由々しい不名誉を解決する潮目変化: Solving Serious Stigma Seachange











2020共通年11月1日 法語



註 1.大統領は5分で核戦争を始められる:






  1. ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ:










The COVID-19 pandemic has made us conscious of the value of our life and the interrelatedness of all things. We have the global problematique of the pandemic, global warming, mass extinction, nukes, etc. We have actually the imminent gravest possibility of the total destruction of life by one person. This is the utmost absurdity and incapacity of humanity, even if it becomes a few persons or one nation. If the human species is truly homo sapiens, wise humans, we must solve this and other problems, from the urgent and grave to lesser ones.


We mistake a partial issue for a greater one, like blind people groping for parts of an elephant, missing the total view. All mistakes are of greatness and graveness. Because we are caught by our karma, especially of the Triple Poisons, we mistake self, society, state, species, symbolism, secular, and supramundane, etc. Because we are attached to money, matter, and might, we forget life, harmony, and heart, which causes our divisiveness and hatred, both of which are caused by nescience, no witness of the selflessness (self-same, -sovereign) of the interrelated world.


The Triple Poisons are solved by the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis. Anyone can sit, still karma, see the Dharma (of Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are dependently originated on causes and conditions), serve, and save all. Stilling karma and seeing the Dharma (Truth/Law) through concentration/meditation and observing the truth/law, are important for coping and as countermeasures to the pandemic, etc., as Yuval Harari said, and for practicing. He recommended that we protect our life and rights with global cooperation, not nationalism.


As Gandhi said that the Ganges of rights comes from the Himalaya of duties, we must first observe responsibilities, as in the Global Ethic (life, love, light, lielessness). We are witnessing a global mass movement to change our politics, economics, societies, and cultures as in the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty, demonstrations against discrimination, exploitation, destruction, etc. We must be awakened to the universal truth/ethic and practice it, and participate in such movements, within the perspective and prognosis of the paradigm shift.



November 1, 2020 C.E. Dharma note



Note 1. President can start nuclear war in 5 minutes:




Here’s How Much Deadlier Today’s Nukes Are Compared to WWII A-Bombs



3. Yuval Noah Hrari:



4. Global Ethic:



5. Paradigm Shift:
























































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