無量寿・光・自由・愛: Limitless Life, Light, Liberation, Love



COVID-19 の全人類的感染症は普遍真理・倫理(縁起法)の重要性を示した。トランプとトランプ主義はそれに失敗し、生命と生命体系・価値―政治・経済・社会・文化の構造・機能―を失った。法は全人類的感染症・核・気候変動・大量絶滅・貧困・人口爆発などの地球問題群を解決するには必須である。






2021共通年2月8日 法記



2.「根源あるいは母型から考える」(yoniso manasi-kāra,字義通りには母胎から心を用いる)とは起源/根本の始源/組織から心を用いる(思考/決断/意志)こと。

  1. 八大人覚(Mahā-purisa-vitakka/-bodhi/mahā-purua-vitarka/-bodhi)は小欲(appiccha/appiccha), 知足(santuṭṭha/santuṣṭa)、離俗(pavivitta/pravivitta), 精進 (viriya/vīrya), 専念 (sati/smti), 禅定 (samāhita), 智慧 (paňňā/prajňā), 不戯論(不虚妄・不妄想・不煩悩・不乱心・不心転・不投機)(appapaňca/aprapaňca).





The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the importance of the universal truth/ethic (Dharma of Dependent Co-origination). Trump and Trumpism failed in it, losing life and its systems/values – political, social, economic, cultural fabrics/functions. The Dharma is essential in solving the global problematique: pandemic, nukes, climate change, mass extinction, poverty, the population explosion, etc.


More than 10 percent of the present global population is hungry now. The global population is projected to be 10 billion in 2050, with hunger, a warmer world, more biodegradation, and less equity among humans and other species. Modern civilization (urbanization) seems unstoppable in damaging eco systems and creating inequity among people in life styles and opportunities.


It is said that a third of food produced is wasted, a third of grain goes toward meat production (10 to 20 times the weight for beef), and a fourth of warming is due to water used for food (70% of water for food production lost by 2030). We have enough food to feed all people, but hunger and starvation go on, damaging ecological and social systems, predicted to have food shocks, i.e., rioting.


The Buddha taught us to think from the source or matrix, and he gave his last sermon of the Eightfold Awakening of Great Persons. We must have little desire and know satisfaction, understanding the limited resources of our planet. De-secularization is important in pandemic and practice of the Awakened Way in nirvana, which is through striving, mindfulness, concentration, and prognosis.


February 8, 2021 C.E. Dharma note



Note 1. Global Problematique means mutually intertwined global problems such as global warming, mass extinction, pandemic, poverty, population explosion, war.


  1. “Think from the source or matrix” (yoniso manasi-kāra, lit. mind-making from the womb) means to mentally orient (think/determine/will) from the original/fundamental source/system.


  1. Eightfold Awareness/Awakening of Great Persons (Mahā-purisa-vitakka/-bodhi/mahā-purua-vitarka/-bodhi) are:

little desire (appiccha/appicchā),  contentment (santuṭṭha/santuṣṭa), seclusion         (pavivitta/pravivitta), striving (viriya/vīrya), mindfulness (sati/smti), concentration (samāhita), prognosis (paňňā/prajňā), no speculation (appapaňca/aprapaňca).

  1. Note: Paradigm Shift:






























The above pictures were taken and sent by

Rev. Erin Daiho, member, editor, contributor,

living in Washington State.








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