me, either;

           Following the universal truth with no knowledge.


Dogen said, “When I love mountains, mountains love me.” When we love gardens, gardens love us. When we take care of gardens, gardens reveal their beauty, goodness, and truth. When we love flowers, flowers love us. When we offer flowers to the Buddha, flowers are with him and with us all, as bodhisattvas, to dedicate our thanks to the world of all life forms that have endowed and supported our life.


We’ve inherited plants’ photo sensors and developed it in different ways – human worlds are dominantly visual worlds, butterflies and birds can see flowers having nectar, while plants produce food and oxygen for us as well as for themselves. Neanderthals, sharing our ancestors, are said to have gone extinct due to cannibalism, consanguineous marriage, destruction by home sapiens, but they are actually living within us.


August 24, 2019C.E.  Dharma speech


Note 1. Bussoge is usually written 仏桑花, lit. Buddha mulberry flower, but I remember seeing 仏懆花,lit. Buddha chastity flower, thus the interpretation given above. In the southern island of Okinawa, people plant this in the graveyard as 後生花 guso-bana, lit. afterlife flower, to pray the deceased finds peace and happiness.


  1. Offering flowers to the Buddha is considered an expression of one’s vow to patiently endure in practicing the Awakened Way (cf. patience, one of the six perfections), as flowers bloom in severe environments and even after they have been cut from them.













































The above pictures were taken and sent

by Mr. Noriyuki Otuka

from Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan

















2019共通年8月31日 法話





Wholly Wholesome Way World Wanted


Good morning!


After last night’s rain we feel crisp, cool, fall air with fresh green trees around us, as if shedding off all dust, changing yellowing leaves to green. We feel fresh also after sitting, as if shedding off all dust, like trees. We feel as if we go down deep into the ocean, below the surface with its waves and billows, becoming deeply rooted at the bottom, spreading all over the ocean like trees by sitting still.


When butterflies come, flowers bloom. When flowers bloom, butterflies come.” When we have woody and bushy surrounding with flowers, then butterflies, bees, birds, etc., indeed come. I saw abundant flowers blooming and extraordinary numbers of butterflies flying around them at the site of the remains of the brick building foundations of Jetavana Monastery.


The Buddha said, “The world is on fire!” You might have seen the pictures from space of the Amazon on fire. The Amazon is called the earth’s lungs, producing 20% of our oxygen, but our hunger for meat, projected to increase 20% in the coming decade, produces carbon dioxide through the burning of forests and methane by cows at the contributing factor of 25 times greater than CO2 for global warming.


The world on fire is causing more disasters, like drought, heavy rains, flooding, etc., all over the world. Hurricane Dorian is coming. Trump has suggested destroying hurricanes with atomic bombs, which shows his ignorance of nukes and nature. He wants a space force, while the world is ablaze and life systems are aghast out of breath. If we know our karma, we can change it for the better.


Where flowers bloom, butterflies come” because of life history. “When butterflies come, flowers bloom” because of evolution. They do so, “following the universal truth with no knowledge.” It is better if we know it. Knowing and doing must unite. We must follow the universal ethic to realize the Pure-land or Paradise in our hearts. Truth/ethic, mind/body, self/other, etc., must match holiness.


August 31, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk


Note: Jetavana Monastery was where the Buddha stayed most often for the rainy season retreat and the site at which the greatest number of his monastery sermons were delivered. Its name is the Monastery of the Food-giver-to-the-destitute at Jeta-forest. More details may please be referred to here:































































The above pictures were taken

by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, 

Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan














橋本恵光老師の「普勧坐禅儀の話」を翻訳してきましたが、老師は坐禅は悟りを得た後も一生実践する王三昧であると言われます。老師は又それを自受用三昧、文字通りでは自ら受け用いる三昧ですが、英語には自賞三昧(Self-appreciating Samadhi)と訳しています。仏陀は自洲と法洲の二洲があると言われました。自は坐し法を見、受け、用い、法になり、不染汚です。




2019共通年9月21日 法話




Self-appreciating Samadhi


Good morning!


Today is the equinox, the middle of the five-day o-higan, yonder shore, identified as nirvana, the time of receiving spirits of ancestors, who are thought to be in nirvana. Equinox day is equal in daytime and nighttime. We say there is heat and chill up to o-higan. Until yesterday we had a spell of hot dry days, but rain yesterday and today brought cool air and abundant green leaves around us. We can now appreciate brilliant beautiful flowers on our altar.


Dogen described the path of the Awakened Way in his Genjo-koan, Realization of the Universal Truth, as follows: To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self. To learn the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be verified by all dharmas. To be verified by all dharmas is to drop off the bodies and minds of one’s self and others’ selves. The trace of awakening is at rest and ceased. Traceless awakening is furthered on and on.”


I’ve been translating the Fukanzazengi-no Hanashi, Talk on the Universal Recommendation for Right Zazen, by Eko Hashimoto Roshi, who says that zazen is the King Samadhi practiced throughout life even after awakening. He also calls it ji-ju-u-zanmai, lit. self-receiving-using samādhi, which I translate as self-appreciating samādhi. The Buddha said there are two refuges: self and dharma. Self sits, sees, receives, uses, and becomes dharma, thus undefiled.


We are life forms like flowers, so appreciate them, use them like familiar furniture or meritorious medicine in our medicine chest to appreciate or to be appeased together with buddhas and ancestors. We ordinarily say “self and other,” but Dogen says one’s self and other’s selves. Other often turns to absolute other and even enemy to be slaughtered. If we actualize others’ selves like ourselves, we can’t commit sins of slaughtering, stealing, etc.”


September 21, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk


Note: I touched on the pictures below, taken and sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, showing both phases of the Pacific Ocean – in calmness on ordinary days and raging at typhoon time – a Peace Ocean and Surging Sea. The Pacific Ocean with its placid, pure, mirror-like surface can reflect the sun, stars, and scenes of skies and lands in clarity and calmness, like nirvana. The empty space in special sea situations stir small winds that grow into typhoons, hurricanes, hurakans, orkans, cyclones, etc., causing surging seas and a wrecked world, claiming casualties like the wind of karma. Sitting stills karma, sees the Dharma of all dharmas (Norm of forms, Law of phenomena, i.e., Dependent Co-origination), settles in the original calmness and clarity of it like the vast space of śūnya (suňňa, sifr, zifr, zero) before stirring and surge.































































お彼岸を過ぎても暑く乾いた日が異常に続いています。ハニーデューの蔓が殆ど乾いてしまったのを見つけました。命あるものには、特に異常気象と地球温暖化では、常時注意する必要があります。皆さんはグレタ・トゥーンベリの COP24での話を聞いたでしょうね。彼女は、貴方達の金が人々を殺しエコシステムを破壊していると言っていました。人々は象を撫でたあの盲人達のように全体像を見失い、自分こそ正しいと主張していますー金だ!贅沢だ!と。



慈はメッター、ミトラ(ドイツ語 mit は英語の with: 共・友)に由来して字義は友情です。因縁生起は一切現象が関係し相対であることを告げ、一切衆生はこうして友であり、皆慈悲を必要としています、十二縁起が示すように皆輪廻と苦にあるからです。ミトラ・ミスラ・マズダ・みろく・弥勒・マシーア・メサイアなどは未来救済者になりましたが、誰でもが「必要の時の(友は真の)友」になる可能性を示しているのです。


2019共通年9月28日 法話


註:四無量・梵住 (Appamāṇa/apramāṇa/Brahma-vihāra) は友情・慈 (mettā/maitrī), 悲・同情(karuṇā), 喜 (muditā), and 寂・捨・放棄 (upekkhā/upekṣā)です。


Nirvana Is Necessary for New Norm


Good morning!


We have unusually hot, dry days, even after the equinox. I found honeydew vines almost dried out. Constant care is necessary for life, especially with abnormal weather and global warming. I hope you listened to Greta Thunberg’s speech at COP24. She said that your money is killing people and collapsing eco systems. People are like those blind ones feeling an elephant, losing sight of the whole picture, claiming to be right – “It’s money! It’s luxury!”


People must know that they are blind, unable to see the whole picture. Only when they admit that they are blind, can they start to listen to others or to feel other parts. Only when they start to listen to scientists or to see the other side of their life – the importance of life over money, of life systems over material gains, of their descendants to come over their private privileges, of all life forms over selfish purposes, etc.


The Buddha taught about the Fourfold Holy Abode/living/Limitlessness of compassion, sympathy, joy, and equanimity. The Four Stages of zen/meditation explain this well – equanimity is nirvana, freedom of mind, which gives us joy, sympathy for those with the Fourfold Leaks/Fluxes, compassion for those with the Five Coverings. Unless Limitless, we can’t be holy (wholly wholesome). Compassion and prognosis are two wings to fly freely.


Compassion is mettā, lit. friendship, derived from mitra, friend (cf. German mit, together in English). The Interdependent Co-origination tells that all phenomena are related and relative, thus all life forms are friends, and they need compassion and sympathy; as the Twelvefold I. C. shows they are in samsara and suffering. Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Milu, Massiah, Messiah, et al., became the future saviors – everyone’s capacity to become friends in need.


September 28, 2019 C.E.


Note. Fourfold Limitless/immeasurable/Brahma-abode (Appamāṇa/apramāṇa/Brahma-vihāra) is friendship/compassion (mettā/maitrī), sympathy/commiseration (karuṇā), joy (muditā), and equanimity/renunciation/throwing away (upekkhā/upekṣā).


















































昨夜と今朝の慈雨が全ての命を甦らせてくれました―私達は今沢山の蘇生した緑に取り巻かれています。水は命の姿を保ち気は命の働きを支えます。大呼息(mahā assāsa/āśvāsa)は大安息で、涅槃です。四状態は覚醒、夢眠・熟睡・第四位(Catrīya, 均衡位, Tulya)、即ち業を超えた涅槃(他は業あり)です。






2019共通年9月29日  法話


Seeing, Serving, Saving Sentients


Good morning!


The compassionate rain last night and this morning revived the life of all – we are now surrounded by abundant, refreshed green. Water maintains life forms and air supports life function. Great respiration/respite, mahā assāsa/āśvāsa, is nirvana. The four states are waking, dreaming, sound sleep, and the Fourth (Catrīya, Balanced, Tulya), nirvana, beyond karma (with which the other three).


The Dharma (norm/law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena) applies to posture, breathing, and minds. Breath controls life: heart rate, blood pressure, etc. Good posture/breathing/mind makes good life. Breath is life (iki:息/生き, pāṇa/prāṇa). Zen makes the best use of this – best posture, breathing, and mental state bringing into nirvana, awakening, prognosis, etc., as in the Six Perfections, etc.


Buddhist practice of the Eightfold Holy Ways, Sevenfold Awakening Limbs, etc. (collectively called the Thirty-seven Way Items) in Theravada and the Six Perfections in Mahayana are for nirvana and awakening. The Eightfold Great Person’s Awakening/Awareness, Four Embracing Matters, etc., are applications of them, seeing, stilling karma, seeing, serving dharma, and saving all beings.


Nirvana is perfect rest in free, full function in limitless life, light, love, and liberation with holy, wholly wholesome, way and world. It is going back to the true life like tree (brain core, autonomous nervous) functions of breathing and metabolism, unlimited by (brain peripheral and surface) functions of karmic conceptions, emotions, and volitions as in the Fourfold Holy Life/Limitlessness.


September 29, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk






































Free-dom(自由)とは「親愛の領域」(梵語 priya-dhaman)ということで、法(現象・法則)に親しくなり自由・全体機能するということです。魚や鳥が水や空から離れられない様に私達はそれから離れられず、必要が大きければ使用も大きくなるのです。私達は水や空と同様に、その際限・終極に到達し尽くすまでの他所・他時をまたず、此処に今それに会い行動し、修行し実証しなければなりません。各所・各時はそれぞれの(独特な)状態・状況があるのです。




2019共通年10月5日 法話





Universal Ultimate Truth


Good morning!


We suddenly have crisp, clear, cool air, almost chilly. A common saying is: the autumn of the high sky and fat horses, befriending the lamplight (for reading). This is an opportune time to practice: cultivation/verification. I went through my translation of Dogen’s Genjō-kōan, Realizing Universal Truth, and Busshin retyped it. This first volume of Dogen’s Shōbōgenzō, Storage of the True Dharma Eye, originally a letter to his lay follower, introduces the essence/essentials of the Awakened Way.


It contains the famous passage: “To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self…the traceless awakening is furthered on and on.” Awakening to universal truth is unifying the self and the Dharma of all dharmas; it is not like a mirror reflecting the moon, much less the moon separate from the mirror. Genjo-koan is Dharma-abhisamaya, Dharma-meeting. Shinjin-datsuraku, dropping off the body-minds of the self and others, is freedom from and of the body-mind.


Free-dom is priya-dhaman, beloved-domain, familiarizing and free/full functioning with dharmas, forms/norms (phenomena/laws). We cannot live departing from them, as fish and birds cannot depart from water and sky. As the need is great, the use is great. We must meet/act, cultivate/verify dharmas here/now, freely/fully functioning, not waiting for another place/time for exhaustively reaching the limit/end of them like water/sky. Each place/time has its absolute stage.


Shobogenzo is taken from a stock phrase: “shōbōgenzō nehan-myōshin” (exquisite heart of nirvana, storing the true dharma-eye). So, we must reach nirvana, no-wind (of karma) to attain the true dharma-eye. The true dharma-eye provides us with the truth/ethic of how to make a paradigm shift from the fivefold calamity of our artificial, unidirectional, pyramidal civilization (urbanization: sinful luxury) to the fivefold bliss of natural, cyclical, life-Indranet culture (cultivation: holy purity).


October 5, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk



Note: The fivefold calamities of civilization (urbanization: fight for money/matter/might) are delusion (separated self: sin: separation), bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination. The fivefold blisses of culture (cultivation: share of holiness = wholly wholesome life/heart/harmony) are awakening, freedom, equality (in related/relative Interdependent Co-origination), love (friendship = together-ness from mit-tramitra: friend, cf. Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, etc.), and peace.































The above pictures were taken and posted

on Mr. Koichi Okada’s FB

(posting here approved by him)



















2019共通年10月12日 法話



Solving Suffering


Good morning!


Beautiful flowers at the altar represent natural, holy truth, goodness, and beauty. We have a silent, sunny Saturday morning with sitting, suddenly down to the 30s. The top news on TV in Japan and NPR on the way here was the six decades’ record super typhoon with banks collapsing, casualties, missing, injured, and the highest heavy rain warning. Japan has typhoons in three seasons due to global warming, though it had them only in September half century ago.


To reform our artificial pyramidal civilization (= urbanization, revolution) for 5 millennia for money, matter, and might with the fivefold calamity of delusion (of a separate self), bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination, we had a natural life-Indranet culture (= cultivation/spiritual revolution) 2.5 millennia ago for life, heart, and harmony, with the fivefold bliss of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace. We must complete this paradigm shift.


Civilization is conquering others (exploiting nature, nation, etc.) for sin (karmic, unnatural separation, selfishness, suffering), but culture is conquering the self (cultivating spirit, system, etc.) for holiness (Dharmic natural wholly harmony, health, happiness). All problems and suffering comes from sinful (delusion of a separated self and its desire and divisiveness: craving and hatred) karma (physical, verbal, mental actions/function, habits, heredities).


The 12-limbed Interdependent Co-origination diagram shows this very clearly: Suffering comes from formations (past/present actions/functions) based on the two roots of nescience (no witness, of nirvana: no wind, of karma) and craving (desire/divisiveness, like/dislike), both sides (truth/ethic) of the Dharma (of I.C.) or karma based on the Triple poisons. A person with nothing is holy with holy things and a holy world. The treasure house opens for use/appreciation.


October 12, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk


Note. “Nothing/eventless is the noble/holy person” (Linchi, Lin-chi’s Record), who has good/holy things and a good/holy world. “A holy person has no self, therefore, has all as self.” “Dropping off the body and mind” is “(verified by) all dharmas,” (attaining the Dharma body). “Practice in such a way constantly, you will never fail to realize suchness. The treasure house will open by itself, and you will appreciate and use it at will.” (Dogen, A Universal Recommendation for the Right Zazen)












The above pictures were taken and posted

on Mr. Koichi Okada’s FB

(posting here approved by him)










仲秋の名月を見ましたか? 最も有名な俳人芭蕉はこの俳句を作りました:






















私達が坐禅する時、私達は普遍的真理と倫理(地球真理・’倫理)と共にあります:原則:真理5S (体系的、維持可能、節約救済、安全、単純)、倫理5L (法、命、自由、真実、慈愛)、実践:物質流5R(削減、再使用、再循環、再配慮、再生)、情報流5A(接近、評価、賛成、行動、告知)。誰でも坐り、涅槃において法を見て仕え、これに従って一切を救済できるのです。

2019共通年10月19日 法話


註:1.八大人覚・慮((Pali: mahā-purisa-bodhi/vitakka, Skt.: mahā-purṣa-bodhi/vitarka):

小欲  (apiccha/apicchā),

知足 (santuṭṭha/santuṣṭa),

離俗 (pavivitta/pravivitta),

精進 (viriya/vīrya),

専念 (sati/smṛti),






L      5戒      4取り消し不能権利・責任

生命                      不殺生                    非暴力と生命の尊重

自由                      不偸盗                    連帯と公正な経済

不偽                      不妄語                    寛容と真実の生活

愛情           不邪淫                    男女の平等権利と共同精神


Realizing Universal Truth/Ethic


Good morning!


Did you see the renowned mid-fall full moon? The most famous haiku poet Basho made a poem:

          The renowned moon,

                              I wandered around the pond

                              Throughout the whole night.

He might be wandering around the pond in a park, adoring the renowned bright beautiful full moon in the sky and in the pond alternately throughout the whole night. Throughout civilization (urbanization) of the original city states (citadels with walls) to modern nation states, citizens separated into insiders and outsiders, i.e., “others” like farmers, foreigners, flora and fauna, etc., waging wars, starting slavery, creating classes, encroaching on the environment.


Another famous haiku poet Issa, who well observed ordinary people, made a poem:

                              The renowned moon,

                              A baby cries for it to be

                              Taken and given to it. 

The six decades’ record super typhoon claimed about a hundred casualties, banks breached, blackouts, water supply stopping, flooding with floating furniture piled up in parks, blocked traffic, rescued people in refuge centers, etc. Gandhi said, “Needs can be satisfied, but not desires.” We are like crying babies for the moon, never attaining the ends and dissatisfied. We’ve reached the moon and want to create a space force, but miseries are increasing on earth.


Dogen made a poem, sensing his passing away ten days ahead, perhaps with fatigue from his trip from Eiheiji in the deep mountains to the capital city of Kyoto, “walking above the clouds” as he noted:

                               Even in the autumn, when

                              I’d expect seeing it again,

                              I could not have slept

                              With the moon of tonight.

The perfectly round, without crescent, not concave or convex, full moon for him was the Buddha heart and life – limitless light, life, liberation, and love, calm and clear in nirvana and bodhi (awakening) and prajňā (prognosis), beautifully beaming, lighting limitlessly throughout time and space, illuminating the whole world of heaven and earth. He gave his last Dharma talk on the Eightfold Awakening (or Awareness) as the Buddha did as his last teaching.


On the way home after sitting, I saw the renowned full moon in front of me, and found cars driving eastbound to the city didn’t. So, I made a poem:

                              Turning back, I saw

                              The renowned moon –

                              That is this life of all.

When we sit in Zazen, we are with the universal truth and ethic (Global Truth and Ethic): Principle: Truth: the Five Ss (Systemic, Sustainable, Saving, Safe, Simple); Ethic: the Five Ls (Law, Life, Liberation, Lielessness, Love); Practice:  For material flow: the Five Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rearrange, Restore) and For information flow: Five As (Access, Assess, Agree, Act, Advice). Anyone can sit, see, serve the Dharma in nirvana, and save all by following this.

October 19, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk


Note: 1. The Eightfold Awakening or Awareness of a Great Person (Pali: mahā-purisa-bodhi/vitakka, Skt.: mahā-purṣa-bodhi/vitarka):

little desire (apiccha/apicchā),

contentment (santuṭṭha/santuṣṭa),

seclusion (from the secular world) (pavivitta/pravivitta),

striving (viriya/vīrya),

mindfulness (sati/smṛti),

concentration (samāhia),

prognosis (paňňā/prajňā),

no speculation (a-ppapaňca/a-prapaňca).

The last is translated as “no idle talk,” but the original words ap-papaňca/ a-prapaňca means no projection/expansion/ speculation (of the mind), thus no mental fabrication, i.e., nirvana (cf. the fourth stage of the Four Stages of Meditation, where there are no mental fabrications of conceptions, emotions, or volitions).

  1. The last four of the 5Ls are the Four Irrevocable Rights/Responsibilities of the Global Ethic, employed from the Five Precepts (their correspondences are):

Five Ls          Five Precepts             Four Irrevocable Rights/Responsibilities 

Life                no killing                    non-violence and respect for life

Liberation    no stealing                  solidarity and a just economic order

Lielessness   no lying                       tolerance and a life of truthfulness

Love               no sexual misdeed    equal rights and partnership between men and women











The above picture was taken and sent by

Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka



















The above pictures were taken by and shared in FB

Mr. Koichi Okada

(post permitted)










The above photo was taken by Mr. Masayoshi Hirasawa

and shared with Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka (and me)






















2019年10月26日 法話


Mini Max Mistakes


Good morning!


We have sesshin, embracing/touching the heart. Reading my poem, Turning back, The renowned moon – All is this life, Mr Otsuka sent me Honen’s poem:





Tsukikage-no itaranu sato-wa nakeredomo,

Nagamuru-hito-no kokoro-ni-zo sumu.


There is no countryside where the moonlight doesn’t reach,

But it resides clearing in the heart of the one who sees.


The Japanese word sumu is used in its double meaning of reside and clear. Unless we see it, it can’t settle in our hearts, much less clear, unless we clear our hearts. The moonlight represents the Buddha heart and life light.


The Buddha attained awakening in nirvana, no-wind of karma. The authentic way to settle and clear our hearts is to sit and still our karma as the Buddha did. Thus, Dogen wrote the Universal Recommendation for Right Zazen. He wrote Shobogenzo, Zazen-shin (Zazen Lancet), in which he said that Buddha Dharma is not transmitted unless Zazen is transmitted, noting right Zazen.


His Shobogenzo, Kokyo (Old Mirror) relates that the old mirror is the old Buddha, the round mirror, clear mirror, and the whole world. It tells about the old Buddhas, including anecdotes about Nangaku and Baso (polishing a potsherd to make a mirror), Eno (a clear mirror has nothing, much less dust). Polishing is practice, making perfect, cultivation as verification in right Zazen.


Dogen told of the Triple Hearts: Great, Mature, and Joyful Hearts. They are inseparable, and the Great Heart is essential to embrace all to become holy (wholly wholesome) harmony and happiness. He said if it is not with all, it is not Mahayana/Buddhism or the Bodhisattva Way (to save all first, self last). All errors come from the mini-max (taking mini as max) mistake (ex ego and eco).


October 26, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk








































The above pictures were taken and posted

by Mr. Koichi Okada on his FB

(Sharing permitted by him)






















2019共通年11月2日  法話






Amrita, Ambrosia of Immortality


Good morning!


Suddenly it became winter, sub- and around freezing temperatures, almost from summer. We, however, have a peaceful, serene world with bright sunlight after our sittings. Here is a haiku poem of momiji, maples or colored leaves:

          Showing the back,

          Showing the front,

          A falling maple leaf.


Life is change with both sides, birth and death, growing and decaying, gain and loss, etc. Both sides are the back and front of one thing, change. All phenomena are in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, thus all are related and relative.


Here is another haiku poem of momiji, which shows the apparent both sides of our life and the deeper one truth of it, changelessness – no life or still life, death or eternity, nothingness or substance, nil or nirvana, …:

          A falling maple leaf;

          An unfalling maple leaf,

          Is also a falling maple leaf.



Life is not limited to a maple, but unlimited in its forms, functions, phases, systems, significances, etc. Still life is not necessarily no life, dead life, nothingness, but life, living, nirvana. I made a haiku poem of a fallen maple leaf:

          A maple leaf falling,

          The moon’s shining,

          Bird flocks migrating.


When trees shed their leaves, we can see the vast sky, the moon shining throughout the world, and birds migrating. Birds are said to fly up from water, leaving no dirty water, and away, leaving no footprints. Another poem I made:

          Birds migrating,

          Leaving no trace

          Of spring and fall.


“Traceless awakening goes on and on,” Dogen said, “The sky being vast, penetrating through heaven, a bird looks like a bird.”  Humans look like humans, but awakened ones can taste amrita, ambrosia of immortality, beyond changes.



November 2, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk



Note: Here is the poem Dogen made, titled “Poem made on the original face,” which was quoted by Yasunari Kawabata in his Nobel Prize Memorial Lecture speech:

          Flowers in spring,

          Cuckoos in summer,

          The moon in autumn,

          Snow in winter,

          Clear and cool.
























The last photo is from tenki.jp



































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