最高智慧の枠組転換:Paramount Sapiens Paradigm Shift





2020共通年11月8日 法記




From early in the morning until late at night on Nov. 7, U.S. cities were thronged with joyful people celebrating Joe Biden beating Donald Trump. All over the world people had been watching the presidential race in the pandemic, and they celebrated with the joy of relief from the unpredictable unethical maneuvers of the latter. This was a replay of Obama winning over Bush a dozen years ago, the joy of a new president of color, now echoed in a female V.P. of color, Kamala Harris.

The people of the US and the globe are relieved of Trump’s egoistic behaviors and “America First” policies. Joe Biden, in his victory speech, said that solving the pandemic problem and unifying this divided nation are the first priorities at present. These two issues are the greatest urgent issues to be resolved all over the world – life and equality, which will solve the global problematique, interrelated global problems like global warming, pandemic, pollution, poverty, starvation, mass extinction, etc.

Obama received a Nobel Peace Prize for his declaration to abolish nuclear weapons, though it was left unachieved. His then vice president Biden can accomplish it, solving the greatest and most urgent problem. The World BEYOND War is building billboards in many cities, saying that “3% of Our Military Budget Can Solve Starvation.” If all nations shifted their military budgets to saving life and supporting living, we could shift our present paradigm to a new one.

The Dharma (truth/ethic) of Dependent Co-origination tells that all are dependently originated on limitless causes and conditions, thus all is related and relative. Life is equal, thus no one person or nation can annihilate all living beings with their global life systems. We must abolish egoism, nationalism, and nuclear weapons, which are against the universal fundamental truth/ethic. It is high time that we become true homo sapiens to save all beings in wholly wholesomeness.

November 8, 2020 C.E. Dharma note

Note: Paradigm Shift:












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